Is amoxicillin the right way against an abscess??

I swear that the mixture was super good, the cooking time was 15 minutes, the powder was very homogenized in the mixture, it looks like my sperm without lumps

Try taking it sublingual. Maybe it will taste like your sperm.

I would be more worried about the lumps in your sperm than whatever concoction you tried to bake up here.
This sums up that other thread pretty well
Amoxicillin is a pretty broad Antibiotic and I know dentist like to prescribe it. You have the flu as well? You seem to have brewed in a port-O-Potty down by the river and picked up a real deal Holyfield infection.

Go to the doctor and tell them your concern. You are past the point where any one of us meatheads on Meso can help.

As far as what you have brewed... you need to throw it out. It's obviously is no good and can't be salvaged so be smart and don't try. When you get your health, training and diet under control and want to use aas again, find a domestic operation with good reviews or something international even. You have a long way to go before you brew again.

You health isn't worth any amount of steroids. Be safe
Many thanks Guys, seriously, thankyou very much

Today I will talk to the doctor about this topic and the right medicine.
Here doctors usually give very general indications. I suppose that there lies the problem.
The indication of drainage is to drain by myself with the fingers, heating the area a bit with a warm cloth.

You alive bro? How's the healing going??

Thanks to God,everything is OK and thanks foranswering.Yesterday was my last day of eleven days with amoxicilin and CLAVULANIC ACID - the masterpiece in this story.

Have my last test in the college,this monday btw and i was thiniking and this update so thanks again for answering.Two photos after clavulanic acid,was a pus/blood explosion near of the middle of the treatment, like you see.Actually im fine and rethinking the injection issues bc in my family the abscess issue is a recurring topic and i didnt knew that.


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Btw. What do you mean about the abscess issue being a family trait? As in genetic? Didn't think that was a thing. Be interested to see if any of the docs could weigh in on that... @Docd187123
That's nasty bro lol.. Glad you're ok

It's very strange.The week before the injection of undecanoate, my aunt had an abscess in the gluteus and a couple of days ago my younger brother who plays rugby, has an abscess in the knee
So moving forward, we now see a very real case as to why sterility matters as much as it does. Most of the time we read about a warm bump that hurts, it flushes away and the person moves on. This could have been a million times worse for @ddp7. When making ones own IM steroids you have to filter it with a sterile .22 filter, no exceptions. The human body is amazing and can handle a lot of what we throw at it, but not everything. Don't push it, not worth it.
@ddp7 i did a homebrew earlier this month and posted step by step process, measurements, and pictures.
If/when you decide to try it again, check it out. Kind of easy to follow.
Always make sure to ask questions. Guys in here have been doing this stuff for decades.

thanks man,well at the moment i will continue with my var,hcg and andriol,does the work pretty well,timming is no nice but for a newbie like me is enough,but yes i saw your post thanks for the reply

