I'm by no means sticking up for these guys, but in the 15 years I have been buying raws, I have NEVER found a company from china that charged less than 50$ for shipping or that didn't recharge the shipping fee to resend a pack that got seized by customs, and I couldn't count how many different companies i've dealt with in that length of time. Me personally I gladly repaid the shipping twice that I remember of to get a package that customs took, The way I look at it, It sure as hell wasn't the shippers fault.. Hell QSC even charged 50$ for shipping,i paid it to them gladly to. I'm not saying these guys aren't scammers, But if you find somebody that gladly reships packages for Free when they were seized and and don't even charge shipping... I just ordered today from a source on here that everybody highly recommends, And has been getting pack through and he charged 60$ lol