Asia Pharma and British Dragon

Bigkarch, I'm disappointed that you resorted to personal attacks. Of course, it's an argument. You have repeatedly presented AP=WP as fact before admitting it was merely an opinion. I have no interest whatsoever in defending either company. I just wanted evidence that AP=WP.

I know you're a professional and you know how to make arguments to defend a position. You're an attorney after all. Yet, you've utilized so many logical fallacies in this thread.

(1) argumentum ad populum - everyone thinks it's true, so it must be true

(2) ignoratio elenchi - redirecting argument to another issue you can better defend.

The argument is "does WP=AP?" yet you want to change it to "does WP/AP = scam?". WP=AP has nothing to do with how big a scammer WP/AP may or may not be.

(3) negative proof - instead of trying to prove WP=AP, you place burden on proving WP does not equal AP.

Remember the whole "Why haven’t we had an official response to the rumor that Glenn Beck raped and murdered a girl in 1990?" meme a while back where people assumed it was true because Beck did not provide evidence to refute it. It was used to highlight Beck's ridiculous use of the negative proof fallacy.

(4) ad hominem - people are stupid for not believing WP=AP, so your argument must be true

Your motives may be noble. Many may believe the end justifies the means. But I think you can get from A to be B without doing what you've done in this thread. There may be little harm in doing what you're doing. Speculation/opinion is can be informative when identified as such. If being a stickler for truth and evidence keeps people from coming to this forum, then so be it.
woah...milliard...thats a bit much lol...there is a difference in my argument about AP and WP and my job as a lawyer...hell yeah I can argue with the best in my profession but this is different..please dont confuse the two and play as they are the same...this is not a court of law and I am not being an attorney...sure I have been off base a bit and the reason why is I think AP and WP have not only a partnership but vested one way or another...I know for a fact they scam, lie and are fraudulent to a point...I dont like the lies, threats and anything they do...that is what I am after..not a court battle and this means shit to about how I can argue the facts and make my point please Milliard dont compare this with my expertise with my occupation...again fact is, if I can deter any member from these so called pharma's, then I did my job..,,,,safety, security, and knowledge is number one in my book....and thats why I stick to the boards that feel do this...and WP has threated members to give up personal info as a vendetta

but as an argument in court beyond a reasonable doubt...if you were a juror given this info, could you say beyond a reasonable doubt, that WP is not AP...doesnt matter how your latin is in response...can you say beyond a reasonable doubt WP is not AP....NO..NO one can....that is all that matters Milliard if you want to go there..but his is about our members and security...and I will continue to speak my mind, as will MJ as will others and yourself and thats ok.....
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^^^Honestly bro, this is childish.

one thing I have to ask..if your a vet and been around for a long time, and mod on boards, why would you resort to such high prices and controversial gear....My gosh if your a vet and mod there are many many many good sources without having to go to
^^^^I am fully aware of this, I don't just deal with WP/AP. I have had dam near most ugl's. The only thing I'm trying to say is Asia Pharma makes good oils. Is it overpriced sure it is but this doesn't take away from the fact IMHO I believe it's top quality.
im sorry doesnt make sense......many others make good oils for half the price.., less bullshit, and more secure, tried and true... ........buts it your choice....I dont want you to think this is against you my friend..we are in the same game, different levels by all means...but you have not tried most ugls.or you would not have payed double...not sure what boards you frequent or mod at.....obviously they dont have good sources...I have done the human grade, pharmas, ug's, etc since 1999,,,,and have to say I have never had to resort to AP or WP, and I was even offered free gear from WP...for my bumps...I declined...
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there is a difference in my argument about AP and WP and my job as a lawyer...hell yeah I can argue with the best in my profession but this is different..please dont confuse the two and play as they are the same...this is not a court of law and I am not being an attorney...sure I have been off base a bit

I would assume that you would use the same argumentative skills developed as an a lawyer in every other aspect of you life. It's a skill set that's applicable everywhere. My apologies if you do not agree.

if I can deter any member from these so called pharma's, then I did my job..,,,,safety, security, and knowledge is number one in my book....and thats why I stick to the boards that feel do this...and WP has threated members to give up personal info as a vendetta

Thank you for your honesty.

but as an argument in court beyond a reasonable doubt...if you were a juror given this info, could you say beyond a reasonable doubt, that WP is not AP

You probably know exactly what you are doing. Who am I to criticize your use of fallacious arguments. They often work. But not on me.

Since you bring up evidence standards in U.S. court, you and I know that in a court of law, the burden of proof is not to prove innocence but to prove guilt.
^^^Honestly bro, this is childish.

Shill, per your posts you're "a mod and a well respected vet on a few other boards" who "ain't about to lie to anybody" and you promote AP/BD products as having been manufactured in a facility which has passed a GMP inspection. Why are you unable to provide any details about AP/BD's GMP inspection which has been included in your many endorsements of those brands?

What board made you a member of their staff with Greg Valentino as your avatar?

It isn't this one:
@bigkarch bro once again I don't run ap/bd exclusively. I'm currently in sciroxx and anabolic nation. All in saying is that ap/bd is intact good stuff. I know thers cheaper stuff out there I have indeed tried most ugl's and some homebrews I'm willing to bet you have yet to even hear about. Like you I been on gear since the 90's and been on blast and cruse for almost 10 years now.
@Banner your attempt at trying so hard to come at me is comedic. From here on I will simply ignore your comments.

Shill, when the fantastic claims you've made are met with a request for verification you are unable to formulate a meaningful reply. You have demonstrated that your posts should not to be taken seriously.
Shill, per your posts you're "a mod and a well respected vet on a few other boards" who "ain't about to lie to anybody" and you promote AP/BD products as having been manufactured in a facility which has passed a GMP inspection. Why are you unable to provide any details about AP/BD's GMP inspection which has been included in your many endorsements of those brands?

What board made you a member of their staff with Greg Valentino as your avatar?

It isn't this one:

Banner you need to take screenshots next time so the posts cannot be deleted. Besides that forum has been dead for years and gets no traffic to speak of.
I also have to say, I have not been scammed in a long time...there are many boards that closely watch and monitored their advertisers or sources and when bad news comes about, they are suspended until they make things right or banned...not ifs, and's or happens, but when it does, the problems are taken care of...I have even seen when a member gets scammed, a good source on the board, gave free gear to that member who was scammed...those boards Im speaking of know who they are.....

Oh yes you and i both come from the same place :)
I would assume that you would use the same argumentative skills developed as an a lawyer in every other aspect of you life. It's a skill set that's applicable everywhere. My apologies if you do not agree.

Thank you for your honesty.

You probably know exactly what you are doing. Who am I to criticize your use of fallacious arguments. They often work. But not on me.

Since you bring up evidence standards in U.S. court, you and I know that in a court of law, the burden of proof is not to prove innocence but to prove guilt.

LOL Milliard there is no burden...this in not a court of law...if you expect me to argue like I do in court in every aspect of my life, I would be an asshole...You are very intelligent and you seem to like to push your intelligence, similiar to Anthony Roberts..(.He always made an argument with an argument).. especially you breaking down my arguments with latin definitions. Have to say Im impressed, as I havent seen those in awhile....But that does shows mere arrogance as probably only you and I understand it and really does that apply to this forum where many things here are done in an illegal manner...REALLY..

... .but your priorities lately seem to be more of the Parliamentary procedure of arguments than board safety, board integrity, safety of members and most of all, getting paid for advertising space But as other vets and old timers say, you dont care.......that digs in deep as meso has been my mother board since 1999 and I put in almost 6 yrs as a mod and my legal advice and posts are still up....maybe Im just too old school Milliard and you are a better man than me...
But again.....why are we arguing why they are the same or not...I do believe they are the same as they have the same vested members, supporters and me thats the same interest, and are the same...I never presented that as a fact 100%.....BUT..that should not be our argument...our argument should be They lie, threaten, threaten to provide personal info on buyers, spam, have no integrity on the boards,have selectively scammed, and they do nothing good for our boards....that is KEY ..kill the latin definitions and arguments...they do nothing for us but provide advertising money
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funny this is when pnutbutter was banned along with WP...a few years ago

Mesomorphosis is stupid board with zero information Brian Clapp is selling his shit fake roids.

Millard Baker and Bigkarch know zero about FDA, GMP, CoPP. Millard Baker and Bigkarch know lots about alcohol and Brian Clapp shit counterfeit fake roid but nothing about drugs. Law company Bigkarch works for is not drug consultant company.

I hate ALL kind of spammers and mesomorphosis is full of it. I thing BOS is best board for exchanging valuable info and honestly I don't thing there is any potential customer for
products here.