Xandoz Pharma

I never left guys. I did not like the way you treated me. You had no right to. You felt as if I was your property because I posted here. I understand.

Bro. Why oh why!! Are you still responding to them!?

I told you what to do. I know how to be successful here. Did you do it? Or did you tell me it wouldn't help because you were irreparably damaged already?

Why didn't you listen? Stop responding and get vet reviews by any means necessary. And again after I post like this, I wouldn't feel right leaving a review for you, cuz it would just make it look like I was seeking free gear. You see who is trusted here....

Contact some trusted members here and put cycles in their hands....its a worthwhile investment....trust me.
Yep agreed. Send some to Sworder. There are plenty of vets that will help you out unfortunately. Its up the the kids on the board to know the guys they can trust, and the guys that will say whatever cause gear is in hand.

I have already admitted, but let let me clearly state again, I believe your UGL produces some type of gear. So if that is a call for noobs to place an order, go for it guys. However, also let me state again, and again, and again... Your business practices are deceptive, and you are dishonest. THIS IS PROVEN. You have no response to this comment other than to state how I am wrong, and you are a great guy. I personally would not send my money your way. However, as much as I would like to protect peeps from getting burned.... if you that f*ing stupid, your going to get burned anyways... so what the hell.
Sounds like some pretty sound advice to me why in the heck didn't you ......

Generally the most expedient means of achieving some degree of initial credibility is to have some vets review "free gear" which is often achieved by mailing out some samples. The samples must be provided with absolutely no strings attached and that includes "samples for a review" NOT, since those would NOT be FREE samples now would they.

However as Stretch has already mentioned locating vets may prove difficult since many already want to distance themselves from Xandoz.

The reasoning should seem apparent, you have spent the majority of your time arguing with Meso members rather than devoting your attention to sales and proving Xandoz is GTG.

That was exactly my reasoning for suggesting earlier, lose the chip on the shoulder, swallow some pride and try to understand your primary objective is SALES.

Therefore once that next opportunity surfaces to "set things straight" and your entertaining a discursive reply, just remember when salesmen choose to argue with potential customers, they invariably sell nothing!

I said earlier SF needs some competition on Meso and GETM filled that niche only minimally, because the more companies selling product on Meso the better off Meso members will.

However the last thing we need on Meso is a reproduction of SFs early difficulties, IMO.

Finally the next time a vet gives you advice heed their warnings and abide by their suggestions if at all possible, otherwise you will go NOWHERE on Meso guaranteed!


"a review" for "free gear" because, guess what that's NOT FREE GEAR!
dishonest people are... well... dishonest... they have no problem with selective scamming, underdosing, keeping funds... and the list goes on.