Anyway I just wanna quickly discuss results and the few sides I’ve had manifest and what I intend to do in the near future and get your thoughts.
So far I have gained 10kg or about 22lbs, that’s within the first 3 weeks before the testosterone has had a chance to have the esters cleaved off and reach stable serum concentration, however this week I’ve noticed some solid results.
Also can’t neglect to mention that I’ve been taking 20mg/Anavar a day, because I’m very impatient and couldn’t wait, had to “kickstart” my cycle, I don’t this about a week ago.
My strength figures haven’t gone up spectacularly but my endurance has, recovery is sliced in half, on back days my forearms no longer limit me so much as they just don’t give up, they hurt and my forearms swell however I don’t drop the weight like a bitch like I used too, not to mention my girlfriend has noticed an improvement in my grip strength and general sexual performance.
I notice on days without the Anavar the pumps I get are crazy, but on the days with Anavar I fucking swell. I mean I absolutely mutate infront of myself and the lat, trap and shoulder pumps I get actually make it difficult to take my shirt off and this happens on every day even like chest days, everything gets pumped, shit I walk around pumped, I legit grate cheese and get a nutty trIcep pump.
Sides have been strange, facial hair thickness has increased, libido increased, nipples protrude a bit but no sensations or sensitivity, irritability at strangers; I can see someone I’ve never met or spoken too before in my life walking down the street and my mind will just race with like 5 different things I hate about them and call them a bitch, just been the last 2 days that’s happened.
Bit moody, I’d describe the feeling as that of a stroppy teenage boy who couldn’t stay up for another hour after bed, lasts a few seconds and I just shake it off.
Sense of humour is either spiked where I’m laughing at everything to the point where my stomach hurts or nothing is funny and I wanna punch you for talking to me.
All in all I’d say I’m tolerating it okay and the results so far are promising, but here are my speculated plans for the near future.
Get the fuck off sustanon because test prop and tpp hurt too fuckin much, especially on my left glute, I ride a motorcycle so I thought it’d be smart to inject my left glute twice in a week, it swole up like a balloon and I don’t think I’ve been in that much pain before.
A blend of test enan and cyp should work better and it’s about 300mg/ml so I’ll be on 600, I think if 500 is tolerable 600 should be acceptable too.
I’m thinking about swapping Anavar for anadrol for a few week period soon just to push my numbers up because my lifts are a bit grim.
I have an AI on hand, but I’d like to dose primo at 200mg/week to work as an AI and a bit more anabolism. I will hold off as long as I can because if I get intolerable sides while starting primo I likely won’t be able to tell which substance is increasing the sides and how to treat it. So I’m gonna wait about 3 more weeks, hopefully gain another 10kg (22lbs).
Also, bf%, not hasn’t increased much, I went from about 12% to start to about 15% now. I have very favourable body fat distribution it’s all on my glutes (thanks mum).
First photo above was taken before the first injections, next photos were last night. I’m
I’m curious what you all think.

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