You can only choose 2 compounds, what are you running?


New Member
Lets assume Test is already included. You can choose 2 other compounds for life, what are you running?

I'm going Test, NPP, Anavar. I can run all these with minimal sides and get a good response at a low dose (below 1 gram/wk)
Testosterone (the only one truly needed for me)

Dbol (for fun and temporary gains when I wanna have fun)

Anavar (when I want more aesthetics and performance boost without added size or bloat)

EQ (for cosmetics and stamina)

though technically I have exceeded the numbers, I can't decide between eq and var which one stays. Dbol is the best and second to Test for me.
as i dont have enough experience with primo and masteron to commit to those, i would go test, tren and gh.

You could stay on test+gh year around and up the doses and/or add in tren when you want to turn things up more. Tren doesnt really impact my sleep, mood or life much in general and its potent at what it does, be it in a calorie surplus or deficit. Outside of that, test+gh will do as long as you can scale up the doses, tren just makes it all even more effective.