Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Still missing the plot. Impurities are not just heavy metals / elemental impurities but include organic impurities and residual solvents as well. Go over to my thread if you'd like more education.

Methinks some of you may be being purposely obtuse on this matter.

API concentration / strength testing is only part of the story.
Dude, pay for the tests. If you find some shit, then other members like myself will start testing too. Then eventually, if it's something that people demand quality controls on, QSC will get in-house equipment to do on-site QA/QC till they can fix the problem.

But right now you have no data to convince anyone here that there even is any problem. Get that, and we'll all start listening. If you can't get it because there's nowhere to get those tests done, or because you don't even know which tests should be done, then there's no way any of us can do anything about it.

If there's no 3rd party testing, then vendors can just shit on a PDF and type "100% free of organic contaminants and residual solvents, tested by FTIR" and you'll be like "Yay! See I made them test it!". But you can't trust vendors in-house tests anyways. So Shit-on-a-PDF or not, you need to find your own 3rd party testing.

Do that, get the data, and THEN come back here.
If there's no 3rd party testing, then vendors can just shit on a PDF and type "100% free of organic contaminants and residual solvents, tested by FTIR"
LoL. Those words word never come out of my mouth.

I am working on that idea (3rd party impurity testing of existing source products and even offered to help fund the project though I have no skin personally in this game) if you chose to read what I shared above. If a raw is testing at 96 or 98%, it is interesting no one is the least bit curious what that 2 to 4% is.
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Just for you once again @tenba12

Never did I indicate I would trust or advocate source doing this testing in house. Feel free to comment/critique draft.

You seem to be talking over your head or you did not read what I wrote.
What’s the new t/a now for local orders?
For me, US domestic is now over three weeks still hasn’t shipped. So if it ships it will be a month but it’s looking like longer than that because I think they fucked up. I’m not emailing I’m just waiting but I’ll keep everyone updated on this thread
going well as always

paid on the 4th, received tracking on 11th. and he says if you received tracking its already been shipped.

maybe sending one email and one email only has worked in my favor just as chinese daddy promised
LoL. Those words word never come out of my mouth.

I am working on that idea (3rd party impurity testing of existing source products and even offered to help fund the project though I have no skin personally in this game) if you chose to read what I shared above. If a raw is testing at 96 or 98%, it is interesting no one is the least bit curious what that 2 to 4% is.
This is feeling less and less like "harm reduction" and more and more like "I'm a Chemistry undergrad who is overeager to apply what I learned in my Instrumental Analysis class"

How about you send a Bayer or Aspen product to Jano? Then if it's got a higher purity level, you have some basis to complain, and if it doesn't you can do us all a favor and shut the fuck up?
"I'm a Chemistry undergrad who is overeager to apply what I learned in my Instrumental Analysis class"

Wow, you really know how to cut deep. I'm hurt.

How about you send a Bayer or Aspen product to Jano? Then if it's got a higher purity level, you have some basis to complain

Funny you mention that....

Never did complain. Did offer some constructive feedback on evolving analytical testing for UGL products. We will see where it goes.

QSC has weighed in so I'll make no further comments about this impurity testing in this thread. You guys/gals should really ask for some labels though. Kinda important.
Never did I indicate I would trust or advocate source doing this testing in house.
I'm sorry then what do you want QSC to do, exactly?

Also that post you referenced just had purity testing on it. Not any of these "organic impurities and residual solvents" which you weirdly say never came out of your mouth while replying to a post where I quoted you saying exactly that.

Jano already does these tests. I'm happy to send the same samples to both Axel Labs and Jano if Axel Labs is offering a competitive service. Would be nice to get similar numbers from two independent labs.
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Funny you mention that....

This is completely uninteresting unless Jano himself produced that CoA. You seem to be misapprehending the purpose of sending a known baseline to Jano: it's to establish the error margin of his HLPC, not to prove that pharma is pure, we know that already.

Here is a Jano result for Aspen Sustanon:

Notice how far off the concentrations are in percent terms. Do you think that is compatible with your pharma CoA that's claiming 99.9% purity?

Spoiler alert: you're getting worked up about HLPC error margins. If you think I'm wrong, feel free to actually send a pharma sample to Jano and prove it.

You guys/gals should really ask for some labels though. Kinda important.

Let's put on our critical thinking caps for a moment. Can we think of any reasons why putting labels on illegal substances might be unwise?
We have asked. It's....better now than it was. I'll leave it at that. It's tough because yes I want my shit labeled, but I also don't want it to come labeled through customs.
There’s plenty of guys in this thread who’ve posted packs with green customs tape on them. Unlabeled vials is the smart way to go when selling in bulk. Probably not a smart idea if a customs agent opens it and sees 40 vials of Testosterone Cypionate. They don’t have the time to test everything so most of the time they’ll send it thru. Same with peptides. They’ll take a vial and send the rest, if those vials are labeled Semaglutide you can guarantee they ain’t leaving customs.
Yes, looking back at it now it makes way more sense, I think I just got ahead of myself reading through it and made the jump from the HGH pricing to include everything else being priced that way, as the original post I read was formatted slightly different than that list shown, but again the hgh listing was the only one with the modifier of "10 kits" added in with the description.

View attachment 274711

In the end it all works out as expected, just had silly ideas of a massive stockpile that was going to live in the freezer for years to come lol.
U must be really fat
LoL. Those words word never come out of my mouth.

I am working on that idea (3rd party impurity testing of existing source products and even offered to help fund the project though I have no skin personally in this game) if you chose to read what I shared above. If a raw is testing at 96 or 98%, it is interesting no one is the least bit curious what that 2 to 4% is.
Dude, are u still here? Still stuck on the same bullshit? Working on an idea? Just test the fucking thing yourself or stfu u skinny fuckin. Desk dork who prob just curls his 15lb dumbbells and reads on the internet instead of having a real life and having a set of balls. Shoot 5g of test a week then come back and talk to us real men. Fucking dweeb
Wow, you really know how to cut deep. I'm hurt.

Funny you mention that....

Never did complain. Did offer some constructive feedback on evolving analytical testing for UGL products. We will see where it goes.

QSC has weighed in so I'll make no further comments about this impurity testing in this thread. You guys/gals should really ask for some labels though. Kinda important.
U are so far off man it's not even funny. U need to be banned asap
There’s plenty of guys in this thread who’ve posted packs with green customs tape on them. Unlabeled vials is the smart way to go when selling in bulk. Probably not a smart idea if a customs agent opens it and sees 40 vials of Testosterone Cypionate. They don’t have the time to test everything so most of the time they’ll send it thru. Same with peptides. They’ll take a vial and send the rest, if those vials are labeled Semaglutide you can guarantee they ain’t leaving customs.
Good to see someone has a grasp on things...
Wow not sure how much further we can't talk past each other.

I'm sorry then what do you want QSC to do, exactly?

Also that post you referenced just had purity testing on it. Not any of these "organic impurities and residual solvents" which you weirdly say never came out of your mouth while replying to a post where I quoted you saying exactly that.

Jano already does these tests. I'm happy to send the same samples to both Axel Labs and Jano if Axel Labs is offering a competitive service. Would be nice to get similar numbers from two independent labs.
There’s plenty of guys in this thread who’ve posted packs with green customs tape on them. Unlabeled vials is the smart way to go when selling in bulk. Probably not a smart idea if a customs agent opens it and sees 40 vials of Testosterone Cypionate. They don’t have the time to test everything so most of the time they’ll send it thru. Same with peptides. They’ll take a vial and send the rest, if those vials are labeled Semaglutide you can guarantee they ain’t leaving customs.
Awesome if it has a number on it. Then why the confusion on that other post? The customer really did not seem to appreciate his Bac water was Test Cyp