Is World Pharma Legit?

What a pathetic display lol. Real men don't spend all day on the internet name calling and condescending. I'm pretty grossed out.
What a pathetic display lol. Real men don't spend all day on the internet name calling and condescending. I'm pretty grossed out.

TommyG is yer boy from what I've read young lady. He's quite a looker....regular and I have seen a pic of him. Must be his personality?
How are sales these days?
He bought a huge cycle from me its hardly a secret. Sales are fantastic I'm sure you've seen my pages and pages of 100% positive reviews? Thanks for asking :)
He bought a huge cycle from me its hardly a secret. Sales are fantastic I'm sure you've seen my pages and pages of 100% positive reviews? Thanks for asking :)
What a pathetic display lol. Real men don't spend all day on the internet name calling and condescending. I'm pretty grossed out.

Yeah real men mod the forum you source on, get discounted or free gear from you, and make sure all of your feedback is 100%. :rolleyes:
Yeah because I gave away ten k in gear I mean really do you even numbers? Lol 100% positive feedback did I Give all of that gear away? 100% positive feedback. Find me one bad lab or one complaint.

Knock yourself out :)
Bye bye
Yeah because I gave away ten k in gear I mean really do you even numbers? Lol 100% positive feedback did I Give all of that gear away? 100% positive feedback. Find me one bad lab or one complaint.

Knock yourself out :)
Bye bye

Pretty tricky with the whole gender thing. Very silly.
NOBODY who's legitimate AND who's been in the AAS business (OR ANY OTHER) long enough to establish credibility, "gets 100% feedback" (lol), excepting for the "dues payers" enabling the "quid-pro-quo" arrangement at Eroids"!

In my opinion the minute ya hear someone make that comment, their legitimatcy becomes questionable!

Either their to inexperienced to know any better, and will close shop in short course, or their outright scammers possible paid by Eroids themselves!
NOBODY who's legitimate AND who's been in the AAS business (OR ANY OTHER) long enough to establish credibility, "gets 100% feedback" (lol), excepting for the "dues payers" enabling the "quid-pro-quo" arrangement at Eroids"!

In my opinion the minute ya hear someone make that comment, their legitimatcy becomes questionable!

Either their to inexperienced to know any better, and will close shop in short course, or their outright scammers possible paid by Eroids themselves!

Excellent point Dr Jim. I was in the middle of typing a similar post. Even the best sources don't have 100% positive feedback. Anyone who says they do are flat out lying or have only filled a handful of orders.
Well boys not sure whats up with the gender comment. Doesn't matter.

I'm not on eroids that I know of I'm sure I would have mixed feedback if I were. I have seen that site and it does seem no one has 100%. I was referring to the board that was brought up one of the ones where I sponsor.

Only time will tell who and what I am and what my gear is. In the meantime enjoy your circle jerk immaturity festival. Commenting on people's looks? REALLY? What does that have to do with anything.

This board and your weird little clique are hands down the strangest I have seen and this is NOT my first day on the internet.

He bought a huge cycle from me its hardly a secret. Sales are fantastic I'm sure you've seen my pages and pages of 100% positive reviews? Thanks for asking :)

Yeah because I gave away ten k in gear I mean really do you even numbers? Lol 100% positive feedback did I Give all of that gear away? 100% positive feedback. Find me one bad lab or one complaint.

You're choosing to ignore the word discount.

I must confess you got a chuckle out of me with the 10k worth of gear comment. That must be some "cycle."
Excellent point Dr Jim. I was in the middle of typing a similar post. Even the best sources don't have 100% positive feedback. Anyone who says they do are flat out lying or have only filled a handful of orders.

The one thing my father said to before he left and never came back was "Son, you can't make everybody happy all the time. If you do, you're doing something wrong. You're either lying, or not being true to yourself."
Ok....he did come back, but I like the way the story sounds when he doesn't.
Well boys not sure whats up with the gender comment. Doesn't matter.

I'm not on eroids that I know of I'm sure I would have mixed feedback if I were. I have seen that site and it does seem no one has 100%. I was referring to the board that was brought up one of the ones where I sponsor.

Only time will tell who and what I am and what my gear is. In the meantime enjoy your circle jerk immaturity festival. Commenting on people's looks? REALLY? What does that have to do with anything.

This board and your weird little clique are hands down the strangest I have seen and this is NOT my first day on the internet.


Ok Ok....young lady, I know for a fact I'm much better looking than TommyG and my wit is only surpassed by my charm. I'd like a chance to make you my girl. I've always wanted to be a kept man. What do you say? I know I'm leaving myself wide open and very vulnerable here. But you only live once!
You're choosing to ignore the word discount.

I must confess you got a chuckle out of me with the 10k worth of gear comment. That must be some "cycle."

A chuckle? OMG Why are you so weird and affected? One cycle? You are obviously just talking shit about me for the fun of it. You seemed to be saying that my positive reviews are all from gear that I gave away or discounted. I have pages of positive reviews from dozens of posters so yes that would add up to 10k. Get over yourself you are a grumpy jerk.

Ok Ok....young lady, I know for a fact I'm much better looking than TommyG and my wit is only surpassed by my charm. I'd like a chance to make you my girl. I've always wanted to be a kept man. What do you say? I know I'm leaving myself wide open and very vulnerable here. But you only live once!

Excellent point Dr Jim. I was in the middle of typing a similar post. Even the best sources don't have 100% positive feedback. Anyone who says they do are flat out lying or have only filled a handful of orders.

All new sources should have 100% positive feedback. The longer they've been in business, the less likely this is to happen. This is why it is difficult to evaluate new sources. On the one hand, new sources may be more responsive due to relatively low volume and desire to grow customer base. But then they could take the money and run. The only way to judge is based on early feedback.
This board and your weird little clique are hands down the strangest I have seen and this is NOT my first day on the internet.

It's what happens when no sources aren't protected - for better or worse. Freedom of speech. Transparency. No censorship.

What do you propose?

Deletion of negative comments made towards you?

Mod endorsements?

If you have a better solution, I'd love to hear it.
Guaranteed, any other model, including every worth while active AAS forum, will involve MORE rather than less censorship!

Advantage UGL re-seller, NO THANKS!
A chuckle? OMG Why are you so weird and affected? One cycle? You are obviously just talking shit about me for the fun of it. You seemed to be saying that my positive reviews are all from gear that I gave away or discounted. I have pages of positive reviews from dozens of posters so yes that would add up to 10k. Get over yourself you are a grumpy jerk.

Maybe we're not understanding each other. You said tommy got a large amount of gear from you (more than likely at a significant discount.) He has established himself to be dishonest and has moderator access to the board where you source. For that reason, I'm not surprised you have 100% positive feedback.

