Asia Pharma and British Dragon

Good idea cause people are usually honest when given free gear... That's how WP gets the kiddie boards it sponsors to have mods suppress the truth. That the gear sucks. They give the mods decent stuff so when a newb makes a post that WP is a scam and their gear is bunk, mods delete and ban and refute.

I told you defending AP will simply get you slammed wherever you go, apartently you didnt want my advice. My advice once again......Sell your products and stop defending.

Same group of good for nothing, know nothing pain in the ass guys that have been around for as long as, if not longer than yourself and who won't shut up about the truth just because you say it's not.
You should check that arrogance, Thorus. You can run that game at some boards where noobs don't know any better and where sources enjoy moderator privileges over their own threads.
BigKarch, you're included in the group of guys I'm talking about in the first sentence of my post here.:)
Sorry bro,jail time is not a good compensation for proving a point on a thread and it won't accomplish anything as most people will say "we don't accept" any other GMP but USA one so it's all for nothing.

Which government agency from any country has certified that AP/BD products are manufactured according to GMP specifications?

AP claims to sell Thai FDA approved products that are ready for export which is false per the Thai FDA's exports page. AP's contact page lists them in Malaysia.

There's no record of their products with the National Pharmaceutical Control Bureau.
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The absence of evidence both brands claim to be able to provide demonstrates that the products are being falsely represented. The false representation of each brand as something other than a UGL lab is a scam to charge excess fees for UGL products.
Which government agency from any country has certified that AP/BD products are manufactured according to GMP specifications?

AP claims to have 9 products registered with the Thai FDA i.e. Cypiobolic, Decabolic, Durobolic, Enantbolic, Oxyanabolic, Stanobolic, Propiobolic, Tamoxol or Sustabolic.

AP directs visitors to the Thai FDA website for verification. I recall that it worked at some point in the past. However, the provided link does not currently work.

MBA has reported that the Thai FDA website has been reorganized. And there is a new password-protected link i.e.

MBA has promised to provide us with the login info that will allow verification of the current status of AP products in Thailand.

I guess this is what we're waiting on.
AP claims to have 9 products registered with the Thai FDA i.e. Cypiobolic, Decabolic, Durobolic, Enantbolic, Oxyanabolic, Stanobolic, Propiobolic, Tamoxol or Sustabolic.

AP directs visitors to the Thai FDA website for verification. I recall that it worked at some point in the past. However, the provided link does not currently work.

MBA has reported that the Thai FDA website has been reorganized. And there is a new password-protected link i.e.

MBA has promised to provide us with the login info that will allow verification of the current status of AP products in Thailand.

I guess this is what we're waiting on.

The Thai FDA sites are a maze. Whatever license number is provided will need to be verified via email.

Their story doesn't make sense. On the one hand AP's Thai FDA approved status is prominently flaunted on their website and the websites of their resellers. On the other hand, if one asks to see evidence of the licensure/GMP details which are represented to be available to exporters, the TFDA approvals become a secret. If AP was TFDA approved in the past the TFDA would have a record of their former licensure and the identity of the lab wouldn't be a secret to the authorities. How has their legal status changed? Are they no longer licensed? If the products are being secretly produced they can't be TFDA approved and licensed. How does one produce an TFDA approved product the TFDA doesn't know about? How does one have a certified product which a certifying authority hasn't reviewed? It's all misdirection/games/parlor tricks thus far. Each of their sales pages/agents points to the next for credibility. Someone once told me they felt that practice was inappropriate :)

Per Asia Pharma's page, their products are available for export. Anyone can lookup Thai FDA approved products which are available for export here: (Search! product exporter)
The Thai FDA sites are a maze. Whatever license number is provided will need to be verified via email.

You're right that a registration number is meaningless unless it can be verified.

I would hope that anyone could find out directly via the Thai FDA website.

I don't think many would find email verification credible - it is only as credible as the recipient.

Per Asia Pharma's page, their products are available for export. Anyone can lookup Thai FDA approved products which are available for export here: (Search! product exporter)

AP is not an exporter in Thailand. They are an exporter in Malaysia. Does Malaysia have a comparable search utility for approved exporters?
AP is not an exporter in Thailand. They are an exporter in Malaysia. Does Malaysia have a comparable search utility for approved exporters?

Per the link I provided:
"This database is a cummulative[cumulative] list comprising of drugs registered with the Drug Control Authority since 1985. This list consists of registration number, product name, name of product registration holder and name of manufacturer only."
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Searching the active ingredient "testosterone" returns the following results:
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Notiice that any mention of Asia Pharma/Asia Pharma Pharmaceuticals LTD International, Cypiobolic, Enantbolic, Propiobolic, or Sustabolic is missing.

Clicking "Licensed Manufacturer Search" here:
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Brings us here:
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There is no mention of Asia Pharma/Asia Pharma Pharmaceuticals LTD International in any of the PDF's on that page. Per Asia Pharma's web page they are located in Kuala Lumpur. These are the licensed manufacturers in Kuala Lumpur:

There is nothing to suggest that Asia Pharma is or ever was anything other than a UGL. They haven't produced anything that indicates otherwise. Their exclusion from the database above which is "a cummulative[cumulative] list comprising of drugs registered with the Drug Control Authority since 1985" indicates they have never been licensed in the past either.
Their exclusion from the database above which is "a cummulative[cumulative] list comprising of drugs registered with the Drug Control Authority since 1985" indicates they have never been licensed in the past either.

Thanks - so even if AP proves they have registered products in Thailand, the question becomes 'how does an unlicensed manufacturer in Malaysia export products to Thailand?' It's either illegal and/or permitted by Thailand or permitted by Malaysia or their base of operations isn't really in Malayasia. I don't think the answer will help their case. The best they can do if show they've registered products in Thailand.
Thanks - so even if AP proves they have registered products in Thailand, the question becomes 'how does an unlicensed manufacturer in Malaysia export products to Thailand?' It's either illegal and/or permitted by Thailand or permitted by Malaysia or their base of operations isn't really in Malayasia. I don't think the answer will help their case. The best they can do if show they've registered products in Thailand.

I appreciate your impartial analysis of the information I've provided. You've asked a strong question indeed.

  • How can AP be licensed in Malaysia if they aren't listed as being licensed with the Malaysian NPCB?
  • How does an unlicensed manufacturer in Malaysia export products to Thailand?
  • How does an unlicensed manufacturer in Malaysia get their products FDA approved in Thailand?
  • Why are AP's products listed as being "Thai FDA approved" and "available for export" per their website when their products aren't listed as being approved for export per the Thai FDA or the Malaysian NPCB?
  • How can AP's products be represented for sale as TFDA approved without there being any evidence their products are TFDA approved?
  • What incentive might AP have to represent their products as TFDA approved if they are not TFDA approved?

Many questions leading to one conclusion.
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You're right that a registration number is meaningless unless it can be verified.

I would hope that anyone could find out directly via the Thai FDA website.

I don't think many would find email verification credible - it is only as credible as the recipient.

AP is not an exporter in Thailand. They are an exporter in Malaysia. Does Malaysia have a comparable search utility for approved exporters?

Majority AP are made in India and exported to Thailand, nothing is made in Malaysia, it is just holding company.
Product are still visible on Thai FDA, but not under exporter but importers.
This is becoming childish.
Majority AP are made in India and exported to Thailand, nothing is made in Malaysia, it is just holding company.
Product are still visible on Thai FDA, but not under exporter but importers.
This is becoming childish.

Show us any verifiable evidence that supports your claim.

On the one hand William Llewellyn's books are presented as evidence of AP's legitimacy. On the other hand AP's agents refute what he has written about them. Which direction will the story turn next? :popcorn:


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all I can say is a BIG LOL....and you know what MJ aka pnut butter hasnt come around to defend his great certified pharmacy...I said this years ago
In this game We (sources*) Know each others , i can affirm that BD is a UGL for sure...
AP is a UGL, this is totally propogande to say that they Are GMP certied and selling freely ROIDS to the rest of the world , interpol would have erase their compagny since a while as they have no control of their supplier ...
AP is just a joke [:eek:)]
its just a joke to our community....I guess bigkarch aint so stupid and he cares for our members safety and security...hell yes he does...

Exclusive Importer and registration holder for Asia Pharma products in Thailand:

Advance Healthcare Company Limited
14/343 Moo 5 Ganda Village, Soi Puntainorasing,
Rama II road, Ampur Meang,
Samutsakorn 74000
tel: 0899930814 does not exist. :popcorn:
all I can say is a BIG LOL....and you know what MJ aka pnut butter hasnt come around to defend his great certified pharmacy...I said this years ago

Hey brother I don't know you from Adam, you seem like someone who gets behind a cause and dedicates himself to it and that alone has to be respected. I have read this entire thread and I think that it has gone in a few different directions that muddles it a bit. Some things have happened over the past year with some of the brands you and others have discussed at this length. IDK how WP/AP market themselves, all labs do it in their own style. The scamming that some people speak to has never happened to me so I cannot add much except that I have always recieved what I ordered. I like the products and honestly believe they are dosed correctly and are clean, which for me is important, there are many ugl's that are not. I also like that he carries other products and brands like Bayer ect. I am not affiliated with them in any way other than being a satisfied customer. Just my 2 cents.
Admin seems to be taking a logical approach in this debate and you have presented your arguements as well. This WP/AP scenario has been played out on many boards I'm on. The common denominator is always that his prices are above UGL and every one jumps on his advertising that it's pharma. I have paid much less for as good of gear lots of times, I have also gotten bad products as well. Every lab reaches for a market share by trying to find something special about their gear. It's just business.
I have to respect your opinion as well as others here whether it is positive or negative because I believe we are all entitled to one. The more information we have the better decisions we can make and in the end that's what these boards are really about. We have a common interest and discussion is good. I really feel that it is a personal choice we make. Respectfully-TG
This WP/AP scenario has been played out on many boards I'm on. The common denominator is always that his prices are above UGL and every one jumps on his advertising that it's pharma. I have paid much less for as good of gear lots of times, I have also gotten bad products as well. Every lab reaches for a market share by trying to find something special about their gear. It's just business.

On one hand you're able to clearly identify the ongoing scam. On the other hand you apologize for it and say "it's just business." :popcorn:

Why would you inject something into your body that comes from a source you know is lying to you?
The common denominator is always that his prices are above UGL and every one jumps on his advertising that it's pharma.

Brother I'm not sure that this say's what you implied, IDK if his gear is HG or not and I have no reason to believe he is lying to me. You are the one who's insisting that. I am not apologizing for something I did not type or do not know. You are lied to every time you order from an online drug dealer whether you want to admit to it or not. Unless your gear is certified by mass spectrometer you have no way of knowing if it is what they say it is. All I said is that this the nature of the beast when it comes to AAS business. I have no beef with you nor am I looking for one. As a member here I am entitled to voice my opinion, that's all this is.
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The common denominator is always that his prices are above UGL and every one jumps on his advertising that it's pharma.

Yes, that is where you identified the scam.

Every lab reaches for a market share by trying to find something special about their gear. It's just business.

This is where you apologized for it and attempted to minimize it.

Brother I'm not sure that this say's what you implied, IDK if his gear is HG or not and I have no reason to believe he is lying to me. You are the one who's insisting that. I am not apologizing for something I did not type or do not know.

At the start of this thread I said there has never been any verifiable evidence that AP/BD are anything other than UGL products being represented and priced as something other than UGL products. I then went on to present a tremendous amount of evidence to support that opinion. Then AP's agents screwed up their story invalidating what William Llewellyn wrote about them which was the only credibility they had.

You are lied to every time you order from an online drug dealer whether you want to admit to it or not. Unless your gear is certified by mass spectrometer you have no way of knowing if it is what they say it is. All I said is that this the nature of the beast when it comes to AAS business. I have no beef with you nor am I looking for one. As a member here I am entitled to voice my opinion, that's all this is.

I am a trusted member of this community and I purchase products from other trusted sources. They do not lie to me nor do they charge me 3 to 5x more than UGL prices selling me UGL products that they are trying to pass off as something more than UGL. They don't piss down my leg and tell me it's raining.
I'm happy for you brother, thanks for putting so much effort into explaining your beliefs. I hope you and your loved ones have a happy holiday season.
I'm happy for you brother, thanks for putting so much effort into explaining your beliefs. I hope you and your loved ones have a happy holiday season.

Thank you for the meaningful well thought out reply which addresses the content of my post and the concerns being presented in this thread.