Is World Pharma Legit?

A shill, also called a plant or a stooge, is a person who publicly helps a person or organization without disclosing that he has a close relationship with that person or organization.

"Shill" typically refers to someone who purposely gives onlookers the impression that he is an enthusiastic independent customer of a seller (or marketer of ideas) for whom he is secretly working. The person or group who hires the shill is using crowd psychology, to encourage other onlookers or audience members to purchase the goods or services (or accept the ideas being marketed). Shills are often employed by professional marketing campaigns. "Plant" and "stooge" more commonly refer to any person who is secretly in league with another person or organization while pretending to be neutral or actually a part of the organization he is planted in, such as a magician's audience, a political party, or an intelligence organization (see double agent).


Why? You got any $170 AP UGL tren you want to vouch for?

As a matter of fact I don't, although I have used it and in my book it was the best I've used in a long time. But if you would like some go to his site and right now he has a buy two get one free special do the math it comes out to the same price as any dom asked
Spend your money however you like, I can't afford it and tren raises my BP too much to use it safely, besides it's illegal, I think.


That is one of my fav avi's. I can link tons of good and bad stuff from my 3 years and over1800 posts from that site to you Mr. Respected member with 1 year under his belt and 89 posts.
That was my experience review for an order that was taken care of and yes I will continue to be a customer when I can because he has never done me any harm.
Please continue, you are doing well, lot's of free advertising coming from you, I'm sure WP is eating this up. Good Job :-bd
As a matter of fact I don't, although I have used it and in my book it was the best I've used in a long time. But if you would like some go to his site and right now he has a buy two get one free special do the math it comes out to the same price as any dom asked
Spend your money however you like, I can't afford it and tren raises my BP too much to use it safely, besides it's illegal, I think.

Tell him ur UGL is your kitchen.
I got the best Tren there is. 100mg / 220ml / = 150$
WP may send ur gear unlike other shit companies but anyone that pays them prices are just nuts.
"Shill" typically refers to someone who purposely gives onlookers the impression that he is an enthusiastic independent customer of a seller (or marketer of ideas) for whom he is secretly working. The person or group who hires the shill is using crowd psychology, to encourage other onlookers or audience members to purchase the goods or services (or accept the ideas being marketed). Shills are often employed by professional marketing campaigns. "Plant" and "stooge" more commonly refer to any person who is secretly in league with another person or organization while pretending to be neutral or actually a part of the organization he is planted in, such as a magician's audience, a political party, or an intelligence organization (see double agent).

You're hooked on xanax and he's your dealer on a forum you moderate. It's all coming together now.


You found me out, good job Mcgruff. Will you stage an intervention next?
Who do you think cares?
Currently Active Users: 5765 (95 members and 5670 guests) Really?
You found me out, good job Mcgruff. Will you stage an intervention next?
Who do you think cares?
Currently Active Users: 5765 (95 members and 5670 guests) Really?

"Shill" typically refers to someone who purposely gives onlookers the impression that he is an enthusiastic independent customer of a seller (or marketer of ideas) for whom he is secretly working. The person or group who hires the shill is using crowd psychology, to encourage other onlookers or audience members to purchase the goods or services (or accept the ideas being marketed). Shills are often employed by professional marketing campaigns. "Plant" and "stooge" more commonly refer to any person who is secretly in league with another person or organization while pretending to be neutral or actually a part of the organization he is planted in, such as a magician's audience, a political party, or an intelligence organization (see double agent).

Your dealer on a forum you moderate has you hooked on benzos to the extent that you can't sleep without them. Tell us again about how the description above doesn't describe you perfectly.

You found me out, good job Mcgruff. Will you stage an intervention next?
Who do you think cares?
Currently Active Users: 5765 (95 members and 5670 guests) Really?

That is simply a vbulletin cookie setting, no telling how long the cookie lasts it could be 15 minutes or 24 hrs or longer. The board you moderate on has much less traffic. If you want a traffic rating use , meso gets 6 times the traffic.
FYI - Post reported

But since you asked and I've got nothing to hide I'll respond. Go to post #3 of your cut and paste and read it thouroghly. I have a subsurface torn labrum, torn suprasponatus and an acromioclavicular break that I just had surgery for. Yes the benzos are 100% legit and ARE the only way I can sleep with this injury. Surgeons will not prescribe sleep and pain medication at the same time and so I had to make a choice. I pm'd WP and he helped me out with my purchase by expiditeting shipment. You have not found the golden fleece here, you have just become a third party advertider for WP you dumb ass. Congratulations.:-bd
That is simply a vbulletin cookie setting, no telling how long the cookie lasts it could be 15 minutes or 24 hrs or longer. The board you moderate on has much less traffic. If you want a traffic rating use , meso gets 6 times the traffic.
You are probably right. We've only been around for a short time.
"Shill" typically refers to someone who purposely gives onlookers the impression that he is an enthusiastic independent customer of a seller (or marketer of ideas) for whom he is secretly working. The person or group who hires the shill is using crowd psychology, to encourage other onlookers or audience members to purchase the goods or services (or accept the ideas being marketed). Shills are often employed by professional marketing campaigns. "Plant" and "stooge" more commonly refer to any person who is secretly in league with another person or organization while pretending to be neutral or actually a part of the organization he is planted in, such as a magician's audience, a political party, or an intelligence organization (see double agent).

FYI - Post reported
But since you asked and I've got nothing to hide I'll respond. Go to post #3 of your cut and paste and read it thouroghly. I have a subsurface torn labrum, torn suprasponatus and an acromioclavicular break that I just had surgery for. Yes the benzos are 100% legit and ARE the only way I can sleep with this injury. Surgeons will not prescribe sleep and pain medication at the same time and so I had to make a choice. I pm'd WP and he helped me out with my purchase by expiditeting shipment. You have not found the golden fleece here, you have just become a third party advertider for WP you dumb ass. Congratulations.:-bd

Explain why the word shill does not describe you perfectly.
I guess then it would be that I do not work for WP.

You hid:
your close personal relationship with them
the fact that you moderate a forum which they financially support
the fact that they provide you with addictive drugs which you can't fall asleep without

You gave them a ringing endorsement while minimizing all of their shortcomings and posing as nothing more than a customer. You are a shill.
Based on the discordant opinions on this thread alone, someone would have to be a dolt to not be skeptical of WP credibility. I had two colleagues order non-pharm grade from them SEVERAL YEARS AGO and got nada. Moreover why pay more for less, unless ya have zip for sources (and some noobs do) I WOULD NOT USE THEM.

