
I'm on HRT and I get blood drawn every three months, and on 125 mg of Test Cyp a week.. My testosterone came back at 1987. Lab Corps was the one who drew my blood as well,, I don't see why they won't show the entire reading, perhaps it's where you live at..

It is unfortunately. I asked them for a specific number. I got the look for that one
No, I'm doing a blast with another source gear, just saving PEPS for the next blast. and going to end it with his VAR. But, I have yet to get anyones feedback on his VAR. I don't fool with dbol ,and Anadrol, etc...Want to end this blast right. Anyone using PEPS VAR??? Anyone?
Try Directlabs they gave me exact numbers. I ran a ton of labs for pre cycle, a bit pricey but I got what I paid for.
Wow. Thats the number you got from 125mg test weekly. How long were you on to reach those levels?
Also I dont think the euphoric feeling is a good thing. I felt the same thing.. your not supposed to feel that way from taking gear.