Asia Pharma and British Dragon

just a mere google and a few years ago...

Millard Baker and his boss Brian Clapp are the worst kind of people you can find. Millard Baker has two advertisers on mesomorphosis Brian Clapp roidstore dot come and Mihael Karnner asiapharma dot com eurohormones dot com britishdragon dot com

Mesomorphosis is but dead because everyone left due to no information and lots of asiapharma brian clapp spam. Bodybuilding Forums

It is the same on bodyofscience. Bill Llewellyn is the loughing stock of whole bodybuilding community for his ties with asiapharma eurohormones Macedonian ugl.

All he does is lie how good asiapharma dirty ugl is and how bad all other ugls are.
6th of Oct, 2009 by william llewellyn 0 Votes

asiapharma kevin400 says

you cant call William Llewellyn, who write 8 book whore! also Millard Baker is well know and respected man in BB! All world know his forum and blog...he is not BS like you say!

Adolf Hitler wrote 7 books can we call him a nazi whore?

William Llewellyns books is one book reprinted 8 times.
William Llewellyn's Arachidonic Acid DROPPED BY GASPARI NUTRITION

After losing the most lucrative contract of his career, for his patented no-better-than-placeebo nutritional supplement (Arachidonic Acid), William Llewellyn went on to asiapharma lies calling it human grade when it is another dirty UGL.

Millard Baker respected? Millard Baker and Brian Clapp are the loughing stock of the whole bodybuilding community. They are pathetic. Bodybuilding Forums
12th of Nov, 2009 by acemane +3 Votes

I agree with most of these post they are scammers and should be put to sleep for their lying, cheating, and stealing...Here are some more scammers. These guys are so dumb, sure they are making a lot of money, but think if they were legit, how much they'd make. I guess their 3rd world brain can't phantom the idea of Real Business. They just want to steal "Maybe that's why they're in a 3rd word Country, as they'd never make it hear. Scammers should all burn in hell.

I have researched and have found that these sites are part of a scam ring also:

6) and
16th of Nov, 2009 by zaps +2 Votes

The steroid market fraudster's are (World Pharma - Buy anabolic steroids online without prescription), Your Anabolic Steroids Pharmacy!, British Dragon Pharmaceuticals - Home a long running fraud syndicate, where you purchase your goods and you never hear from them again. They must be stopped. Anyone who has experience their crime's please leave a comment or email me the account details that they have used for bank transfer.
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LOL Milliard there is no burden...this in not a court of law...if you expect me to argue like I do in court in every aspect of my life, I would be an asshole...You are very intelligent and you seem to like to push your intelligence, similiar to Anthony Roberts..(.He always made an argument with an argument).. especially you breaking down my arguments with latin definitions. Have to say Im impressed, as I havent seen those in awhile....But that does shows mere arrogance as probably only you and I understand it and really does that apply to this forum where many things here are done in an illegal manner...REALLY..

You're the one who brought up court of law. I did not. I only responded.

Why is asking for a logical, rational discussion too much to expect?

In what world is this considered arrogant?

Why would one be considered an "asshole" for engaging is such a debate?

Certainly, making personal attacks is much more "assholish" than rational discussion. (How's that for non-Latin? :D)

Would you prefer anti-intellectualism to reason?

... .but your priorities lately seem to be more of the Parliamentary procedure of arguments than board safety, board integrity, safety of members and most of all, getting paid for advertising space But as other vets and old timers say, you dont care.

How can a forum not be committed to forum safety and integrity when it allows members to freely discuss their experiences with sources, criticize sources without fear of being censored or banned?

How can a commitment to truth and transparency not facilitate safety and integrity?

IMO, this is one of, if not the BEST, way to prioritize the importance of member safety.

I fully understand the hierarchical system of many forums. And if people prefer that type of forum over a more egalitarian forum like MESO, that is fine. Just don't pretend it's an issue of integrity.
Wow - Bigkarch!

You're not even willing to make your own unfounded and personal attacks against me.

You've resorted to scouring the internet for personal attacks made by others - and copying and pasting them here.
A list of bodybuilder805's posts was able to be seen by visiting the following link:

The URLs resulting from vbulletin's search utility expire after several minutes. If you perform the same search again, it will return a different temporary url. A big limitation for vbulletin search.
Banner, I apologize for participating in the hijack of your thread. You posted good questions. I hope you get answers.
Wow - Bigkarch!

You're not even willing to make your own unfounded and personal attacks against me.

You've resorted to scouring the internet for personal attacks made by others - and copying and pasting them here.

it wasnt a personal attack....just the truth..and we all know it....hell, it even said shit about was a point that the same crap that people got banned and what they think about us, you allow it here now.....then you didnt, now you do...advertising pays the bills....not sure why you went from sourcing forums then to no sourcing forums then back to open sourcing forums...hmmmm...

and its not just my opinion....many think the same way...dont forget, I belong to many good boards and hear many things....sorry, you are an intelligent you can see the writing on the wall....enough said, lets move on..
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I couldnt edit my last post.. the point I was trying to make, not that the post are true, and that was posted I think by pnutbutter, whom IMO is MJ, and no I cant prove it, they posted that stuff because they were banned here for the same thing that is going on now...advertising, spamming and lying about WP and AP.....You even said to me that you didnt want open post sourcing because Rick Collins, your legal advisor, said it was too much liability and he didnt recommend it...Has that changed? Uncensorship should only go so far and YES milliard it is not safe for our community nor board integrity...And we all know that...just look who is doing most the posting...many many many newbs and very few vets and old timers...proof is in the pudding..Im sorry it had to be said...and I guarantee this will be my last posing on got way out of hand..
it wasnt a personal attack....just the truth..and we all know it....hell, it even said shit about was a point that the same crap that people got banned and what they think about us, you allow it here now.....then you didnt, now you do...advertising pays the bills....not sure why you went from sourcing forums then to no sourcing forums then back to open sourcing forums...hmmmm...

I don't understand what you are saying.

Why would the idea of a subforum designed to allow everyone to share their experiences, particularly their bad experiences, obtaining AAS on the internet be offensive to you? Or offensive to any consumer for that matter?

This subforum, more than anything, is designed to expose scammers, poor customer service, etc. This seems to be what is taking place in actual practice -> The critical source postings outnumber the positive source postings at least 10 to 1.

It is completely transparent. Source criticisms are NOT deleted. NO SOURCE is protected.

What's not to like?
Uncensorship should only go so far and YES milliard it is not safe for our community nor board integrity...And we all know that...just look who is doing most the posting...many many many newbs and very few vets and old timers...proof is in the pudding..Im sorry it had to be said

Quite honestly, the hierarchical, paternalistic approach where who is a trusted source and who is not a trusted source remains a closely-guarded secret among a select few vets doesn't appeal to me.

Some people like be told where to buy AAS without thinking about it.

You're right. MESO isn't for people who like that sort of thing. It's for people who actually want to understand the internet AAS market and make educated decisions based on uncensored discussion.

just a quick info from me...I have been in touch with some AP products lately and to their defense the quality was very good.

On the other hand I don't understand why do they let WP sell it online while it has such a bad rep...

Just my .2



just a quick info from me...I have been in touch with some AP products lately and to their defense the quality was very good.

On the other hand I don't understand why do they let WP sell it online while it has such a bad rep...

Just my .2


Are you gonna let me post on this board about shit AP products T without a problem, T? You didn't start the thread so I should be cool?
How can you say the AP stuff you acquired is ggod quality? You told us on another board you picked some up cheap and were dumping it cheap and weren't getting anymore? Are you assuming its good?
You recognize me? My feelings won't be hurt if you don't. I'm nobody special.
I ordered from you successfully back in 2005.
Are you gonna let me post on this board about shit AP products T without a problem, T? You didn't start the thread so I should be cool?
How can you say the AP stuff you acquired is ggod quality? You told us on another board you picked some up cheap and were dumping it cheap and weren't getting anymore? Are you assuming its good?
You recognize me? My feelings won't be hurt if you don't. I'm nobody special.
I ordered from you successfully back in 2005. really have a problem...

But I'll answer. I can say AP is good quality because people who bought from me are more than satisfied. Yes I am selling it cheaper then other people,it's up to me to decide on pricing,not you. And I won't be able to get anymore,true. I'm not assuming it's good,it really is as people are telling me that,reviews are starting to come up online as well.

Do we have to start again bro? really have a problem...

But I'll answer. I can say AP is good quality because people who bought from me are more than satisfied. Yes I am selling it cheaper then other people,it's up to me to decide on pricing,not you. And I won't be able to get anymore,true. I'm not assuming it's good,it really is as people are telling me that,reviews are starting to come up online as well.

Do we have to start again bro?

I was asking you that question. You don't seem to have any use for my opinions, thoughts and experiences unless they are praising you....which I have in the past.
I have a "problem"? Is this because I don't agree with you about AP and how you supposedly have "proof" that they are HG but won't produce it?
Why won't you help put the AP and it being human grade debate to rest again? You told me and the members at the other spot why...I can't remember. I do remember that it sounded silly.
I guess I'll give it back to you....the other vets here will agree with me that you're the one with the problem because you're trying to pass off AP as human grade. It's not. You know it.
Sorry bro,jail time is not a good compensation for proving a point on a thread and it won't accomplish anything as most people will say "we don't accept" any other GMP but USA one so it's all for nothing.

And I just stated here what is true and that is that people were satisfied with it's quality.

Now please explain to people here which AP product did you try and why are you so upset about it if you haven't tried it?

And for the sake of conversation, I donated 2 orders of AP/BD to AB members for evaluation so we'll see what they say.

I was asking you that question. You don't seem to have any use for my opinions, thoughts and experiences unless they are praising you....which I have in the past.
I have a "problem"? Is this because I don't agree with you about AP and how you supposedly have "proof" that they are HG but won't produce it?
Why won't you help put the AP and it being human grade debate to rest again? You told me and the members at the other spot why...I can't remember. I do remember that it sounded silly.
I guess I'll give it back to you....the other vets here will agree with me that you're the one with the problem because you're trying to pass off AP as human grade. It's not. You know it.
Sorry bro,jail time is not a good compensation for proving a point on a thread and it won't accomplish anything as most people will say "we don't accept" any other GMP but USA one so it's all for nothing.

And I just stated here what is true and that is that people were satisfied with it's quality.

Now please explain to people here which AP product did you try and why are you so upset about it if you haven't tried it?

And for the sake of conversation, I donated 2 orders of AP/BD to AB members for evaluation so we'll see what they say.

Good idea cause people are usually honest when given free gear... That's how WP gets the kiddie boards it sponsors to have mods suppress the truth. That the gear sucks. They give the mods decent stuff so when a newb makes a post that WP is a scam and their gear is bunk, mods delete and ban and refute.
Sorry bro,jail time is not a good compensation for proving a point on a thread and it won't accomplish anything as most people will say "we don't accept" any other GMP but USA one so it's all for nothing.

And I just stated here what is true and that is that people were satisfied with it's quality.

Now please explain to people here which AP product did you try and why are you so upset about it if you haven't tried it?

And for the sake of conversation, I donated 2 orders of AP/BD to AB members for evaluation so we'll see what they say.

I think sourcing on AB is more likely to get you arrested versus posting some proof that its HG.
Sorry bro,jail time is not a good compensation for proving a point on a thread and it won't accomplish anything as most people will say "we don't accept" any other GMP but USA one so it's all for nothing.

And I just stated here what is true and that is that people were satisfied with it's quality.

Now please explain to people here which AP product did you try and why are you so upset about it if you haven't tried it?

And for the sake of conversation, I donated 2 orders of AP/BD to AB members for evaluation so we'll see what they say.

I told you defending AP will simply get you slammed wherever you go, apartently you didnt want my advice. My advice once again......Sell your products and stop defending.