MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

That's one conclusion. Any other ones? Purpose of needlessly using EO in the products? Oil preservative? Let's get real.
EO can be dangerous for mitochondria at the site of synthesis during ethanol metabolism. The hydrolyzed eo enters the bloodstream. The study modeled an increase in concentration in the myocardium, for this it was necessary to inject EO directly into the heart, which is logical.
Discussions, concerns, and suggestions regarding ways to improve the products are positive and valuable. None of us, no matter what one's background or experiences, know everything and there is always room for each of us to learn more. This is one of the most powerful benefits to our networking online, such as being part of the community here.
I appreciate positions, arguments, experiences, and, most of all, references on either side of a discussion or debate because I can learn something from everyone.

If there are recurring common concerns about something or many people have similar suggestions, that means it important enough for me to ask the source to take into consideration. Regardless of what is decided by discussions or debates here, it is part of my job, and good for the business, for me to facilitate communication and try the best within my power and ability to use the insight to foster positive outcomes for everyone involved.

We all want the same things such as access to good safe products and the freedom to make our own choices without the agenda of governments, and other institutions, interfering or limiting our freedom.
If we all keep these things in mind, we realize that we're all on the same team here just trying to learn, be healthy, and be free.
You did?

Still nothing. We don’t inject pure eo in heart. If you find something that studies how it act when is injected IM I'm all ears.
That's one conclusion. Any other ones? Purpose of needlessly using EO in the products? Oil preservative? Let's get real.
Smoother injection is one reason. Is a difference in how it feels a injection with some eo in it or no eo. For them is that the oils don't crash when shipped in the winter

In the past I used pharmacom for many years until I start brew my oils.
I have brew and use all kind of oils(gso,mct,peanuts, sesame, castor,peach) and was a difference between those and what pharmacom would feels at site injection.
Then I start to use their recipe and add 10-15% EO in gso oil and it was better. That's why I usually use eo in my brews as I don't see any evidence why I wouldn't.

I don't promote to use eo but if anyone is so against it and it's seen like the devil point some evidence.
@readalot I'm just quoting these so I may find them in my post history again at a later date. Thank you for sharing information.
Metabolism background:

Hello everyone.

Here is an update about the raw shortage situation.

By now, as has been recently announced, most of you already know about the raw situation in AAS industry (for more information, see the previous posts about it quoted below).
Sadly, all production of raws has been stopped; there is no new stock available at all, and if someone still has any remaining stock, the prices have already increased by 2-3 times higher.

Therefore, as expected, Pharmacom Labs is forced to increase prices as a result of these raw material shortages and the significant operational cost increases.
This means the prices in the Basicstero store have been increased.
Basicstero is trying to keep prices as low as possible and currently the store only has a slight increase in prices at this time.
However, even higher prices are anticipated soon.

With the Holiday season and New Year coming, and soon afterwards the Chinese New Year, there is no additional news about the situation expected until March 2025.
By then everyone will be out of all stock. Sources will only be working with the stock they currently have and eventually everyone may be out of stock; if you search around, you can find that many brands already have nothing left to offer.

We are all hoping that things will be eventually be resolved and business will still be great, but for now we must work with the situation we have.

I suspect the unfortunate situation is related to this (report on the government's website linked below):
"China-Based Chemical Manufacturing Companies and Employees Indicted...."

These are raw chemical companies, not finished product companies. Therefore, they make a variety of many types of raw chemicals. Some of the chemicals may be used to produce other types of products including drugs. They may get shut-down and arrested for one specific type of chemical; but if the factory is shut-down, none of the others chemicals are produced either.
Therefore, even though the government's main target may not be a chemical used to produce AAS, it still means we all lose access to raws when the chemical factories that produce the raws gets shut-down.

Guys, in my opinion if the products are important for you to have, I recommend you stock up now so you have some time to navigate the situation if/when the disruption in raws supply effects things.
This is genuine advice, not some marketing bullshit -- I just put in an order myself to make sure I'm good for my TRT for at least 6 months to a year.
Hopefully, everything will be ok and it won't matter, but it is better to make sure you have what you need now than being stressed in the future wishing you had prepared.

Please also read these discussions about related topics:

For now this is all I know about the situation and it is not something any of us can control. I hope some new companies start up to fulfill the demand.
There is a lot of demand so there should still be motivation for other entrepreneurs to provide supply in the future.

I will be sure to share updates here or in the news threads if/when new information becomes available.
Thank you for your understanding.
Hello there!

For two months, all AAS manufacturers have been struggling with a very difficult situation, but we all hoped that it would be resolved, as it had been resolved many times before.

But this time, everything is different. China has taken a very tough approach to the production of raw materials, and today all factories have been closed, hundreds of people have been arrested.

We will all now survive on stocks. Some have more, some have less. For the duration of this situation, since we do not know how much more expensive everything will be in the future, and this may be many times over, we are forced to end all promotions.

At the moment, we are not raising prices, but there is a possibility that the price will double before the New Year.

Our company has already completed all wholesale sales and focused only on retail to give our regular customers the opportunity to always buy original products, while the market is in an uncertain state.
We will keep you updated on further news.
Price hikes are coming!

Dear Valued Customers!

We regret to inform you that, based on the latest market news and information, prices of raw materials have increased threefold.

This issue may persist for up to six months, and as a result, we must unfortunately announce that, in a week, we will have to raise the price of all items.

We would like to reassure our most loyalty customers that they can order at the current price for the time being!
Hi there!
Yes, we agree with you - in general you are right.
But now we spend much more money on quality logistics, and this allows us to make shipping more convenient for our precious customers!

There is no limit to the size of an order.
If you want to guarantee lager orders are split specific ways into multiple packs, then you can simply make multiple orders with each individual order containing the specific items you want grouped together in a pack.
By this I mean, instead of one giant order, divide the order into multiple smaller orders and you may arrange each according to how you would like the items packed together (for example, all orals in one order, all testosterones in another order, nandrolones and boldenones in another order, and all ancillaries in yet another order, etc. all according to your choice and preference).

Here is a copy o........
Then you need to make your customers aware that you are no longer splitting the orders up. There are customers (such as myself) that have ordered from you for years and are used to you splitting up larger packs.

You need to have a clear warning on the order confirmation page and FAQ that all orders are NOT split up under any circumstances and you must place multiple orders.

You built up my trust over the years by offering consistent, reliable service. To break that trust and simply do what you want, then notify the customer after the fact, is bad business practice!
this guy tryna compare flat earth to blood work smh...

you realize no pharma company in the usa uses EO in testosterone, right? why do you think that is? use your brain

pharmacom is not real pharma its a ugl source clown... im done responding to you... you dont even know the basics just stop talking
Pharma companies in Spain use it (testex) iand I believe other countries in Europe.
Compounding pharmacies throughout the U.S. use ethyl oleate all the time and notably in progesterone injection able preparation. I don’t like it because I sometimes get a reaction- but it is used.
again i said a real established large scale pharmaceutical companies like pfizer, etc...

compounding pharmacies aren't fda approved and you can pretty much add anything you want to customize your prescription, ive seen underdosed test come from those places