Rest days are taken as needed, no cardio on cycle. off cycle daily cardio varies between mile of sprints and mile jog. everything 3 sets of 10 to failure. No order for workouts, Example: if I want to do chest 2 days and skip legs.
-Curls -WristCurls -Closesgripbench -Platepinch -inclineCURLS -HammerCurls -Cable overhead -Cablepushdown -barbell curl -wrist extension- dip machine -preacher curls - tricep extension
2. Lat/ Traps/ Delts
-Military barbell press -shrugs -uprightrow -pullups -latraises -dumbellrow -overhead dumbell press -facepull -lat pulldown - seatedrow -shoulder press machine -rear pecdeck flymachine
3. Legs/lower back
-sprints -boxjumps -squats -goodmorning- deadlift -lunges -thigh abduction- legpress -backextension -legextension -leg curls
4.Chest (rotate focus on lower or upper)
-barbell benchpress -incline benchpress -decline bechpress -cable crossovers -flys -dumbell decline press -dumbell incline press -dumbell press -peckdeckflymachine -seated machine press
5. Abs and cardio day is a whole fuckery that I dont want to try and explain
Thoughts, input, feedback? sharing for others to try and for input on valuble changes/fixes that can be made
-Curls -WristCurls -Closesgripbench -Platepinch -inclineCURLS -HammerCurls -Cable overhead -Cablepushdown -barbell curl -wrist extension- dip machine -preacher curls - tricep extension
2. Lat/ Traps/ Delts
-Military barbell press -shrugs -uprightrow -pullups -latraises -dumbellrow -overhead dumbell press -facepull -lat pulldown - seatedrow -shoulder press machine -rear pecdeck flymachine
3. Legs/lower back
-sprints -boxjumps -squats -goodmorning- deadlift -lunges -thigh abduction- legpress -backextension -legextension -leg curls
4.Chest (rotate focus on lower or upper)
-barbell benchpress -incline benchpress -decline bechpress -cable crossovers -flys -dumbell decline press -dumbell incline press -dumbell press -peckdeckflymachine -seated machine press
5. Abs and cardio day is a whole fuckery that I dont want to try and explain
Thoughts, input, feedback? sharing for others to try and for input on valuble changes/fixes that can be made