Enhanced Testing Database

Hey read, I was curious if you have setup a master spreadsheet with all the info for easier tracking/navigating and wouldn't mind posting it. If not you should consider compiling one as it would be a huge QoL for everyone that is interested in this.
Thanks for making your new member intro.

This is a great idea but I haven't made one. Almost all of the activity has been logged here AFAIK. You'll just have to work your way through the detour in the thread. At some point for this to catch on others would need to get engaged on tool development. Would be a nice spreadsheet just to see vendor engagement with the ET but would be tremendous work keeping it up to date. Maybe even a subforum under the analytical testing forum.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Just got the result for Pharmacom endotoxin test.
Thank you so much for ordering the test and having the sample checked.
@janoshik could this be because you are doing it in house now? Compared to the old tests

Very interesting. I wonder if previous testing was actually recovering the endotoxin from oil matrix properly or we had a bunch of false negative results up until now.

Still far below the limits as far as I checked.

Pharma Test cyp C of A shows limit NMT 0.88 EU/mg.

503b compounder sets even higher.

Great that you have a calibrated endotoxin test for oils now @janoshik. I know IP is a concern but were you able to show close to 100% recovery with your in house method?

I thought the limit for injectable medication was 0.2 EU/ml

Thanks to your help we are getting closer to the real story. We need to confirm absolute or relative specs with respect to pharma testing vs Jano's method.

Well done!

For reference:

Compounding pharmacy


Thank you so much for ordering the test and having the sample checked.

Very interesting. I wonder if previous testing was actually recovering the endotoxin from oil matrix properly or we had a bunch of false negative results up until now.

Pharma Test cyp C of A shows limit NMT 0.88 EU/mg.

503b compounder sets even higher.

Great that you have a calibrated endotoxin test for oils now @janoshik. I know IP is a concern but were you able to show close to 100% recovery with your in house method?

Thanks to your help we are getting closer to the real story. We need to confirm absolute or relative specs with respect to pharma testing vs Jano's method.

Well done!

For reference:

Compounding pharmacy


Between you and @Ghoul , You two are "the cross reference KINGS" always on top of facts,,, Well done , ,
Thanks readalot.

Seems like this 0.625 EU/ml for pharmacom is actually within limits.

If there is a need to provide pharma grade testosterone oils I can (Have Test E amps from Bayer).
Thank you so much for ordering the test and having the sample checked.

Very interesting. I wonder if previous testing was actually recovering the endotoxin from oil matrix properly or we had a bunch of false negative results up until now.
Me too.

Spiked samples we're getting 80-120% now.

EU pharmacopeia states 5 EU/kg for people for IV, so for a 220 lbs man using 1 ml of 500 EU/ml AAS oil would be permissible, if I interpret it correctly. I don't see subq or IM application there. Please, check me, I'm ill and tired.
For IM this is what I get. Simple TRT. 100 mg per week, for a bodyweight of 100kg. Test E (250 mg /ml)

K-value for IM injections: 5 EU/kg

I get 1250 EU/mL as maximum allowed endotoxin limit

For my TRT I am 10 000 times below the safety limit
Pharma Test cyp C of A shows limit NMT 0.88 EU/mg.
Note the mg above should be per mg of ester.

So using that pharma spec with 200 mg/ml oil concentration gives

0.88 EU/mg × 200 mg/ml = 176 EU/ml (per ml of product).

See also



Look at example 3 of the last pdf for parenteral injection...


250 mg / ml concentration
100 kg person

5 EU/kg ÷ (250 mg / 100 kg man) = 2.5 EU / mg Test ester

2.5 EU /mg Test ester × 250 mg/ml = 625 EU /ml product

TLDR: concur with @Exhortae 's and @janoshik 's comments.

Compounders spec shown above is very stringent and way below USP standard. The pharmacom sample still safely below even that spec.

Great to hear you confirmed 80 to 120% recovery, Janoshik. Thank you for sharing that info.
Last edited:
Note the mg above should be per mg of ester.

So using that pharma spec with 200 mg/ml oil concentration gives

0.88 EU/mg × 200 mg/ml = 176 EU/ml (per ml of product).

See also



Look at example 3 of the last pdf for parenteral injection...


250 mg / ml concentration
100 kg person

5 EU/kg ÷ (250 mg / 100 kg man) = 2.5 EU / mg Test ester

2.5 EU /mg Test ester × 250 mg/ml = 625 EU /ml product

TLDR: concur with @Exhortae 's and @janoshik 's comments.

Compounders spec shown above is very stringent and way below USP standard. The pharmacom sample still safely below even that spec.

Great to hear you confirmed 80 to 120% recovery, Janoshik. Thank you for sharing that info.
Also note paragraph from first page of reference 3...

What are Endotoxin Limits?
An endotoxin limit of 5 EU/kg/hr or 350 EU per adult (70 kg) was scientifically established to avoid the fever and hypotension from IM or IV injection of endotoxin contamination.2

Time is a factor because there are mechanisms in the liver and blood that neutralize endotoxin. However, there are no clearance mechanisms in intraspinal
spaces, so the IT (intrathecal) endotoxin limit is much more
stringent. An IT limit of 0.2 EU/kg/hr was arbitrarily set
without supporting experimental data. A more scientifically sound IT endotoxin limit of 14 EU per day avoids the serious mortality and morbidity associated with the signs of
meningitis that are induced by endotoxin in IT spaces.1
An Endotoxin Unit (EU) is a unit of biological activity of the USP Reference Endotoxin Standard.