Call me paranoid but Uncapped vials make me nervous....not sure if I would ever buy a vial that doesn't have a safety cap on it and has a hole in the stopper where someone has filled it.....just saying!
Have you looked around at every other source on every board and seen how many other sources besides yourself use ups? NONE.
Do you know what every ugl/source besides you use. USPS. You believe they are sleeping on ups?
@Xeno Pharmaceuticals you obviously haven't put a lot of thought into this whole drug dealing thing. You admitted to being an amateur and are acting as such. From packaging to delivery sounds like a risk to me. This is the wrong place to to come with a half ass scheme to peddle bull shit. Don't disrespect us like this ... Leave now or have your ass handed to you.
Well, if even one member would like to see what we have to offer, i do not think its your place or anyone elses to decide for them whether im welcome, considering this is an open forum. Im sorry you feel that way, i hope that i can sway you through results and lab testing in the future.

Thank you,

You are correct, Meso is an open uncensored forum. However, Meso is not a source board and is not intended to be used as a sales platform.

Meso's intent regarding sources is for discussion and the free uncensored exchange of information, meaning; you are welcome to post here and address any customer issues but using Meso to set up shop is not welcome.

Although no one can force you to stop using Meso as a sales platform, it would be wise to take your business elsewhere. The long list of sources who received their deathblow at the hands of Meso is riddled in the underground sub-forum.
Have you looked around at every other source on every board and seen how many other sources besides yourself use ups? NONE.
Do you know what every ugl/source besides you use. USPS. You believe they are sleeping on ups?

I have, ive just not seen a viable reason as to why UPS is not used? A reason was given earlier stating that UPS may open mail at will, this is correct but it is assuming that USPS does not do the same and that furthermore UPS will be more likely to open a package. From what ive seen this is simply not true and solely based on conjecture due to the fact they do not need "probable cause" Does UPS then open every single package that is mailed because they dont need probable cause? No, they open suspicious packages the same as USPS.

If someone can give me another reason or even if the board would just feel safer for some reason, i have no problem switching to USPS.
Call me paranoid but Uncapped vials make me nervous....not sure if I would ever buy a vial that doesn't have a safety cap on it and has a hole in the stopper where someone has filled it.....just saying!

Im using them as a safety precaution, I do not see why this would make someone nervous. Using unsealed vials leaves room for error while using a pre-seaed vial does not. I can change this as well if it becomes an issue here but again i do not see why it should be.
Running your product yourself and melting point tests will not be enough. If you are not new to AAS Boards, you should know that only noobs would purchase under such conditions. Given that, it would seem you are either just ignorant and any time you've spent on AAS boards gained you no knowledge on how to properly operate an underground lab, or you are just out to make a quick buck off unsuspecting, and ignorant, new users just looking for anything that will show up at their door step.

Further, if you knew MESO frowned upon samples why would you think that it would be more beneficial than hurtful to go ahead and offer them? It seems unreasonable to make a business move that will be met with overwhelming opposition. Again, you are showing your inability to properly run a business. If your ignorance and inability to brew is even half as great as it is with business, I expect your time as a lab to be quite short lived.

Im fully aware that melting points and running my own gear are insufficient for the members to make a purchase (hence the reason i offered to give samples), i can get my own bloodwork done if you would like but we both know that will not be accepted either.

Considering Meso will not purchase a product without bloodwork and lab testing but only accepts bloodwork and testing from their members and their members alone what other way would there be to have some verification of a product other than offering samples? There are members here that are not opposed to such a business method and considering the general consensus leaves no alternative it is quite literally damned if you do damned if you dont. Therefore i believe i made the correct decision i offering a sample. Would you rather have a UGL that refuses to send samples? That doesn't seem reassuring to me.

Another source who thinks this is the board for him... pal nobody wants what your selling here. It's in your beSt interest to keep it moving..
I have faith in my products because i use them myself and test all of my raw powder meliting points extensively. The correct hormone and even to some degree the purity of the powder can be determined by the melting point and melting point range. An imperfect crystalline structure will melt at lower temperatue and over a broader range.

I was aware that members taking samples are frowned upon at MESO but i feel not offering them and expecting sales instead is worse.

Not that you should believe any of this but i actually came up with the name on my own, ran a search and saw the mentioned company. I felt this did not matter so i proceeded with branding accordingly.

I'm new to producing commercially but not new to AAS and the interworkings of the individual AAS boards.

Thank you for taking the time to give your opinion i hope i addressed your concerns.

Once again, please send monthly samples to be tested by @Dr JIM . Your words mean nothing. Get it!?!
Once again, please send monthly samples to be tested by @Dr JIM . Your words mean nothing. Get it!?!

I have no problem doing so and will send out a package today if thats what the board would like but the general consensus here is that would have no meaning, since the product i send and the poduct i use are not neccesarily the same.

Thank you for posting useful information, like you said both private entities and USPS cooperate with Fed's, so really it comes down to which is more of a hassle for the Fed's to get information out of. The answer is clearly private entities, which is my reasoning for using them. I will look into Fed-ex as well. I can use USPS if the board feels safer using that mail carrier but i stand by my original statement.

Another source who thinks this is the board for him... pal nobody wants what your selling here. It's in your beSt interest to keep it moving..

I dont believe i ever insinuated this board was meant for me or anything remotely close to it, infact i think i stated it belongs to everyone and therefore one faction or group should not try to impose their will over another (as long as both are abiding by the forum rules and operating respectfully of course)

I dont believe i ever insinuated this board was meant for me or anything remotely close to it, infact i think i stated it belongs to everyone and therefore one faction or group should not try to impose their will over another (as long as both are abiding by the forum rules and operating respectfully of course)

Then WTF are you doing here then??? Do tell