I dont care if you sent the package through santa clause or the easter bunny. I wouldnt order from you due to the sterilization factor. Like noob said i wouldnt want to eat a bag of cheetos already open or a steak that had a tear on the package..
Haha sure post ur non proof. Fag boy have fun sucking gators cock. U really are a pussy.

Such a constructive statement..

Hey hey hey leave my cock out of this...

It's really something, isn't it? Meek is absolutely obsessed with cocks and sucking them. I think it's a given that he has homosexual tendencies but his obsession with fellatio is almost maniacal. It's certainly pathological. The men changing in his gym's locker room must go to great lengths to hide their cocks out of fear that just a quick glimpse will result in Meek latching onto it like a lamprey eel on a lake trout. He's a deeply, deeply disturbed boy and needs help.
Wow that took a lot of effort cbs did u think of that urself? U just cant stand it when people call u for what u are a troll, and u were part of that faked mass spec test with brutus as well. U have been proven to be a joke. And anyone that listens to u obviously has not seen what u are really about. Hilarious.
Wow that took a lot of effort cbs did u think of that urself? U just cant stand it when people call u for what u are a troll, and u were part of that faked mass spec test with brutus as well. U have been proven to be a joke. And anyone that listens to u obviously has not seen what u are really about. Hilarious.

Amazing. You managed to write an entire post without mention cocks. Bravo! That's certainly a step in the right direction, although I suspect the respite will be brief.

I'll explain this to you like I did with the other cretin. First, it wasn't a mass spec, it was an HPLC. That distinction seems lost on the clowns at AB, so you're not alone there. Secondly, the test was conducted by Dr Jim - someone you claim to respect. Are you accusing @Dr JIM of faking a MS? I didn't think so - wouldn't be wise since you don't even know the difference between a mass spec and an HPLC.

You're feeble attempts at finding fault with others is admirable in the sense that you are trying to mount a defense, but unfortunately, quite pathetic, if not completely transparent. It's clear that this particular area isn't your forte.

That said, my advice to you is to stick to the one area in which you've had a modicum of success - namely, gear whoring.
He's knows smarter than all that have come before him. The long time sources probably never gave much thought about the safest way to ship for both the customer and himself.
Do you think you have just changed the way business will be conducted in the community?
If I was a betting man I'd say that this is that spartan or sparticus member. He has been making useless post after useless post in an attempt to get his post count up and become a wkm in order to give him credibility.
Don't you remember?? There would be a spirited debate going on and he'd post something like "The sun never sets upon a sleeping dogs ass." or something stupid. Is this you, sparty?

I dont think i implied that to be honest, I'm simply not afraid to post my reasoning and opinion even though it may be controversial, however that does not mean i believe i am smarter or unwilling to change to accomadate the consumer. No i am not spartacus or whoever, i have not had a reply from millard yet, i will let the board know when i receive one.
I dont care if you sent the package through santa clause or the easter bunny. I wouldnt order from you due to the sterilization factor. Like noob said i wouldnt want to eat a bag of cheetos already open or a steak that had a tear on the package..

How does using a pre-sealed sterile vial over an unsealed unsterile vial provide you with more reassurance, what does the plastic flip top have to do with sterility? I'm thoroughly confused on this point, but again im willing to accomodate to please the end user. I was just taking extra precaution for the sake of the members, again its much cheaper to use unsealed unsterile vials so i certainly don't mind.
How does using a pre-sealed sterile vial over an unsealed unsterile vial provide you with more reassurance, what does the plastic flip top have to do with sterility? I'm thoroughly confused on this point, but again im willing to accomodate to please the end user. I was just taking extra precaution for the sake of the members, again its much cheaper to use unsealed unsterile vials so i certainly don't mind.

Like I said before I understand your reasoning for the use of sterile vials, but once "YOU" break the seal and puncture the rubber stopper it is no longer sterile at that point. We as consumers have no idea wether or not any of it is sterile, but it is up to you to convince us of your method to provide completely contaminate free products. I noticed you also have been a member here, how long have you been here?
Like I said before I understand your reasoning for the use of sterile vials, but once "YOU" break the seal and puncture the rubber stopper it is no longer sterile at that point. We as consumers have no idea wether or not any of it is sterile, but it is up to you to convince us of your method to provide completely contaminate free products. I noticed you also have been a member here, how long have you been here?

Neither would it be sterile when you fill the open vial you sterilized then wait to cap it. This is a moot point. Whether he uses open vials and sterilizes them himself or he guys pre-sterile vials is irrelevant. What is relevant is his method for maintaining sterility depending on the type of vials he chooses to use.