Im using them as a safety precaution, I do not see why this would make someone nervous. Using unsealed vials leaves room for error while using a pre-seaed vial does not. I can change this as well if it becomes an issue here but again i do not see why it should be.

You can understand where I'm coming from I hope? If you go to the grocery store would you buy a open bag of chips? Would you buy a steak that has a tear in the packaging? I know I wouldn't.....and I damn sure wouldn't want to buy any medication that had been opened either. I understand the whole pre-sterilized vial thing, but we don't know you from Adam, and we have no idea what your standards of sterilization are other than what you say. To me it's even more of a risk to buy something already open.....
Thank you for posting useful information, like you said both private entities and USPS cooperate with Fed's, so really it comes down to which is more of a hassle for the Fed's to get information out of. The answer is clearly private entities, which is my reasoning for using them. I will look into Fed-ex as well. I can use USPS if the board feels safer using that mail carrier but i stand by my original statement.

The average daily volume is an important factor too:

FedEx: 10.5 million
UPS: ~17 million (estimated)
US Postal: 523 million

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bill-lucey/christmas-tip-sheet-for-j_b_6336332.html

The average daily volume is an important factor too:

FedEx: 10.5 million
UPS: ~17 million (estimated)
US Postal: 523 million

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bill-lucey/christmas-tip-sheet-for-j_b_6336332.html


Well it would be a worker to package ratio in regard to volume and opening of packages. Of those ratios compared between those three im not sure. Government entities usually slack on providing enough workers to keep up with the volume so if i had to guess theirs is probably the worst but again thats only a guess.

I do not think that anyone can say with any certainty which is safer in that regard, i can however say private entities pose a larger problem to the Fed's when trying to get information.

I stand by my original statement, but after seeing the opposition towad it who am i to argue with what the board would like? (which was not my intention i was only defending my original position) Im merely here to provide the best service possible for the end user. Therefore any member ordering may choose USPS or UPS i have no qualms using USPS at this point, In my opinion the difference is most likely negligible anyway. I will default to USPS for MESO members if a carrier is not requested.

UPS and FEDEX are expressly permitted to open and inspect any package. USPS cannot! USPS will come across suspicious packages occasionally and have to obtain a warrant from a federal judge on showing probable cause to open a package. Reasonable size and weight packages of AAS to legitimate names and addresses will rarely lead to a government employee going to that much trouble.
You can understand where I'm coming from I hope? If you go to the grocery store would you buy a open bag of chips? Would you buy a steak that has a tear in the packaging? I know I wouldn't.....and I damn sure wouldn't want to buy any medication that had been opened either. I understand the whole pre-sterilized vial thing, but we don't know you from Adam, and we have no idea what your standards of sterilization are other than what you say. To me it's even more of a risk to buy something already open.....

I totally understand where your coming from but logically it should make you feel more secure. If members would like me to use unsealed vials than i have no problems with this either. Both UPS and Pre-sealed vials are more expensive and were intended to provide the end-user with more peace of mind, if that is not the case i will comply with whatever makes the members feel the most comfortable.

UPS and FEDEX are expressly permitted to open and inspect any package. USPS cannot! USPS will come across suspicious packages occasionally and have to obtain a warrant from a federal judge on showing probable cause to open a package. Reasonable size and weight packages of AAS to legitimate names and addresses will rarely lead to a government employee going to that much trouble.
  1. First, it has long been recognized that the Fourth Amendment permits the warrantless opening of mail under “exigent circumstances.” The Supreme Court has stated that “[t]he need to protect or preserve life or avoid serious injury is justification” for a warrantless search…. The Postal Service informs us that “exigent circumstance” searches typically are initiated when a postal inspector observes a suspicious package. Packages may be suspicious, for example, because they are vibrating, making noises, or leaking suspicious substances…. (See 39 CFR 233.11.)

  2. Second, the Fourth Amendment permits the warrantless searching of mail entering or leaving the United States…. Congress specifically has authorized the warrantless search of mail at the border, although some of those provisions place restrictions on the reading of correspondence. See, e.g., 19 U.S.C. § 1583(a)(l) (permitting warrantless search of mail of domestic origin transmitted for export … and foreign mail transiting the United States”), (c)(1)-(2) (permitting search of first-class mail weighing more than 16 ounces if there is reasonable cause to believe that the mail contains specified contraband, merchandise, national defense or related information, or a weapon of mass destruction, but requiring a judicial warrant or consent to read any correspondence such mail contains)….

  3. Third, provisions in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (“FISA”), as amended, 50 U.S.C. § 1801 et seq., specifically authorize the Attorney General to conduct physical searches of mall without prior judicial authorization in certain circumstances. Section 304(e) of FISA, 50 U.S.C. § 1824(e), provides that the Attorney General, under certain circumstances, may approve the execution of an emergency physical search of property, including property that “is in transit to or from an agent of a foreign power or a foreign power,” id. § 1824(a)(3)(B), so long as the Attorney General subsequently obtains an order from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court authorizing the search….
Ok?? So what?

1. Exigent circumstances...you know what that means right?? It means due to emergency situation the seeking of a warrant would be too late to prevent harm. There is no conceivable exigency.

2 & 3. I assumed you are a domestic shipper! They apply even less than the first.

I guess if ur gear starts leaking through the box, they are gonna open it lol.

Never said USPS was perfect but definitely less likely to bring that unwanted attention. Do what you want.
UPS and FEDEX are expressly permitted to open and inspect any package. USPS cannot! USPS will come across suspicious packages occasionally and have to obtain a warrant from a federal judge on showing probable cause to open a package. Reasonable size and weight packages of AAS to legitimate names and addresses will rarely lead to a government employee going to that much trouble.
  1. First, it has long been recognized that the Fourth Amendment permits the warrantless opening of mail under “exigent circumstances.” The Supreme Court has stated that “[t]he need to protect or preserve life or avoid serious injury is justification” for a warrantless search…. The Postal Service informs us that “exigent circumstance” searches typically are initiated when a postal inspector observes a suspicious package. Packages may be suspicious, for example, because they are vibrating, making noises, or leaking suspicious substances…. (See 39 CFR 233.11.)

  2. Second, the Fourth Amendment permits the warrantless searching of mail entering or leaving the United States…. Congress specifically has authorized the warrantless search of mail at the border, although some of those provisions place restrictions on the reading of correspondence. See, e.g., 19 U.S.C. § 1583(a)(l) (permitting warrantless search of mail of domestic origin transmitted for export … and foreign mail transiting the United States”), (c)(1)-(2) (permitting search of first-class mail weighing more than 16 ounces if there is reasonable cause to believe that the mail contains specified contraband, merchandise, national defense or related information, or a weapon of mass destruction, but requiring a judicial warrant or consent to read any correspondence such mail contains)….

  3. Third, provisions in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (“FISA”), as amended, 50 U.S.C. § 1801 et seq., specifically authorize the Attorney General to conduct physical searches of mall without prior judicial authorization in certain circumstances. Section 304(e) of FISA, 50 U.S.C. § 1824(e), provides that the Attorney General, under certain circumstances, may approve the execution of an emergency physical search of property, including property that “is in transit to or from an agent of a foreign power or a foreign power,” id. § 1824(a)(3)(B), so long as the Attorney General subsequently obtains an order from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court authorizing the search….
  1. The Postal Service informs us that “exigent circumstance” searches typically are initiated when a postal inspector observes a suspicious package. Packages may be suspicious, for example, because they are vibrating, making noises, or leaking suspicious substances…. (See 39 CFR 233.11.)

Here is the definition of exingent cirumstance as it applies to the USPS

"Suspicion" can be classified as many thing not just those listed above. Basically they can open any package anytime they want.

2,3 were not a defense in my situation but rather added to the fact your statement is unfortunately untrue. I really wish that it were in all honesty as that would make USPS a far better choice.

Ok. Not gonna argue. Didn't know you are sending vibrating gear. I'm sure you are right. Good luck.

There is more to suspicion than vibration. They can open mail at will under the pretext of suspicion as i stated a while back, your statement as it applies to end-user safety is simply untrue unfortunately.
No. Suspicion of "Exigent circumstances" justifies opening mail without a warrant yes, but not just general suspicion about the package. If the suspicion is just that your package contains drugs, they need a warrant. If there is a potential emergency situation given the suspicious factors of your package such as leaking, ticking yes.

I know it's a fine distinction but a very important one.
This would then become my main account that i would use for commenting on forums and such if that is fine as i would not be able to log into that accou
No. Suspicion of "Exigent circumstances" justifies opening mail without a warrant yes, but not just general suspicion about the package. If the suspicion is just that your package contains drugs, they need a warrant. If there is a potential emergency situation given the suspicious factors of your package such as leaking, ticking yes.

I know it's a fine distinction but a very important one.

Yes that is true, but i would think that a package containing drugs is considered exigent circumstance as well, considering harm can be done to the reciever and possible to those handling the package. I do not think these postal workers are applying the law that specifically regardless, but i could be wrong.

I will be using USPS to comply with the board anyway.
He's knows smarter than all that have come before him. The long time sources probably never gave much thought about the safest way to ship for both the customer and himself.
Do you think you have just changed the way business will be conducted in the community?
If I was a betting man I'd say that this is that spartan or sparticus member. He has been making useless post after useless post in an attempt to get his post count up and become a wkm in order to give him credibility.
Don't you remember?? There would be a spirited debate going on and he'd post something like "The sun never sets upon a sleeping dogs ass." or something stupid. Is this you, sparty?
Who cares wtf he uses, no one is gonna order shit from you anyways you stupid fuck. And by the way @MEEKmlz was looking for you xeno, I wonder for what?

Have a blessed day.