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Wtf is :p .... seriously kid sticking ur tongue out? Are you 19 or a 9 year old trying to fuck with us? Get off the computer hit the gym and fix ur diet and when you mature(if ever) come back don't waste our time we are trying to help or learn here.
Posted from my BlackBerry

He doesnt understand without food he wont grow!
Lol, nice my sister looks like that just with an actual chest but not bad.

I don't have a picture cuz I have nothing to prove to anyone on here also I don't do pissing contests with anyone I just speak of what I know to help and learn from other members here. People like you are the statistics about the wrongs of aas u said ur trying to fuck over summer? Really that's ur main concern and goal? Ur a joke and a disgrace, your gonna mess up your life by running a winny only cycle an oral winny only cycle which is even more insulting that the oil or water based one. I'm not trying to argue or insult you but you can lean out with oroper diet and without any aas specially one as harsh and useless as winny despite what dome might say. Winny is the one of the worst drugs for your liver and joints. I trained my cousin put him on a diet and in 2 months he dropped from 19 percent bf to 12, natural no clen var or winny. You will never achieve ur goals if ur diet is wrong, diet is key, diet, rest, training, then comes the steroid you choose. You can be on test dbol and deca if u don't eat u won't grow, at the same time u can be on var mast prop and tren ace if u live at burger king or wendys u will not loose weight. diet first and then jump on gear. Listen to what ur being told from various experienced members. For your own good.
Posted from my BlackBerry
Lol, nice my sister looks like that just with an actual chest but not bad.

I don't have a picture cuz I have nothing to prove to anyone on here also I don't do pissing contests with anyone I just speak of what I know to help and learn from other members here. People like you are the statistics about the wrongs of aas u said ur trying to fuck over summer? Really that's ur main concern and goal? Ur a joke and a disgrace, your gonna mess up your life by running a winny only cycle an oral winny only cycle which is even more insulting that the oil or water based one. I'm not trying to argue or insult you but you can lean out with oroper diet and without any aas specially one as harsh and useless as winny despite what dome might say. Winny is the one of the worst drugs for your liver and joints. I trained my cousin put him on a diet and in 2 months he dropped from 19 percent bf to 12, natural no clen var or winny. You will never achieve ur goals if ur diet is wrong, diet is key, diet, rest, training, then comes the steroid you choose. You can be on test dbol and deca if u don't eat u won't grow, at the same time u can be on var mast prop and tren ace if u live at burger king or wendys u will not loose weight. diet first and then jump on gear. Listen to what ur being told from various experienced members. For your own good.
Posted from my BlackBerry

this is natural hea ^^.. my main goal ofc isnt that... But, how the hell will a simple cycle of winny fuck my life up like srsly.. i know i might quit this and do it when im 21, but idk a lot of 20 years old logs at bodybuild forums whoare cycling and dont report that many problems..
It can really hurt your joints and is probably the worst steroid on the liver. It also will suppress u and keep ur test down for a while. So it can lead on to ruining ur summer and the fucking you and all of us want to be doing this summer. Winny in my opinion is over rated, it only really works if you have already low body fat and the sides are worse when compared to other orals such as var tbol ect. A clean diet will help you lean out like nothing else. Trust me on that one diet is key you can ask any of the pros or any true gym rat. There's a reason why arnold, jason huh, franco and all the big guys of the past and current times say how important diet and discipline is.
Posted from my BlackBerry
It can really hurt your joints and is probably the worst steroid on the liver. It also will suppress u and keep ur test down for a while. So it can lead on to ruining ur summer and the fucking you and all of us want to be doing this summer. Winny in my opinion is over rated, it only really works if you have already low body fat and the sides are worse when compared to other orals such as var tbol ect. A clean diet will help you lean out like nothing else. Trust me on that one diet is key you can ask any of the pros or any true gym rat. There's a reason why arnold, jason huh, franco and all the big guys of the past and current times say how important diet and discipline is.
Posted from my BlackBerry

i know diet is key but im almost maxed its hard to put mass on now. i take liver support during the cycle if i do the cycle. and take nolva 4 weeks 20mg ed after the cycle to get my test back up. i actually don;t think liver gets hit that bad from just 1 cycle. i think it damages my HPTA but that's all.
Haha, anavar is amazing in my book. I would recommend you try to fix your diet and training. Add more cardio eat less carbs and fats. Do that and then hit the aas. I have done var and I have given to friends and gym partners and have all seen results I like it over winny and its less harmful and will give more results.
Posted from my BlackBerry
Haha, anavar is amazing in my book. I would recommend you try to fix your diet and training. Add more cardio eat less carbs and fats. Do that and then hit the aas. I have done var and I have given to friends and gym partners and have all seen results I like it over winny and its less harmful and will give more results.
Posted from my BlackBerry

dude... hes 19 HE DOESNT NEED ROIDS lol
is anavar not hitting ur hpta hard? i have heard its toxic for the liver just like winny -.- but the ohter side's are less
what can i expect from anavar? 50mg ed for 6 weeks pct will be nolva..

No mass gains, just mostly vascularity and strength, decreased libido, and feeling like shit due to testosterone suppression.

To see any small mass gains whatsoever, doses should be at 100mg everyday. Even then, mass gains wouldnt be noticable, youd be lucky to see.
so you recommend ANAVAR FOR ME as 19 yo ? it will give some mass lol its my first cycle anyway so ill react nice to the aas..
so you recommend ANAVAR FOR ME as 19 yo ? it will give some mass lol its my first cycle anyway so ill react nice to the aas..

Anavar wont add any mass to you at all even if its your first cycle. Its used at a finish-up for cutting cycles. Or maintain muscle while cutting, and isnt going to add any mass, especially at 50mg. You dont know anything about AAS or how your body is going to react to it. If u were smart you wouldnt be taking it right now. If you want to gain mass, you need to eat. Theres no way around it.

And no i dont reccomend any AAS to you at all, ive told you this.
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Let me be the one to go out on a limb here, I insist.
Space, I do not believe that the picture you posted was you, and if it was, that you have not ever touched a steroid or pro-hormone. If you can prove that that was indeed you by taking another picture holding a sign that says "are you happy someanddone?" then I will believe it is you. But there still is no way to know if you ever have or have not used anything.
In the unlikely scenario that it is you in that picture and you are 100% natural, then I would like to say congratulations on building a great bodybuilder's body at age 19. The key word there is bodybuilder's. In order for you to start breaking through this barrier, you need to start eating and training like a powerlifter. You know Ronnie Coleman started out as a powerlifter right? There is a reason why he was built the way he was/is.
But that advice was all assuming that it was you in that pic and that you haven't used anything before.
Regardless, the bottom line is that you can still make gains without fucking up your hpta. Eat eat eat eat eat and lift like a powerlifter, meaning concentrate more on heavy compound movements and less on vanity.
Posted from my iPhone
Let me be the one to go out on a limb here, I insist.
Space, I do not believe that the picture you posted was you, and if it was, that you have not ever touched a steroid or pro-hormone. If you can prove that that was indeed you by taking another picture holding a sign that says "are you happy someanddone?" then I will believe it is you. But there still is no way to know if you ever have or have not used anything.
In the unlikely scenario that it is you in that picture and you are 100% natural, then I would like to say congratulations on building a great bodybuilder's body at age 19. The key word there is bodybuilder's. In order for you to start breaking through this barrier, you need to start eating and training like a powerlifter. You know Ronnie Coleman started out as a powerlifter right? There is a reason why he was built the way he was/is.
But that advice was all assuming that it was you in that pic and that you haven't used anything before.
Regardless, the bottom line is that you can still make gains without fucking up your hpta. Eat eat eat eat eat and lift like a powerlifter, meaning concentrate more on heavy compound movements and less on vanity.
Posted from my iPhone

Hes not going to get the point dude, he has his mind set on that cutting substances are "safe" on hpta and that hell gain 10lbs of lean mass from them, because of what his ignorant trainer told him.

What he doesnt realize is he could gain all of that without the use of AAS.
Your right bro, but I'm hoping that he will really listen to us and protect his health.

Funny how the kids come on asking for help, and if we tell them to inject certain amounts of hormones in their body, they obey. If we tell them to wait because it could harm their health, they don't trust us.
Posted from my iPhone
Let me be the one to go out on a limb here, I insist.
Space, I do not believe that the picture you posted was you, and if it was, that you have not ever touched a steroid or pro-hormone. If you can prove that that was indeed you by taking another picture holding a sign that says "are you happy someanddone?" then I will believe it is you. But there still is no way to know if you ever have or have not used anything.
In the unlikely scenario that it is you in that picture and you are 100% natural, then I would like to say congratulations on building a great bodybuilder's body at age 19. The key word there is bodybuilder's. In order for you to start breaking through this barrier, you need to start eating and training like a powerlifter. You know Ronnie Coleman started out as a powerlifter right? There is a reason why he was built the way he was/is.
But that advice was all assuming that it was you in that pic and that you haven't used anything before.
Regardless, the bottom line is that you can still make gains without fucking up your hpta. Eat eat eat eat eat and lift like a powerlifter, meaning concentrate more on heavy compound movements and less on vanity.
Posted from my iPhone

yes, im kinda maxed out i think. powerlifting all the guys i know who are doing pling here are kidna fat no offence.. but anavar isnt hitting ur hpta, it has almost no side's.. i know why they are fat for the balance but... they dont have that much mass like a bber
i know a guy whos curling 10x60kg with 37 cm arms.. hes pling 18 years old 1rm close grip bench 120kg squat 160kg dl 210kg..