Is World Pharma Legit?

They are all beacons of truth in a community rife with dishonest staffers such as yourself. Meso is an excellent educational board. Many trustworthy community leaders and strong minds participate in the discussions here. I do not agree with your assertion that Meso is "the truly lamest board this side of"

You are a broken record and we are bored with it.

You have been unable or unwilling to support your position on the thread topic. Instead you resort to bashing everyone who has not agreed with you, you're nothing more than e-bully and (let me save you the keystrokes) I'm a schill. That's the way of the world in your eyes and that's the way it will always be. Blinded by distrust and hate, you must have a miserable existance.

I feel sorry for you.

Got 2 more alerts today showing PM's at IM. Tommy is flexing on me over there. Silly little dope feign. If I was connect he'd be doing my laundry. Lame.
Go to n u can see what srcs r scams n which are legit, u can even see their delivery time by user that have ordered from there
Got 2 more alerts today showing PM's at IM. Tommy is flexing on me over there. Silly little dope feign. If I was connect he'd be doing my laundry. Lame.

So since your nobody over there, and you go there for sources, couple more negs from me and no one will sell you squat. Who's the laundry boy now?
You are a broken record and we are bored with it.

Shill, when you say "we" who are you referring to? Is it all of the members of staff from the boards WP financially supports and WP's rep who all showed up in this thread at the same time?

You have been unable or unwilling to support your position on the thread topic.

WP/AP/BD falsely represent UGL products as something other than UGL. In creating this false distinction they fetch a higher premium for their products which is a scam. Shills enable and promote this ongoing scam. We are in opposition of this practice. I do not understand why anyone would inject something into their body that comes from a source who is dishonest.

Bottom line, you're either a shill getting a break on the price of your gear for hyping their products on the board or you don't mind getting charged outrageous prices for UGL products. It's obvious which scenario is more likely.

Instead you resort to bashing everyone who has not agreed with you, you're nothing more than e-bully and (let me save you the keystrokes) I'm a schill. That's the way of the world in your eyes and that's the way it will always be. Blinded by distrust and hate, you must have a miserable existance. I feel sorry for you.

People disagree with me often and I'm incorrect sometimes. When I'm wrong about something I'm happy because I've learned something new. Dr Jim and I are friends and we have debated over PM in a respectful manner. Ben and I are friends and he told me I was making a mistake recently.

what the hell is a 'shill'? not a word thats used here lol

Read this post.

So since your nobody over there, and you go there for sources, couple more negs from me and no one will sell you squat. Who's the laundry boy now?



Someone took 10th grade AP English and thinks we will be impressed.

Did Tommy pass 10th grade AP English?

You are a broken record and we are bored with it.

You have been unable or unwilling to support your position on the thread topic. Instead you resort to bashing everyone who has not agreed with you, you're nothing more than e-bully and (let me save you the keystrokes) I'm a schill. That's the way of the world in your eyes and that's the way it will always be. Blinded by distrust and hate, you must have a miserable existance.

I feel sorry for you.
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So since your nobody over there, and you go there for sources, couple more negs from me and no one will sell you squat. Who's the laundry boy now?

tommygunz you have lost all credibility here I think its time you move on. Negs? Are you a child?
Banner is a bitch, that took English in highschool n likes to use "fancy words". Hey banner, with all do respect, fuck you.
tommygunz you have lost all credibility here I think its time you move on. Negs? Are you a child?

I never had any credibility here, because from post one I didn't side with the popular opinion. Is that how this board is? I have to move on because no one else can?
My name has been smeared across 3 threads in this forum by 2 individuals. I'm a child?
It's apparent that this is a closed knit group that visciously defends that status. I can't say that I don't understand that, actually it is what's apealing to me about this board. What I don't understand is the intolerance of diverse opinion. I have done nothing wrong, obviously. If administration wanted me to move on I would have a long time ago.
I never had any credibility here, because from post one I didn't side with the popular opinion. Is that how this board is? I have to move on because no one else can?
My name has been smeared across 3 threads in this forum by 2 individuals. I'm a child?
It's apparent that this is a closed knit group that visciously defends that status. I can't say that I don't understand that, actually it is what's apealing to me about this board. What I don't understand is the intolerance of diverse opinion. I have done nothing wrong, obviously. If administration wanted me to move on I would have a long time ago.

You are a shill in support of an ongoing scam. You and your fellow staff from boards which are financially supported by WP came over here and pretended you're all nothing more then clients of WP. Expect to get your card pulled every time you do this.
You are a shill in support of an ongoing scam. You and your fellow staff from boards which are financially supported by WP came over here and pretended you're all nothing more then clients of WP. Expect to get your card pulled every time you do this.

So can I expect to be deposed every time I post? In every thread? On any topic?
So can I expect to be deposed every time I post? In every thread? On any topic?

Of the 46 posts you've made 3 are in threads which don't involve World Pharma. Those three posts have not been met with criticism. You've put yourself under the microscope with the 43 posts you've made in Wold Pharma related threads.
So since your nobody over there, and you go there for sources, couple more negs from me and no one will sell you squat. Who's the laundry boy now?

He got me good mugz. I go to IM for sources and after you're done with me nobody will sell me squat? What on earth are you talking about, boy?
Here's the latest PM from big TG...
You think you can treat me the way you did on Meso and not receive any reciprocity? Who's being the newb now?
If you can talk to me like a man and not a punk, I'll undo the negs. If you continue with the smearing of my name I'll neg you into nonexistance on this board.
I did nothing wrong, except try to tell my side of the story.
He got me good mugz. I go to IM for sources and after you're done with me nobody will sell me squat? What on earth are you talking about, boy?
Here's the latest PM from big TG...
You think you can treat me the way you did on Meso and not receive any reciprocity? Who's being the newb now?
If you can talk to me like a man and not a punk, I'll undo the negs. If you continue with the smearing of my name I'll neg you into nonexistance on this board.
I did nothing wrong, except try to tell my side of the story.

I figured out what's wrong with Tommy. He has an affliction.

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Of the 46 posts you've made 3 are in threads which don't involve World Pharma. Those three posts have not been met with criticism. You've put yourself under the microscope with the 43 posts you've made in Wold Pharma related threads.
I understand, you are right.
You think you can treat me the way you did on Meso and not receive any reciprocity? Who's being the newb now?
If you can talk to me like a man and not a punk, I'll undo the negs. If you continue with the smearing of my name I'll neg you into nonexistance on this board.
I did nothing wrong, except try to tell my side of the story.

I absolutley posted this and meant every word.