Asia Pharma and British Dragon

Yes I see your point and you are right. I feel now I am defending myself more than anything. It was never my intent to see this thing roll for days but I like you am eager to defend myself. Thankyou for the welcome as I do like the approach at this board and I have some knowledge to share. I look forward to learning as well and spending what time I can afford to helping those I can.

Acting as a shill provides nothing of value to the board.
I'm sorry you feel that way about me. I have no ill feelings toward you.

This fucking guy....sticking to your gunz with this approach. You're one of the better shills, i'll give you that. You guys hit folks from all different angles and approaches to keep the gravy train rolling. It's quite a criminal enterprise you have going there. This is a case where the gov't would hit you all with RICO.....thats15yrs. You could get some downward departures from the fed sentencing guidelines buy being of "substantial assistance to the gov't" but you'd still do at least 7yrs.
I know some surenos personally that i was down with that dealt with this...a hells angel as well. You're playing a dangerous game partner. Benzo addiction is a serious thing as well.
People doing this online drug pushing thing have no idea how easy it's gonna be for the gov to get you. But how can you stop?
You are speaking beyond your experience and knowledge when it comes to MESO-Rx. You don't know me and I don't know you. Your characterization of other steroid-related websites may be more or less accurate. I can understand your cynicism regarding the agenda of most steroid sites. But you obviously have no idea how this website works. MESO-Rx is very different from any other site.

Believe it or not, the primary objective of MESO-Rx is steroid education, steroid harm reduction (protecting health of AAS users) and steroid legal reform. Admittedly, it's not a philanthropic endeavor. We have specific and targeted objectives for this website. And we need to find a pay to fund its content and derive a living income while devoting time to these objectives. That's where advertising comes into play.

I personally have nothing against advertising steroid pharmacies and steroid sources. However, for the past four years, it has been illegal for me to do so on this forum per the federal Controlled Substances Act.

Consequently, during this period, this forum has not featured banner ads for any companies that have a point of sale for steroids on their website(s). When it comes to steroid-related companies, MESO-Rx only accepts advertising from company websites that are steroid information-only, non-ecommerce enabled sites e.g. forums, blog, branding sites.

I have rejected several dozens of sources who want to advertise steroid-ecommerce sites.

As a result, MESO is not particularly popular with most sources (and their official and unofficial representatives). Not only do I refuse to take their money, I also refuse to protect them by deleting negative feedback from members.

I have rejected hundreds of request to delete negative feedback. But to be fair, everyone is given a chance to defend themselves.

I have no interest in promoting steroid sales in the forum. My interest is in this forum is in helping facilitate discussion about the truth of buying steroids on the internet black market.

Isn't operated by World-Pharma?
Isn't operated by World-Pharma?

I know they have banners on the site. But I don't know if they own it. I know that forbodybuilders has been around for several years before WP came into existence. I believe the guy contributed photos to some of the early versions of Llewellyn's "Anabolics" book.
I'm sorry you feel that way about me. I have no ill feelings toward you.

Shill, it's not a feeling. No one appreciates the valueless posts you've brought here and your concealment of you connection to world pharma. You're hooked on the benzos they provide you, they fund the board you moderate, and you're personally involved with them. You can defend your dealer all you want while pretending you're nothing more than a client but the cat is out of the bag. It's well known that WP provides products to their pushers in exchange for positive feedback on the boards. You are shill as proven by the evidence I provided and nothing more.
Seriously tommy ap is just another ugl good, average or garbage, whatever i feel if they are to busted tomorrow I have a list of 20 ugls with just as good if not better products, so who really cares. So as a generally feeling I think you know people don't care for ap. so leave it at that, if you like use them keep it to yourself back in the day I loved gerhkes (sp) where is he now gone and 20-30 sources are here to replace him.... I will have to say one thing thank you Millard! You have made finding a good sources easy.. This is one of the few boards I visit almost everyday because its honest and open. Fukc elite fitness, anabolics, and all those other boards, I do like iron den though. I would like to see people more active in the board to keep it interesting. if Millard's needs anything I'll be the first to help him out. Millard puts his azz on the line dealing with this everyday for the freedom of speech I can respect that.

Tommy if you are a shill man up don't be a bitch own it... I would...
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Seriously tommy ap is just another ugl good, average or garbage, whatever i feel if they are to busted tomorrow I have a list of 20 ugls with just as good if not better products, so who really cares. So as a generally feeling I think you know people don't care for ap. so leave it at that, if you like use them keep it to yourself back in the day I loved gerhkes (sp) where is he now gone and 20-30 sources are here to replace him.... I will have to say one thing thank you Millard! You have made finding a good sources easy.. This is one of the few boards I visit almost everyday because its honest and open. Fukc elite fitness, anabolics, and all those other boards, I do like iron den though. I would like to see people more active in the board to keep it interesting. if Millard's needs anything I'll be the first to help him out. Millard puts his azz on the line dealing with this everyday for the freedom of speech I can respect that.

Tommy if you are a shill man up don't be a bitch own it... I would...

bump it!
Seriously tommy ap is just another ugl good, average or garbage, whatever i feel if they are to busted tomorrow I have a list of 20 ugls with just as good if not better products, so who really cares. So as a generally feeling I think you know people don't care for ap. so leave it at that, if you like use them keep it to yourself back in the day I loved gerhkes (sp) where is he now gone and 20-30 sources are here to replace him.... I will have to say one thing thank you Millard! You have made finding a good sources easy.. This is one of the few boards I visit almost everyday because its honest and open. Fukc elite fitness, anabolics, and all those other boards, I do like iron den though. I would like to see people more active in the board to keep it interesting. if Millard's needs anything I'll be the first to help him out. Millard puts his azz on the line dealing with this everyday for the freedom of speech I can respect that.[/B.

I agree, finally someone with common sense.
I agree, finally someone with common sense.

Shill, WP is your dealer on a forum you moderate and has you hooked on benzos to the extent that you can't sleep without them. Can you tell us what prevented you from disclosing the close personal and financial connection to world pharma you and heavyiron have? Do you think revealing that information would be beneficial to a party interested in understanding the motivation behind your endorsement of WP/AP?

It just dawned on me, your LE ! I wondered why the members were pming me asking me what was up with you. Why do you need the info Pig?
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It just dawned on me, your LE ! I wondered why the members were pming me asking me what was up with you. Why do you need the info Pig?
Defelecting.....not gonna work. Just go away. You're just a minion. You're boss chimed in. You're one of those types that would do your dealers laundry and run errands as long as he keeps you high. You're a disgrace.
It just dawned on me, your LE ! I wondered why the members were pming me asking me what was up with you. Why do you need the info Pig?

Shill, do you regret you posed as nothing more than a customer of WP now that evidence to the contrary was made available to other participants of this conversation?

If Asia Pharma were a legitimate company the Thai government would be aware of them and there wouldn't be any secret about who they are. AP did provide false information about themselves which was addressed in this post:

A real pharmaceutical company can be looked up in seconds. WP claims to sell products from Bayer. Bayer's contact information can be looked up in seconds:

The aim of this thread was to explore the information WP/AP/BD has provided to determine if they are being honest with the community and nothing more. From what I can see they are involved in an ongoing scam by misrepresenting the products they're selling. While attempting to verify the information WP/AP has provided I've discovered information about WP that could potentially be very harmful them that I am unwilling to post. I am not trying to damage WP at all costs. I asked some simple questions which appear unanswerable because AP is not a real licensed pharmaceutical company. Shills such as yourself seem really offended by my simple request for the information AP claims it can provide.

Regarding me being law enforcement, it's obvious you want to derail this thread anyway you can by steering the conversation onto a topic besides AP/BD/WP anyway you can and you're grasping at straws. Are you capable of making a post which is on topic? Is there a false representation that you will not make on behalf of your dealer who provides you with addictive drugs(probably for free) which you can't fall asleep without?

There are members here who know who I am, where I live, have seen my criminal record, and even seen my drivers license.
What a thread, this is long overdue. This is where we see who is honest, and who will lie for a buck.
I've probed the whole issue here a bit, and at times it seemed like there was an organized effort to shut me up. I'm glad to see others asking questions that need answers.

I just skimmed through this, and I gotta say the rec pics and comments on this page copied from another site are fucked. Tommy, and to a lesser degree heavy iron you've exposed yourselves. Nothing cool about benzos, flat out fucking retarded.
Micro Labs Xanax are legit no matter what anyone says. I would bet my life on it.

Nothing I have posted is untrue.

