Your healthiest supplements?

I've been doing a lot of reading into anti-aging lately (i'm 48), and started a new supplement routine that I feel like has me feeling better overall and has made my metabolism more efficient along with some gains in the gym. I started this coming off cycle, and I haven't lost any strength at all and had some small gains here and there. In addition, I still seem to be leaning out like I was on cycle.

I started taking glycine and NAC, taurine, HMB, and creatine.... these were completely new to me the past few months. (I had done creatine before but it was years ago).

Stuff I've been on for some time is CoQ10, fish oil, glucosamine, align probiotic, I do find anecdotal benefit from these, less so from the CoQ10, but certainly the others.
+ here! Also an interest of mine and I just bought something called "Senolytic activator", can't really understand the read, but willing to give it a go.

I also take:
- NAC/ Tudca
- Probiotic
- L-theanine/ L-tyrosine combo (Thank you for above)
- SuperBerberine/ Chromium
- Ocean Magnesium
- 35k Mg Milkthistle
- Pregnenolone
- L-lysine
- Liv52
- Nad+
- Omega3

Besides the AAS, Ostarine and Cardarine at the moment.

I gotta say that my gut feels healthier, I have a rather sensitive gut to
bacteria. I did feel the insulin regulator berb and chrom before, but now I am taking a low dose of Dbol and that seems to trump the balanced energy feeling with being "drugged/ heavy".

However, my skin and younger look has drastically improved and my memory (even when stressed) has drastically improved. Hard though to pinpoint what helps, what is just circumstance, and I do drink much more water which can be the reason as well.

Kidneys needs constant fluid with all these tabs though....ugh....
I use a organ health blend as attached along with added astragalus, nattokincase, calcium, magnesium, K2/D2 and an fish oil product. Throw in a multi vitamin now and then.

I'm really curious about the NAD+ stuff, and it's precursors, but it seems like the studies I've read all seem to have some conflicting results or don't really show a benefit I'm concerned about.

Now despite all that I have a friend who has done iv NAD treatments and swears buy it. Says it makes him feel like a million bucks. It costs about the same lol.

So what's the deal with NAD+, is anyone here using it or precursors?
I am taking it at 300mg daily, but I cannot say I know if it works, but as mentioned above my memory and younger look is there, though I am taking a lot so don't dare to say what I "feel" works.

I have tried the injection in the past just to try it with a vitamin boost at the same day, that I felt absolutely nothing from, so I do believe that it needs to be taken a long time.

Most articles or rather "reviews" I find has people taking stuff daily for weeks before feeling anything. So I will keep testing it and see how it feels, at week 2 now.
What is the brand name of this. Product is thorough and dosed right
In case anyone has any use for it, here is a currently active 10% code for Morphogen (JOINTHETKVR-3670)

Still using their prime as the base of my health stack. They have some other stuff but I mostly stick to basics.
TUDCA for liver and kidneys is recommended really very often, also popular in the nootropics scene. there's find plenty of info on it on reddit, just google "tudca" "reddit" (i'd recommend always doing this with any supplement)

A little read on Nattokincase. Great alternative if taking or considering a baby aspirin regimen