Asia Pharma and British Dragon

Thank you for the meaningful well thought out reply which addresses the content of my post and the concerns being presented in this thread.

This tommygunz is pretty good in defending against the truth. Psychology is something this guy knows about. He's placated and stroked pericles enough to where he's almost turned him.
Truth is Tommy and the other shills are cogs in the big wheel that keeps the gravy train rolling on for the folks involved. I wonder how much of the income from WP comes from the recs they peddle?
I've been a member over at IM since 2006. My screen name is the same. They are very good at keeping this injustice and scamming rolling along.
This tommygunz is pretty good in defending against the truth. Psychology is something this guy knows about. He's placated and stroked pericles enough to where he's almost turned him.
Truth is Tommy and the other shills are cogs in the big wheel that keeps the gravy train rolling on for the folks involved. I wonder how much of the income from WP comes from the recs they peddle?
I've been a member over at IM since 2006. My screen name is the same. They are very good at keeping this injustice and scamming rolling along.

The new round of shills are superior to the classics but equally boring. Fortunately, within one day of tommy's arrival he pointed out the nature of the scam and apologized for it so we've established he knows what's going on. He's just minimizing the scam instead of outright denying it's occurring which represents some progress. Prior shills did not reiterate and acknowledge the scam.
This tommygunz is pretty good in defending against the truth. Psychology is something this guy knows about. He's placated and stroked pericles enough to where he's almost turned him.
Truth is Tommy and the other shills are cogs in the big wheel that keeps the gravy train rolling on for the folks involved. I wonder how much of the income from WP comes from the recs they peddle?
I've been a member over at IM since 2006. My screen name is the same. They are very good at keeping this injustice and scamming rolling along. supplier is having a Christmas sale, and his already low prices on legit gear are marked down, makes sure I will use no one but him.

Trust me, I am not going to get raped by AP anytime soon. I softened my stance w/ Tommy because I should not have called him out to fight. He is OK as a person, but his stance on AP will not result in me paying $150 for a solid product I can get for 30
Hey fellas I didn't bail out of here and I'm not going anywhere, anytime soon. I'm no psychologist and I'm not here to change any minds. I don't care where you spend your money or why and I wish you success with your sources. I am a member at IM as well as other boards and maybe if bigben read back through some of the WP threads there he would see that I've done my share of complaining as well as with other with sponsors like Z and Naps.

I'd like to explain how these boards work for those of you who obviously don't know. vbulletin is a tool used by administrator/owners to sell advertising space to "sponsors", providing them with a captive market. That's it fellas, no mystery. These boards exist solely for the use to sell products and there are many tools that are available to facilitate that. One of the ad tools available is admin approved mass PM's, they cost a couple hundred bucks and they target every member who can PM, not just the 3-4 in this little hate group in this thread. If I was a "schill" (seems to be the buzzword here) I would go this route instead. You guys who think this is a campy place that exists because someone cares about our health and comradere, are mistaken. I see AP product banner flashes on this board all the time. Wake up, they are buying ad space here too, this board is no different than IM or any other. Have any of you seen admin. weigh in on this little chat we have been having? Of course not. There probably a little less than thrilled you are bashing their paying customers. Are they "shills" too?
Have any of you seen admin. weigh in on this little chat we have been having? Of course not. There probably a little less than thrilled you are bashing their paying customers. Are they "shills" too?

I administrated a vb forum with 260k users. Millard participated throughout the thread. How is any of this relevant to the conversation? Are you capable of staying on topic?
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Hey fellas I didn't bail out of here and I'm not going anywhere, anytime soon. I'm no psychologist and I'm not here to change any minds. I don't care where you spend your money or why and I wish you success with your sources. I am a member at IM as well as other boards and maybe if bigben read back through some of the WP threads there he would see that I've done my share of complaining as well as with other with sponsors like Z and Naps.

I'd like to explain how these boards work for those of you who obviously don't know. vbulletin is a tool used by administrator/owners to sell advertising space to "sponsors", providing them with a captive market. That's it fellas, no mystery. These boards exist solely for the use to sell products and there are many tools that are available to facilitate that. One of the ad tools available is admin approved mass PM's, they cost a couple hundred bucks and they target every member who can PM, not just the 3-4 in this little hate group in this thread. If I was a "schill" (seems to be the buzzword here) I would go this route instead. You guys who think this is a campy place that exists because someone cares about our health and comradere, are mistaken. I see AP product banner flashes on this board all the time. Wake up, they are buying ad space here too, this board is no different than IM or any other. Have any of you seen admin. weigh in on this little chat we have been having? Of course not. There probably a little less than thrilled you are bashing their paying customers. Are they "shills" too?

I absolutely and completely disagree with statement you are incorrect, wrong, lying or all of the above.......

You clearly are not qualified to explain how these boards work.
I'd like to explain how these boards work for those of you who obviously don't know. vbulletin is a tool used by administrator/owners to sell advertising space to "sponsors", providing them with a captive market. That's it fellas, no mystery. These boards exist solely for the use to sell products and there are many tools that are available to facilitate that. One of the ad tools available is admin approved mass PM's, they cost a couple hundred bucks and they target every member who can PM, not just the 3-4 in this little hate group in this thread. If I was a "schill" (seems to be the buzzword here) I would go this route instead. You guys who think this is a campy place that exists because someone cares about our health and comradere, are mistaken. I see AP product banner flashes on this board all the time. Wake up, they are buying ad space here too, this board is no different than IM or any other. Have any of you seen admin. weigh in on this little chat we have been having? Of course not. There probably a little less than thrilled you are bashing their paying customers. Are they "shills" too?

You are speaking beyond your experience and knowledge when it comes to MESO-Rx. You don't know me and I don't know you. Your characterization of other steroid-related websites may be more or less accurate. I can understand your cynicism regarding the agenda of most steroid sites. But you obviously have no idea how this website works. MESO-Rx is very different from any other site.

Believe it or not, the primary objective of MESO-Rx is steroid education, steroid harm reduction (protecting health of AAS users) and steroid legal reform. Admittedly, it's not a philanthropic endeavor. We have specific and targeted objectives for this website. And we need to find a pay to fund its content and derive a living income while devoting time to these objectives. That's where advertising comes into play.

I personally have nothing against advertising steroid pharmacies and steroid sources. However, for the past four years, it has been illegal for me to do so on this forum per the federal Controlled Substances Act.

Consequently, during this period, this forum has not featured banner ads for any companies that have a point of sale for steroids on their website(s). When it comes to steroid-related companies, MESO-Rx only accepts advertising from company websites that are steroid information-only, non-ecommerce enabled sites e.g. forums, blog, branding sites.

I have rejected several dozens of sources who want to advertise steroid-ecommerce sites.

As a result, MESO is not particularly popular with most sources (and their official and unofficial representatives). Not only do I refuse to take their money, I also refuse to protect them by deleting negative feedback from members.

I have rejected hundreds of request to delete negative feedback. But to be fair, everyone is given a chance to defend themselves.

I have no interest in promoting steroid sales in the forum. My interest is in this forum is in helping facilitate discussion about the truth of buying steroids on the internet black market.
You are speaking beyond your experience and knowledge when it comes to MESO-Rx. You don't know me and I don't know you. Your characterization of other steroid-related websites may be more or less accurate. I can understand your cynicism regarding the agenda of most steroid sites. But you obviously have no idea how this website works. MESO-Rx is very different from any other site.

Believe it or not, the primary objective of MESO-Rx is steroid education, steroid harm reduction (protecting health of AAS users) and steroid legal reform. Admittedly, it's not a philanthropic endeavor. We have specific and targeted objectives for this website. And we need to find a pay to fund its content and derive a living income while devoting time to these objectives. That's where advertising comes into play.

I personally have nothing against advertising steroid pharmacies and steroid sources. However, for the past four years, it has been illegal for me to do so on this forum per the federal Controlled Substances Act.

Consequently, during this period, this forum has not featured banner ads for any companies that have a point of sale for steroids on their website(s). When it comes to steroid-related companies, MESO-Rx only accepts advertising from company websites that are steroid information-only, non-ecommerce enabled sites e.g. forums, blog, branding sites.

I have rejected several dozens of sources who want to advertise steroid-ecommerce sites.

As a result, MESO is not particularly popular with most sources (and their official and unofficial representatives). Not only do I refuse to take their money, I also refuse to protect them by deleting negative feedback from members.

I have rejected hundreds of request to delete negative feedback. But to be fair, everyone is given a chance to defend themselves.

I have no interest in promoting steroid sales in the forum. My interest is in this forum is in helping facilitate discussion about the truth of buying steroids on the internet black market.

This is a unique approach that I can agree with and I thank you for taking time to explain this for us. My comments were an explanation of how these sites work and it is accurate. I have no knowledge of your board, thank you for clarifying administrations position on AAS usage.
I absolutely and completely disagree with statement you are incorrect, wrong, lying or all of the above.......

You clearly are not qualified to explain how these boards work.

The response you PM'd asking me for is as follows.
I do have general knowledge as to how some boards operate as does many members who can read and who belong to the myriad of boards in existance. If you can't figure this out or don't care to that's your perogative. I may be painting a broad picture but the paint is all the same. Some board owners are different than others. I believe the statement that boards sell avertising space to sposors as a business is accurate. Their implied or stated non-knowledge of their customers operation is accurate as well.
We all know this and I will not respond to this topic anymore.
The response you PM'd asking me for is as follows.
I do have general knowledge as to how some boards operate as does many members who can read and who belong to the myriad of boards in existance. If you can't figure this out or don't care to that's your perogative. I may be painting a broad picture but the paint is all the same. Some board owners are different than others. I believe the statement that boards sell avertising space to sposors as a business is accurate. Their implied or stated non-knowledge of their customers operation is accurate as well.
We all know this and I will not respond to this topic anymore.

Sure however you said and I quote

"These boards exist solely for the use to sell products"

Once again I will say what I said above you are incorrect and do not have a clue.
Majority AP are made in India and exported to Thailand, nothing is made in Malaysia, it is just holding company.
Product are still visible on Thai FDA, but not under exporter but importers.
This is becoming childish.

You are correct: AP products are ugl, but priced as if they were made by a major drug company and then approved by the FDA. The continued effort to run this scam is childish indeed. Fortunately, members of this board are aware of this deception. Unfortunately, there are people like you who continue to perpetuate this lie in the hopes of snaring the uninformed.
The common denominator is always that his prices are above UGL and every one jumps on his advertising that it's pharma.

Brother I'm not sure that this say's what you implied, IDK if his gear is HG or not and I have no reason to believe he is lying to me. You are the one who's insisting that. I am not apologizing for something I did not type or do not know. You are lied to every time you order from an online drug dealer whether you want to admit to it or not. Unless your gear is certified by mass spectrometer you have no way of knowing if it is what they say it is. All I said is that this the nature of the beast when it comes to AAS business. I have no beef with you nor am I looking for one. As a member here I am entitled to voice my opinion, that's all this is.

Tommy, I think the problem that many of us have is the length to which you have gone to defend AP, My gear, I am sure, has not been certified by a spectrometer. How do I know it is real? My body has changed dramatically. I have lost more than 20 lbs of fat and gained 7-8 lbs of muscle. And that is from test/Masteron/anavar. I have not even touched their tren, although I might since they now have a tren e.

If someone criticizes my source, I will make one or two posts defending them, and then move on. The way I see it is he already has a ton of business, it is not in my interest to give him more:D

I have seen you post some good info on another thread. This thread will only make things worse for AP. So, I would like to welcome you to Meso, the best forum around, IMO. Stop wasting time/energy on this debate. You like AP, we don't. Instead put your energies towards helping others w/ your (non AP) knowledge.
I administrated a vb forum with 260k users. Millard participated throughout the thread. How is any of this relevant to the conversation? Are you capable of staying on topic?

Yes, Meso is linked to an online store that sells AI's, SERMS, PED5s just to name a few. These products are 100% legit, and fairly priced.OK, maybe the normal retail price is a touch high, but they are running sales very often. Right now you can get 25% off plus 10% off, That comes up to about 33-34% off. At those prices, the products here are extremely well priced.
Tommy, I think the problem that many of us have is the length to which you have gone to defend AP, My gear, I am sure, has not been certified by a spectrometer. How do I know it is real? My body has changed dramatically. I have lost more than 20 lbs of fat and gained 7-8 lbs of muscle. And that is from test/Masteron/anavar. I have not even touched their tren, although I might since they now have a tren e.

If someone criticizes my source, I will make one or two posts defending them, and then move on. The way I see it is he already has a ton of business, it is not in my interest to give him more:D

I have seen you post some good info on another thread. This thread will only make things worse for AP. So, I would like to welcome you to Meso, the best forum around, IMO. Stop wasting time/energy on this debate. You like AP, we don't. Instead put your energies towards helping others w/ your (non AP) knowledge.

Yes I see your point and you are right. I feel now I am defending myself more than anything. It was never my intent to see this thing roll for days but I like you am eager to defend myself. Thankyou for the welcome as I do like the approach at this board and I have some knowledge to share. I look forward to learning as well and spending what time I can afford to helping those I can.