Winstrol tabs 50mg 5-6 weeks

kbd, nothing else to do then raging on other members.. some people react beter to winny then others. btw thanks for the threat hijack

Point is, dont come here asking for advice and then be a smartass when people give it to you. Winstrol alone is stupid and your getting no benefit out of it. You want strength mass and power, than testosterone is the way to go if you wanna run winstrol than run test with it, or else its a dumbass cycle. Why are all you guys such pussies to run test?

and sir_winstrol makes claims he has absolutely no proof on, "Losing 80% of gains after a test cycle", thats something MORONS pull out of their ass. With a prop training and diet and a good PCT i know plenty of people who have maintained almost all of their gains. But people like you are too lazy.
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Point is, dont come here asking for advice and then be a smartass when people give it to you. Winstrol alone is stupid and your getting no benefit out of it. You want strength mass and power, than testosterone is the way to go. Why are all you guys such pussies to run test?

since im kidna young, not wise to fuck my test up right now thats why
If you are young then don't cycle at all. And as its been said many times, winstrol can fuck up your hpta as well, especially without a pct. You need to be patient and eat more food. How old are you?
19, i know ill take nolva for 3-4 weeks 20mg ed for hpta. my growhtplates are already closed, bb 3 years now 43-44 cm guns 1rm bench 130kg 1rm dl 185 1rm sq 150
since im kidna young, not wise to fuck my test up right now thats why

Your not wise at all PERIOD.


Lets point out how your an idiot.

I quote you: "Since im kinda young, not wise to fuck my test up right now thats why".

Ok so youll take a compound to suppress your natural test (WHICH IS FUCKING UP YOUR TEST), and feel like total shit?

Also winstrol isnt nowhere NEAR as effect as sir_dumbass says it is, it doesnt burn fat, it doesnt build any mass, the only thing that winstrol is useful for is during a low calorie cutting cycle to maintain size and strength and give you a harder-defined look to your ALREADY SHREDDED physique.

And you say your young, so let me ask HOW young. If your under 25 you shouldnt be taking it at all. And yeah I DID, and believe me i regret it. I dont care what fucking hormone your taking...


Your shutting your HPTA down for no good cause, no good gains, practically for nothing.

It doesnt matter if your growth plates are fucking closed and how the hell do u know if they are, you need to reach NATURAL genetic potential before touching this stuff. TAKE IT FROM ME, i started young. I wish i woulda waited.
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Your not wise at all PERIOD.


Lets point out how your an idiot.

I quote you: "Since im kinda young, not wise to fuck my test up right now thats why".

Ok so youll take a compound to suppress your natural test (WHICH IS FUCKING UP YOUR TEST), and feel like total shit?

Also winstrol isnt nowhere NEAR as effect as sir_dumbass says it is, it doesnt burn fat, it doesnt build any mass, the only thing that winstrol is useful for is during a low calorie cutting cycle to maintain size and strength and give you a harder-defined look to your ALREADY SHREDDED physique.

And you say your young, so let me ask HOW young. If your under 25 you shouldnt be taking it at all. And yeah I DID, and believe me i regret it. I dont care what fucking hormone your taking...


Your shutting your HPTA down for no good cause, no good gains, practically for nothing.

It doesnt matter if your growth plates are fucking closed and how the hell do u know if they are, you need to reach NATURAL genetic potential before touching this stuff. TAKE IT FROM ME, i started young. I wish i woulda waited.

my trainer said 50mg won't shut you down like other roids as dbol/deca etc. wat dose are you saying that wont shut me down¿
my trainer said 50mg won't shut you down like other roids as dbol/deca etc. wat dose are you saying that wont shut me down¿

LOL, your trainer is giving a 19 year old advice to use steroids? Well that shows right there he isnt very smart at all, also adding in that he says winstrol wont shut you down...

In layman Terms


what age did you take? There are soms guys here take took it before 21 here. never had problems so far.

You believe them just because THEY TOLD U they dont have any problems? Of course they arent going to admit anything. I took it when i was 20.
i said i wanted it badly to use something to help me out.

he said winstrol as a light steroid wouldn't matter so much, since it doesn't shut down your own test. He didnt advice others because they will shut you down... But he recommend the dose of 50mg for 5-6 weeks.. so youre saying it does on 50mg? on what dosage it doesn't ?
i said i wanted it badly to use something to help me out.

he said winstrol as a light steroid wouldn't matter so much, since it doesn't shut down your own test. He didnt advice others because they will shut you down... But he recommend the dose of 50mg for 5-6 weeks.. so youre saying it does on 50mg? on what dosage it doesn't ?

oh and i told him i dont suspect much from winstrol only but he didnt advice me to take test with it thats why
i said i wanted it badly to use something to help me out.

he said winstrol as a light steroid wouldn't matter so much, since it doesn't shut down your own test. He didnt advice others because they will shut you down... But he recommend the dose of 50mg for 5-6 weeks.. so youre saying it does on 50mg? on what dosage it doesn't ?

oh and i told him i dont suspect much from winstrol only but he didnt advice me to take test with it thats why

At a dose that it wouldnt suppress you much u wuldnt see a god damn thing from it. anything under 25mg a day probably wouldnt suppress u much but you wouldnt see results worth of shit.

Stay natural Eat more food, grow like a week, come back in 6 years then hit a real cycle.
At a dose that it wouldnt suppress you much u wuldnt see a god damn thing from it. anything under 25mg a day probably wouldnt suppress u much but you wouldnt see results worth of shit.

Stay natural Eat more food, grow like a week, come back in 6 years then hit a real cycle.

hard to gain anything natural at this level hehe. anyway what do i expect for side's from a WINNY ONLY cycle at this level. ill cycle again when im 21
KBD, if your up to a civilized conversation i'll give it a try. Winstrol at low doses wont suppress you not even remotely as bad as moderate amounts of testosterone and especially deca or trenbolone. It is out of your system quickly and decent gains can be made in 6 weeks or so, your HPTA wil recover much more quickly than from moderate or high dose test/deca. I never said Winny wont suppress your endogenous testosteorne production but it wont do it even half as bad as test, or worse deca.

To back this up, I had blood test with testosterone levels measured exactly 1,5 months after my first cycle: my tes levels were 750 ng/dL which in my opinion is pretty good. I took 25-30 mg winny in 6 weeks and added 30 lbs to my bench and squat max, kept almost all of these gains.

The point is there is a place for cycles like this, they suit for a novice whose androgenic receptors will respond to even small amounts of anabolics.

Ofcourse test should be added when you progress to your next cycles. I have had test on my last 2 cycles of 4 in total. Your androgenic reactors probably wont respond to low amount winny/whatever only cycles that well after the first or second cycle afterall.
hard to gain anything natural at this level hehe. anyway what do i expect for side's from a WINNY ONLY cycle at this level. ill cycle again when im 21

wtf? when you're 21? how the hell old are you now? You sound way too young to be messing with this bro. Your natural T levels should still be high at your age and you should be able to make tremendous gains naturally. The part that's "hard" is the commitment. Everybody wants the easy way out. AAS are not the answer. You can do irreperable damage by taking it that young. Guys make that mistake all the time an I was one of those guys. You probably have a great sex drive now and pretty good metabolism...but it sounds like you lack the drive to get the job done properly and could possibly have an addictive personality due to your lack of work ethic. Again, I DO NOT know you, but this is what can be percieved from your comments.
KBD, if your up to a civilized conversation i'll give it a try. Winstrol at low doses wont suppress you not even remotely as bad as moderate amounts of testosterone and especially deca or trenbolone. It is out of your system quickly and decent gains can be made in 6 weeks or so, your HPTA wil recover much more quickly than from moderate or high dose test/deca. I never said Winny wont suppress your endogenous testosteorne production but it wont do it even half as bad as test, or worse deca.

To back this up, I had blood test with testosterone levels measured exactly 1,5 months after my first cycle: my tes levels were 750 ng/dL which in my opinion is pretty good. I took 25-30 mg winny in 6 weeks and added 30 lbs to my bench and squat max, kept almost all of these gains.

The point is there is a place for cycles like this, they suit for a novice whose androgenic receptors will respond to even small amounts of anabolics.

Ofcourse test should be added when you progress to your next cycles. I have had test on my last 2 cycles of 4 in total. Your androgenic reactors probably wont respond to low amount winny/whatever only cycles that well after the first or second cycle afterall.

I still call bullshit on you saying winstrol didnt suppress you. Whats it matter, its a pointless cycle for mass, YOU WILL NOT GAIN ANY MASS ON WINSTROL AT ALL, esp at 25mg a day. The kid obviously wants to add mass, and the only way to add mass is to EAT EAT EAT EAT. Hes bitching saying he cant add mass, hes not eating 4000-5000 calories a day either i guarantee it. And whats funny, idc what steroid you take, if your not eating enough U WONT GROW.

wtf? when you're 21? how the hell old are you now? You sound way too young to be messing with this bro. Your natural T levels should still be high at your age and you should be able to make tremendous gains naturally. The part that's "hard" is the commitment. Everybody wants the easy way out. AAS are not the answer. You can do irreperable damage by taking it that young. Guys make that mistake all the time an I was one of those guys. You probably have a great sex drive now and pretty good metabolism...but it sounds like you lack the drive to get the job done properly and could possibly have an addictive personality due to your lack of work ethic. Again, I DO NOT know you, but this is what can be percieved from your comments.

And get some, i agree its pure laziness and what these people dont understand is if you dont have enough food going into your body, even with massive amounts of AAS u still wont gain a fucking pound, and if u do it will most likely be water retention from elevated E2 levels.

Winstrol is out of the question, because you dont gain anything but strength with it.
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LK, I personally agree that to gain significant strength you will, as a by-product, gain muscle mass. As it pertains to this thread however, I believe that the kid just wants to look bigger, and we all know that mass can present itself differently. Most winny mass gains are in the dense, hard, lean variety. This kid would probably be happier with synthol so he could see immediate results, not have to work at all, and not fuck up his hpta. Obviously he would be an idiot to cycle at all at this point in his life, but he will wind up doing what he wants. Not sure where I was going with this little diatribe, maybe just trying to express my opinion on the different kinds of mass that can come with strength gains.
Posted from my iPhone
And while you are gaining strength are you not putting on mass at that same time??

If that were the case than all Olympic lifters would be huge. And Ive seen some scrawny Olympic lifters do some very impressive lifts. So not thats not ALWAYS the case. Just because your skinny doesn't mean your weak and just because your HUGE doesn't mean your the strongest guy either. There are plenty of dudes who are twice my size and still cant keep up with me on certain exercises.

LK, I personally agree that to gain significant strength you will, as a by-product, gain muscle mass. As it pertains to this thread however, I believe that the kid just wants to look bigger, and we all know that mass can present itself differently. Most winny mass gains are in the dense, hard, lean variety. This kid would probably be happier with synthol so he could see immediate results, not have to work at all, and not fuck up his hpta. Obviously he would be an idiot to cycle at all at this point in his life, but he will wind up doing what he wants. Not sure where I was going with this little diatribe, maybe just trying to express my opinion on the different kinds of mass that can come with strength gains.
Posted from my iPhone

Exactly my point, hes thinking hes going to gain a significant amount of weight with winstrol and its just not gonna happen.
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If that were the case than all Olympic lifters would be huge. And Ive seen some scrawny Olympic lifters do some very impressive lifts. So not thats not ALWAYS the case. Just because your skinny doesn't mean your weak and just because your HUGE doesn't mean your the strongest guy either. There are plenty of dudes who are twice my size and still cant keep up with me on certain exercises.

Exactly my point, hes thinking hes going to gain a significant amount of weight with winstrol and its just not gonna happen.

i think i gain like 3-5kg lean mass of it, + 20kg on the 3 1rm. which will give me beastly stats at 19 man.
19 yo bber with 1rm 150kg bench bro.
i think i gain like 3-5kg lean mass of it, + 20kg on the 3 1rm. which will give me beastly stats at 19 man.
19 yo bber with 1rm 150kg bench bro.

lol... 3-5kg of mass? not even close bro. your 19, u can gain that naturally. All your gonna get from winny is some strength and a decreased HPTA function, aka lowered testosterone levels. And guess what, ya need testosterone to build muscle.