New Member
This is pertinent info. I want to hear it. WE need to hear it
Im not interested in taking away your MESO privileges what so ever
Im interested in exposing you for what you are. You see Xnoob, here in MESO all you have is your word. Your word needs to be trusted and valued for this whole social experiment to work. You gave all that up when you admitted an attempt to extort free gear from a source. That places you in worthless territory. Nothing you say holds a drop of water and that is where you will stay.
Kindest regards
Haha I hear what your laying down there trukk but who cares anymore when all this place is anymore is a cesspool for sources to do what they please and Winey ass bitches who most don't even lift? I don't care if anyone likes it or not just the simple truth and obviously no one can handle it so fuck em if they can't take a joke!