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You think powerlifters are fat for balance? And that they don't have much mass? Hahahaha. You are young and naive, but rest assured, powerlifters have immense mass. It's not as visible because of the layer of fat that almost all powerlifters carry, but it is there.
And the reason they have more fat is because they eat more in one day than you probably do in a week. They eat so much so that their muscles constantly have fuel and food for repair. Think about the fact that elite heavyweight powerlifters are generally well over 300 pounds and could cut down to 250+ of shredded muscle, all without ever training for hyperteophy and most of the time without training with isolation movements regularly. Ever seen mariusz pudjanowski? 300 pounds of shredded absurdity, and a 3 or 4 time worlds strongest man winner. Think bill kazmier didn't have much mass, hahahahaha, look at some of his videos.
Bottom-line is, powerlifting is sometimes the only way to break through a bodybuilding plateau.
And anavar does affect the hpta.
Posted from my iPhone
Your right bro, but I'm hoping that he will really listen to us and protect his health.

Funny how the kids come on asking for help, and if we tell them to inject certain amounts of hormones in their body, they obey. If we tell them to wait because it could harm their health, they don't trust us.
Posted from my iPhone

He still isnt listening. Look let him run 60-70mg of var a day for 6-8 weeks, hell be back on here complaining about his sex drive in no time. Then well see how "Var doesnt effect the HPTA"

lol [:o)]
ill think about. but if i do the var cycle ill make a log if possible on this site, its not useless it can be used as a "bad" example..
Kbd, I told him twice not to do it, even as I spoke about anavar I told him he should wait a few years. Anavar will suppress you and hurt your libido if ran without test just like any other aas. He should not use anything yet and wait a while, switch his training and diet before making this life decision.
Posted from my BlackBerry
Space, again, read my post above about powerlifters. You need to try that for about six months, then come back to bodybuilding with your newfound strength. You could be a NATURAL freak which is so much more impressive for a young kid than a juiced up teen.
Be fucking smart, dedicated, and disciplined. Don't be a lazy, ignorant, impatient dumbass.
Posted from my iPhone
Space, again, read my post above about powerlifters. You need to try that for about six months, then come back to bodybuilding with your newfound strength. You could be a NATURAL freak which is so much more impressive for a young kid than a juiced up teen.
Be fucking smart, dedicated, and disciplined. Don't be a lazy, ignorant, impatient dumbass.
Posted from my iPhone

exactly, powerlifting does wonders for adding mass, and if u diet with powerlifting u could add some lean mass, that heavy weight does the trick!
KBD, for the 5th time, Winny or Anavar do suppress HPTA (no one has denied that) but here comes the point which you have managed to miss, there is a HUGE difference how long it takes for the body to recover from a modest dose winny/anavar only cycle or shooting up 1 gram of test + all the rest of the goodies.

You said you're worried about the lack of sex drive during cycle without added test, might be so, but you're also dead wrong if you think you're gonna rebound back up to reasonable test levels after doing a long cycle of 1 g test 600 mg deca/ew + 100 mg anadrol/ed. No matter what kind of PCT you run it will take months (maybe even a year) to rebound even close to your pre-cycle test levels. Ofcourse if your goal is to be competing at a high level in bodybuilding then maybe this is the way to go since you will be on a new cycle in no time anyway. However for the casual bodybuilder who is new to steroids and who considers his health issues too the choice between a mild cycle and the example a posted above shouldnt be hard to make.

Btw talking about BBS ID 'Space's age, isnt KBD 20 yearish, yet he has been cycling on off for 2 years or so? Hypocrite crap I say.

Can we keep to civilized conversation this time without resorting to name calling ec.?
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KBD, for the 5th time, Winny or Anavar do suppress HPTA (no one has denied that) but here comes the point which you have managed to miss, there is a HUGE difference how long it takes for the body to recover from a modest dose winny/anavar only cycle or shooting up 1 gram of test + all the rest of the goodies.

You said you're worried about the lack of sex drive during cycle without added test, might be so, but you're also dead wrong if you think you're gonna rebound back up to reasonable test levels after doing a long cycle of 1 g test 600 mg deca/ew + 100 mg anadrol/ed. No matter what kind of PCT you run it will take months (maybe even a year) to rebound even close to your pre-cycle test levels. Ofcourse if your goal is to be competing at a high level in bodybuilding then maybe this is the way to go since you will be on a new cycle in no time anyway. However for the casual bodybuilder who is new to steroids and who considers his health issues too the choice between a mild cycle and the example a posted above shouldnt be hard to make.

Btw talking about BBS ID 'Space's age, isnt KBD 20 yearish, yet he has been cycling on off for 2 years or so? Hypocrite crap I say.

Can we keep to civilized conversation this time without resorting to name calling ec.?

So just because i cycled so young that means its ok for him to? Im just trying to steer him away from making the same mistake i did.

Because a lower dose turns into a bigger dose because as humans we get greedy.

Whatever dude, you know it all. Just leave it at that ok. Im not wasting anymore energy on a moron.