This is not a good definition.
Take flour and milk for example. You cannot buy "unprocessed" flour in Canada or the USA at a grocery store or any commercial supplier. All the flour and milk is required to be fortified with vitamins, iron, folic acid and so on. Dairy has to be pasteurized to be sold. Eggs have to be washed with detergents to remove the cuticle and then refrigerated.
These "processed foods" are objectively healthier than their non-processed counterparts. This is why people aren't getting rickets and so on today.
You cannot convince me bodybuilders that hop on steroids give up all processed foods or anything close to it. Processed foods are a fact of daily life. If anything they are eating more processed foods.
I don't think anyone willing to use PEDs is going to care about eliminating processed foods when they need to eat >3500 calories and >150 g protein per day to gain mass. It's not practical to do this on chicken breast and brown rice. Whey shakes and dextrose and cream of wheat are popular for a reason right?
Okay, if we are talking about a typical gear user as being reasonable and diligent about their diet (again, not necessarily true, you can take steroids and eat like shit, they are not like GLP-1s..) wouldn't it also be fair to talk about the typical processed food eater (i.e. 99.9% of the human population) in comparison?
Even overweight people in Canada/USA are not eating Pop Tarts and Froot Loops and Big Macs for every meal. What I have observed is that they mostly eat food at home followed by a burger and fries and coke/bag of lays >=5x per week.
To make this discussion even more absurd... the claim was "steroid use isn't as bad as eating processed foods"... My point is that processed foods are not even 1/16th as dangerous as steroids and on top of that you have agreed they aren't mutually exclusive.
That's why I think the argument about steroids vs processed foods is inane.
I still standby this:
* Processed foods are not dangerous and are a fact of life, everyone is eating them
* Even eating a full McDonald's meal every day is not that dangerous
* Steroid use and processed food consumption is not mutually exclusive
* Steroids are so much more dangerous than the SAD (standard American diet) even comparing the two is absurd
* That's why steroids are stigmatized
Read the sign.
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