Enhanced Testing Database

So there you go. Looks like your concern was heard.

FTR, agreed no one should be bringing up member's loved ones on here to denigrate, period.

Still want to use that favoritism angle on "volume" posters? As if that's all these "volume" posters offer.
Millard doing that is doing just that, trying not to give favoritism and being fair. So not sure what your point is in doubling down on the volume poster. And this is where you undermine your credibility, posting that I gave positive feedback to two sources I used that had excellent quality testers product somehow makes my pov or opinion tainted, give me a break. It shows I have experienced here with good and bad sources which is far more than you have. So I can speak first hand about the process of finding the good ones, trial and error, spending months reading and investigating before purchasing. Testing and seeing who is repeat but and who was trash.
Millard doing that is doing just that, trying not to give favoritism and being fair. So not sure what your point is in doubling down on the volume poster. And this is where you undermine your credibility, posting that I gave positive feedback to two sources I used that had excellent quality testers product somehow makes my pov or opinion tainted, give me a break. It shows I have experienced here with good and bad sources which is far more than you have. So I can speak first hand about the process of finding the good ones, trial and error, spending months reading and investigating before purchasing. Testing and seeing who is repeat but and who was trash.
Oh OK, so your single gripe is that I have no experience ordering from UGLs?

Fair enough. Retract your prior claims then that I speak authoritatively of things I have no experience with or make recs on compounds I have not used.

And good to know your prior relationship with Rido/cridi has no influence over your comments here.
Oh OK, so your single gripe is that I have no experience ordering from UGLs?

Fair enough. Retract your prior claims then that I speak authoritatively of things I have no experience with or make recs on compounds I have not used.

And good to know your prior relationship with Rido/cridi has no influence over your comments here.
My gripe with you is your attitude and I recommended to call out when you’re talking compounds specifically that your research is from X and not personal experiences. Not every time but at times you state your opinion as fact or imply you know from first hand knowledge. I’ll use your quote: I want everything on the record and retract nothing so the record stays intact.
Not every time but at times you state your opinion as fact or imply you know from first hand knowledge.



Your claims were more specific previously. They seem to be shrinking.

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Why would you guys lead this vendor in the wrong direction? I am not going to get in a childish argument with you guys, but I am amazed at how few and far between any of your comments are of any benefit to anyone. Unbelievable! Blocking two people for the first time!

I agree 100%. You hit IGNORE on a handful of these and the forums suddenly are infinitely cleaner and actually enjoyable to read. The only signs that will be visible of them will be their excessive use of thumbs up/down that they constantly press as they mutually masturbate each other.

Asking a vendor who does not use guaiacol to test for guaiacol, is a basic example of ignorance.

Instead of using logical, sound arguments to show this is something warranted, some people resort to childish actions reinforcing their ignorance and/or lack of maturity.

Lack of knowledge or information

Hit the IGNORE button and the problem will disappear.

Once there was a fool who liked to read
Would play with himself till he shot out his seed
He would cry and just die when they paid him no heed
"But I paid for that testing" said the boy who would read
Desperate to find friends, among the MesoRx team,
To every forum he'd go, only to rant, yell and scream,
Try as he may, but all to no avail,
The people he pestered, just said "F you, go to hell."
He's sad and still whiney, about the 3k he spent,
Since it made not a difference, not a single percent,
The moral of the story, is don't be a prick,
And maybe they'll listen, and not call you a dick.

I appreciate that you took time from your busy social life to read up on my introduction. My mistake, this IS your social life. Likely a sad life with this your only outlet to find true friendship.

Your opinions matter zero, to both me, most of Meso, and the real world. I wish you the best!

Actually, from time to time I hit the show ignored content because I have continued to be amazed that you have accomplished absolutely nothing and only continue to grow the list of people who want you to shut the hell up.

At this point in time, I do believe it will be near impossible to find many people willing to join to your fantasy quests.

Your projects might have credibility if your weren't the messenger.

Benefit of the doubt is given to everyone. Credibility has to be earned and can't be bought for 3k in worthless testing.

Would it be reasonable for "paid" vendors to be required to do the same testing? In the spirit of what was accomplished, it would be a strong message of support. @Millard

Respectfully, I don't believe that answers the question. @Millard , I believe, has the power to place any requirements he wants on the "paid" sources. The sources can then decide if they want to comply and continue as a "paid" source. It would be a strong message to all.

I can see my question will not answered. @Millard, you have both the power and integrity to make a difference.

I was referring to you, not Millard! You attempted to answer my question with other questions.

You won! I'm done.

Give @readalot enough time and he will get banned a third time. At least then we will have another beak for a couple of weeks. I briefly took him off of IGNORE, hoping he was actually acting mature, but obviously I was sadly mistaken. Back to IGNORE he goes.

Goodbye, again, my dear friend @readalot

Why should you care? Fuck off!

No one gives a shit about your threads, so now you come and continue your shit here. What a loser. Getting closer to a three peat.....

That mythical IGNORE button sure does seem hard to find for those who claim to use it regularly.


Your claims were more specific previously. They seem to be shrinking.

I was letting it go since many have complained about this thread becoming unbearable with the volume of posts and the back and forth. That’s called taking the high road and since I’m not an egomaniac I don’t feel the need to declare I’m taking the high road like you and then seconds later retract my statement and keep posting. You also said you’d take a break and evaluate and then don’t and once again repeat your pattern of thinking you know best and anyone else has an secret agenda.
I have a real job and life so I reference posts I’ve seen of yours without taking the time to comb through your 7k messages to pinpoint it.

In all honesty I feel pity for you that you spend your life on boards as that’s the only value you can contribute and tie your worth to your online persona legacy. You must have a sad life and want to live in an alternate place where you feel you have “friends” and therefore validation. You’ve been banned from some and move to others all in a quest for attention.
This is a hobby not a life and you seem to confuse that. I add my 2 cents when I have time and feel I can help and I study to learn and to improve my hobby of training and building muscle as safely and effectively as possible. They say those that can’t do teach and in this case that seems accurate for you. So keep enjoying your posts that most roll their eyes at and sitting on the sidelines because you’re too much of a coward to jump in.
That mythical IGNORE button sure does seem hard to find for those who claim to use it regularly.
I am having too much fun watching you slowly dig your hole deeper and deeper. You continue to lose supporters each and every day.

If this crusade was not about your ego, you would step aside and let @Dirthand take over.

He has earned credibility and would likely be successful at moving things forward. Although, I doubt you would ever stay on the sidelines, since your ego would be unable to tolerate that.

Ego vs harm reduction? Your ego wins every time.
you would step aside and let @Dirthand take over.

He has earned credibility

If someone doesn't care about something, in reality, because it does not suit their own purposes, why would that person "step in"?
You are imagining things that do not exist.

Earned credibility:
For what?

The fact someone else has started that thread means nothing.
But you are just using what was a misguided decision as a reason for sidelining someone who should have been OP, in the first place.
You have said that some other time, iirc.
It just looks silly, if one considers what this really is.
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If someone doesn't care about something, in reality, because it does not suit their own purposes, why would that person "step in"?
You are imagining things that do not exist.

Earned credibility:
For what?
@Dirthand shows people respect, does not think he is better than others, is open to LISTEN, and has shown himself to be someone who actively pushes knowledge and likewise harm reduction. People respect him and do not consider him to be a egotistical clown.

He may or may not want to take this on, but he is an example of someone others would likely follow.

Our current fearless leader is just a glorified troll.

If he steps aside, I will become an active supporter and financial contributor.

I would bet others will do the same.
@Dirthand shows people respect, does not think he is better than others, is open to LISTEN, and has shown himself to be someone who actively pushes knowledge and likewise harm reduction. People respect him and do not consider him to be a egotistical clown.

He may or may not want to take this on, but he is an example of someone others would likely follow.

Our current fearless leader is just a glorified troll.

If he steps aside, I will become an active supporter and financial contributor.

I would bet others will do the same.
If yall could please refrain from making me the topic of yall discussion I would appreciate it. I would love to take the time to give my thoughts on the matter but will have to hold off till I have the adequate time to devoted the though into a good response.. tjis is and always has been Mr. Readalots thing.. the lady is right I have no credibility..yall just please leave me out of you fuckung drama. Respectfully.
I do appreciate the kind things you said about me..
Have a nice e day
I was letting it go since many have complained about this thread becoming unbearable with the volume of posts and the back and forth. That’s called taking the high road and since I’m not an egomaniac I don’t feel the need to declare I’m taking the high road like you and then seconds later retract my statement and keep posting. You also said you’d take a break and evaluate and then don’t and once again repeat your pattern of thinking you know best and anyone else has an secret agenda.
I have a real job and life so I reference posts I’ve seen of yours without taking the time to comb through your 7k messages to pinpoint it.

In all honesty I feel pity for you that you spend your life on boards as that’s the only value you can contribute and tie your worth to your online persona legacy. You must have a sad life and want to live in an alternate place where you feel you have “friends” and therefore validation. You’ve been banned from some and move to others all in a quest for attention.
This is a hobby not a life and you seem to confuse that. I add my 2 cents when I have time and feel I can help and I study to learn and to improve my hobby of training and building muscle as safely and effectively as possible. They say those that can’t do teach and in this case that seems accurate for you. So keep enjoying your posts that most roll their eyes at and sitting on the sidelines because you’re too much of a coward to jump in.
Bro, sincerely you know nothing about my life. You made alot of assumptions up there. That is really faulty critical thinking.

But when you make a false claim and then double down while also refusing to provide a single example I take it we are done.

Have a good day and I wish you a great 2025.
Bro, sincerely you know nothing about my life. You made alot of assumptions up there. That is really faulty critical thinking.

But when you make a false claim and then double down while also refusing to provide a single example I take it we are done.

Have a good day and I wish you a great 2025.
If I have the time I’ll trudge through and find some the specific messages for you. It’s a hypothesis not an assumption, this thread alone is enough data. From Merriam Webster - Hypothesis:
    • Start with an educated guess or thought
    • Research what's already known about the topic
    • Form a hypothesis that's based on existing theories and knowledge
If I have the time I’ll trudge through and find some the specific messages for you. It’s a hypothesis not an assumption, this thread alone is enough data. From Merriam Webster - Hypothesis:
    • Start with an educated guess or thought
    • Research what's already known about the topic
    • Form a hypothesis that's based on existing theories and knowledge

In all honesty I feel pity for you that you spend your life on boards as that’s the only value you can contribute and tie your worth to your online persona legacy.

You must have a sad life and want to live in an alternate place where you feel you have “friends” and therefore validation.

This is a hobby not a life and you seem to confuse that.

The real question is how you will prove/disprove the null hypothesis if indeed you are treating those statements as hypotheses.

Now you've added more claims to the list and of course you have the burden.
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