Winstrol tabs 50mg 5-6 weeks

lol... 3-5kg of mass? not even close bro. your 19, u can gain that naturally. All your gonna get from winny is some strength and a decreased HPTA function, aka lowered testosterone levels. And guess what, ya need testosterone to build muscle.

5kg is easy possible. Have read a lot of logs that people at least gained 5kg of winny only 50mg ed. :P.. if i wanna gain 5kg LEAN mass it takes 2 years man at this level.. cleanbulking now 3.5kcal.
5kg is easy possible. Have read a lot of logs that people at least gained 5kg of winny only 50mg ed. :P.. if i wanna gain 5kg LEAN mass it takes 2 years man at this level.. cleanbulking now 3.5kcal.

Your not going to gain 10lbs of solid lean mass on winstrol dude, people are liars on here and over exaggerate everything. I promise you right now your not gonna gain 10lbs of solid muscle. That takes a long fucking time to do even with gear.
Seriously space, we are not trying to hide any secrets from you. We are saying all this for your own well-being and progress. You have great stats for a young pup, but if you stay dedicated to your diet and training while you have naturally high test levels, you could be a natural freak by age 25. Then if you want to cycle, you can run some real cycles and be a true monster.
Posted from my iPhone
Seriously space, we are not trying to hide any secrets from you. We are saying all this for your own well-being and progress. You have great stats for a young pup, but if you stay dedicated to your diet and training while you have naturally high test levels, you could be a natural freak by age 25. Then if you want to cycle, you can run some real cycles and be a true monster.
Posted from my iPhone

He speaks the truth!
Your being 100x smarter now though. No more mega-doses and multiple multiple compounds.
And personally i think you look better now than when you were on the ftw cycle.
Posted from my iPhone
Your not going to gain 10lbs of solid lean mass on winstrol dude, people are liars on here and over exaggerate everything. I promise you right now your not gonna gain 10lbs of solid muscle. That takes a long fucking time to do even with gear.

read this log

Winstrol only (tabs) 6wk - Pagina 3 - forum

post #49


I'm back. Unfortunately not fully recovered but trained yesterday and again today ... Just a short update.

After having been ill (and still are) happy no mass loss, at least as it looks. The scale makes me happy. Yesterday trained arms and chest today. Again a huge pump and won for the first time real pain in my biceps!

When I now look after the past 3 1 / 2 week in which I use Winstrol can I get the following concrete advantages and disadvantages and give natural, or lack


- More drive to train, maximum focus on the goal
- Increased libido
- Noticeably stronger
- Increased muscle + pump in more vascularity
- Mass gain (muscle mass)
- Fat is approximately 1 to 2 percent (could be better but that is not
I am about to try and force some ground tackle)
- Increased stamina during exercise
- Muscles are more visible, I am myself fuller and apparently drier

- Take 2 tabs twice a day. (Conscious decision regarding half-life).
- In the early burden of weird dreams
- First big night sleep
- Many sweating during the day (not an issue for me but for some
- A few small pimples especially on the shoulders and back
- Slightly oily skin (feel particularly since the last 2 days in my face)
- Acidification during Training / stiff muscles (it feels. But sometimes tricky)
- Minimum charge of joints (especially shoulders, but it's giant

- In 3 weeks 2 to 3kg (fat percentage slightly decreased 1
- 2%)

I said it before but I am very satisfied so far. I do not rule out that I frequent in my Winstrol cycle will take. It's easy for anyone to use and therefore a good choice for a first course, I own.

Well let me say that I, alongside my course, everything has to do to become stronger and larger. My advice is therefore primarily do the same! Eat as they should, drink enough water, enough sleep and keep in mind that you're dealing with AAS. So listen to your body and stop when you're not feeling well. Nothing is worth you worrying for your own good!

Furthermore I believe that you should make every workout is best. So tomorrow will be better than today, better than the day after tomorrow! I have found that using a psychological AAS button sales, as I said that extra drive to your goals. But I keep in my mind a possibly. slight decline, so I'll post certainly not disappointed!

Until the next update and thanks for the comments

translate with google dude with 170kg becnh first cycle.
btw winstrol works beter if ur low fat i have heard many times..
read this log

Winstrol only (tabs) 6wk - Pagina 3 - forum

post #49


I'm back. Unfortunately not fully recovered but trained yesterday and again today ... Just a short update.

After having been ill (and still are) happy no mass loss, at least as it looks. The scale makes me happy. Yesterday trained arms and chest today. Again a huge pump and won for the first time real pain in my biceps!

When I now look after the past 3 1 / 2 week in which I use Winstrol can I get the following concrete advantages and disadvantages and give natural, or lack


- More drive to train, maximum focus on the goal
- Increased libido
- Noticeably stronger
- Increased muscle + pump in more vascularity
- Mass gain (muscle mass)
- Fat is approximately 1 to 2 percent (could be better but that is not
I am about to try and force some ground tackle)
- Increased stamina during exercise
- Muscles are more visible, I am myself fuller and apparently drier

- Take 2 tabs twice a day. (Conscious decision regarding half-life).
- In the early burden of weird dreams
- First big night sleep
- Many sweating during the day (not an issue for me but for some
- A few small pimples especially on the shoulders and back
- Slightly oily skin (feel particularly since the last 2 days in my face)
- Acidification during Training / stiff muscles (it feels. But sometimes tricky)
- Minimum charge of joints (especially shoulders, but it's giant

- In 3 weeks 2 to 3 pounds (fat percentage slightly decreased 1
- 2%)

I said it before but I am very satisfied so far. I do not rule out that I frequent in my Winstrol cycle will take. It's easy for anyone to use and therefore a good choice for a first course, I own.

Well let me say that I, alongside my course, everything has to do to become stronger and larger. My advice is therefore primarily do the same! Eat as they should, drink enough water, enough sleep and keep in mind that you're dealing with AAS. So listen to your body and stop when you're not feeling well. Nothing is worth you worrying for your own good!

Furthermore I believe that you should make every workout is best. So tomorrow will be better than today, better than the day after tomorrow! I have found that using a psychological AAS button sales, as I said that extra drive to your goals. But I keep in my mind a possibly. slight decline, so I'll post certainly not disappointed!

Until the next update and thanks for the comments

translate with google dude with 170kg becnh first cycle.
btw winstrol works beter if ur low fat i have heard many times..
those 2-3 pounds meant to be kg.. i dont know if 5kg will be gained.. ill see if i try the cycle :P

Whatever dude, im done giving u advice, go ahead and fuck ur endocrine system up. have a nice day, im done here.:tiphat
Space, the best possible thing that could happen to you would be that you buy sugar-pills thinking they are winstrol. Why? Because the mind is an amazing thing, and the placebo effect is case and point. You would train harder, eat better, and be more dedicated because you would be thinking that you were using winny. You'd probably gain a solid 4-6lbs of lean mass because of the placebo effect.
Posted from my iPhone
One- you wil put a few pounds on at most with winny only. Other then a hardner for the beach, I think wistrol is a waste time especially by itself.
Two- 50mgs a day would destroy my joints within a few weeks.

For the money there are other orals that are much better and really work well.

I am using Bolasterone right now. It is incredible. Strength way up. Pumped up like dbol without bloat. And I feel like a million bucks. You should really do more research before jumping on things.

For instance, by itself I would rather do ananvar. At 40mg a day you can see real results without joint issues.
Just my opinon. Good luck.
One- you wil put a few pounds on at most with winny only. Other then a hardner for the beach, I think wistrol is a waste time especially by itself.
Two- 50mgs a day would destroy my joints within a few weeks.

For the money there are other orals that are much better and really work well.

I am using Bolasterone right now. It is incredible. Strength way up. Pumped up like dbol without bloat. And I feel like a million bucks. You should really do more research before jumping on things.

For instance, by itself I would rather do ananvar. At 40mg a day you can see real results without joint issues.
Just my opinon. Good luck.

Or, hes 19 and he shouldn't be juicing at all... Just sayin
is kinda reached :P

No its not, i can almost guarantee u that, start eating 5000 calories a day and watch yourself grow like a weed. Cause remember, if ur not eating enough food, even with steroids u wont grow at all whatsoever.
5000kcal not now hehe im pretty lean now atm. wanna fuck this summer bro.. anyway ill see wat i can gain from cleanbulk was gonna start this after highschool anyway yes highschool is here 1 year longer than in the usa
Wtf is :p .... seriously kid sticking ur tongue out? Are you 19 or a 9 year old trying to fuck with us? Get off the computer hit the gym and fix ur diet and when you mature(if ever) come back don't waste our time we are trying to help or learn here.
Posted from my BlackBerry