your best bulk cycle

I dont run many compounds at once usually just my TRT dose and one other compound so for me I would say NPP at 400mg per week allowed me to pack on the most weight during a cycle.

My last cycle I ran a test prop cycle at 350mg per week on top of my trt of 150mg of test cyp per week for 8 weeks. I went all out carb crazy on this cycle and ate all I could stand. It was the best overall cycle I've ever had. I packed on size where it felt like everyday I looked bigger and more yoked than I did the day before. I'm running a tren ace only cycle on top of my weekly trt dose but I cant wait to get done and past the time on time off period so I can blast another test prop cycle :)
I dont run many compounds at once usually just my TRT dose and one other compound so for me I would say NPP at 400mg per week allowed me to pack on the most weight during a cycle.

My last cycle I ran a test prop cycle at 350mg per week on top of my trt of 150mg of test cyp per week for 8 weeks. I went all out carb crazy on this cycle and ate all I could stand. It was the best overall cycle I've ever had. I packed on size where it felt like everyday I looked bigger and more yoked than I did the day before. I'm running a tren ace only cycle on top of my weekly trt dose but I cant wait to get done and past the time on time off period so I can blast another test prop cycle :)
My next blast will be test prop on top of my trt dose of test cyp because of you. Lol

I will be adding anadrol and gh also:cool:
Should be a nice ride.
My next blast will be test prop on top of my trt dose of test cyp because of you. Lol

I will be adding anadrol and gh also:cool:
Should be a nice ride.
I can't wait to do another lol.

I'm kinda pissed cause I stayed away from prop because I was "scared" from all the peoples war stories and how some people said they battled severe gyno sides and acne on prop from early on in the cycle. I experienced none of that maybe a slight bit of pip but im way more sensitive to enanthate than prop. That prop only was the first cycle I've ever done where I felt like "the fucking man" lol. I ate all I could stand and trained harder than I ever had and my body was like "that all you fucking got?"

I think I'm permanently done with long esters period. The short esters are so much more fun and intense and I think I grow for a longer period on a 8 week short ester cycle than I ever did on a longer 12 week cycle. I mean I start seeing noticeable changes after one week and continue to grow right till the end. Heck its hard to even call it a cycle when your still seeing progress. Meanwhile on a long cycle I dont see shit till at least the 4th week if I'm lucky, most times I start questioning if it's even real lol. Then you get to week 10 and the train seems to lose a ton of steam and you putter into week 12 thinking wow that was a lot of work for that short little window.