Some have misunderstood my position on what to tell ps HCP.
- first and foremost, deflect, detour or dismiss direct lines of questioning about AAS use IF one must, but for Goodness sake don't outright lie!
- tell them what they NEED to know and IF that includes an admission of AAS use, so be it, bc the truth is better than "requiring further testing to figure out what's going on here"
At the extreme, Im aware of at least TWO liver BX that were conducted bc the BBs refused to admit to running oral AAS, in spite of deranged LFTs.
- THose who remain uncomfortable about a blatant admission of PED use, then AT LEAST give your docs SOMETHING
to go on.
(Detour) And by that I mean let them know your are using BB "supplements" that you obtained on line.
(Detract) Stating "I'll admit it doc based upon what I've read on line, I'm not even sure what's in those, powders, pills or provisions!
(Deflect)?Then pose the question- hey Doc you think that stuff can or may contain STEROIDS bc I'm gaining weight and my strength has improved when taking them.
FINALLY, I believe it's VERY important to mention "steroids" bc it encourages less than informed Docs to at least think yea perhaps "steroids" are responsible for THIS patients issues.