Asia Pharma and British Dragon

Thanks for you post

you have done your homework

There is no record of "Asia Pharma" or their "exclusive importer" in Thailand that I can see. Asian Pharmaceutical Ltd. is the only company registered in Thailand which has a name even remotely close to "Asia Pharma Pharmaceuticals LTD." (Thai mModern Medicine Manufacturers)

Why are you responding to a post which was made two months ago? This topic was already discussed. Read the thread.

What does testolic have to do with AP. Why do you keep bringing it up?

Produce anything verifable which supports your claims of AP's licensure or FDA approved products.

Misdirection and parlor tricks. Produce anything verifiable which supports your claim.

Misdirection and parlor tricks. Produce anything verifiable which supports your claim.

Fist MBA said AP's products are FDA approved in Thailand.

Then you and MBA said AP's products are manufactured in Malaysia. There is no record of Asia Pharma in Malaysia.

MBA says the products are produced in India which invalidates the only credibility AP had, William Llewellyn's write up of the products being manufactured in Malaysia.

Everything you've posted was already discussed. Do you have anything new to add?

There's no such thing as a secretly produced FDA approved product. AP sells hormones which aren't approved for use in humans by any country on earth.
thorus, beyond what you call germs world phara (asia pharma) are scumbags and scammers. I would think if i was somebody trying to sell something and these "germs" were all over the forums saying it is bad then i would look for something else to sell. Now aside from the germs there is not one 10+ year veteran that would recommend ap to anybody......

thorus my bud...time to just leave my friend show that its all about the money and will do whatever to get it....AP is scum and most know it..but hey, a used car salesman can sell a junker and tell the customer how lucky he is to buy the car....there are always suckers out there willing to get fished in...ONLY BECAUSE THEY DONT KNOW BETTER
woah...milliard...thats a bit much lol...there is a difference in my argument about AP and WP and my job as a lawyer...hell yeah I can argue with the best in my profession but this is different..please dont confuse the two and play as they are the same...this is not a court of law and I am not being an attorney...sure I have been off base a bit and the reason why is I think AP and WP have not only a partnership but vested one way or another...I know for a fact they scam, lie and are fraudulent to a point...I dont like the lies, threats and anything they do...that is what I am after..not a court battle and this means shit to about how I can argue the facts and make my point please Milliard dont compare this with my expertise with my occupation...again fact is, if I can deter any member from these so called pharma's, then I did my job..,,,,safety, security, and knowledge is number one in my book....and thats why I stick to the boards that feel do this...and WP has threated members to give up personal info as a vendetta

but as an argument in court beyond a reasonable doubt...if you were a juror given this info, could you say beyond a reasonable doubt, that WP is not AP...doesnt matter how your latin is in response...can you say beyond a reasonable doubt WP is not AP....NO..NO one can....that is all that matters Milliard if you want to go there..but his is about our members and security...and I will continue to speak my mind, as will MJ as will others and yourself and thats ok.....

Not to change the topic here, but I have to ask, how does BK know Millard for so long, and still spell his name wrong every single time.

Not an insult, Big Karch has helped me a lot, but as I read through this thread, it just kept jumping out at me. Is it some kind of inside joke?
FALSE REPORTS: No anabolic steroids coming in or going out of Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR: MALAYSIAN police have denied allegations by a United States daily that a worldwide anabolic steroids trafficking operation, masterminded by a Slovenian kingpin, is being operated here.

The Wall Street Journal quoted a US Treasury Department spokesman as saying that Mihael Karner a.k.a Jozef Topolovec of Slovenia directs a worldwide steroid trafficking organization.

The steroids were made in India and Greece, the spokesman said, before being shipped to customers in Eastern Europe and the US. Hundreds of websites advertising the steroids were managed in Malaysia under his umbrella company, called Asia Pharma.

Federal Narcotics Criminal Investigation Department deputy director Datuk Haris Wong Abdullah said police had checked out the company's operations and found it to be inactive.

"We have found no truth in the reports of anabolic steroids coming in or going out of the country. It is an issue which has been blown out of proportion," he told the New Straits Times.

"We are monitoring the situation as the suspect, Mihael Karner, currently an international fugitive is hiding in his native country. Police are checking with the Immigration Department whether he had previously visited Malaysia," Haris said.

A check on Google showed Asia Pharma was a limited liability pharmaceuticals company in Kuala Lumpur with a local phone and fax number but provided no mailing address. Both contact numbers were no longer in service.

On its home page, the company said it's main goal was the manufacture and sale of affordable yet high quality generic pharmaceutical products to developing countries that could not afford the expensive proprietary drugs.

Most of its 56-listed products dealt with male and female hormone treatment. It claimed the mission of "Asia Pharma Ltd was to improve the efficiency of healthcare systems worldwide by providing more drugs of the same quality for the same amount of money".

Last week, US president Barack Obama designated several individuals under Washington's Kingpin Statute, which targets large-scale drug traffickers including the notorious Tijuana cartel in Mexico.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the move came in the wake of Liberty Reserve, a global currency exchanger registered in Costa Rica that was indicted last week for running a US$6 billion (RM18.6 billion) money-laundering operation said to be the world's largest.

The daily also reported that Obama had imposed sanctions against six individuals and groups, including Karner, Afghan Kotwal Noorzai, the head of a drug trafficking network, Mexican kingpin Luis Fernando Sanchez Arrelano, the reputed operational leader of the Tijuana Cartel.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Karner heads an international organisation that sells anabolic steroids on the Internet and has created shell companies to hide the origin of the profits.

An anabolic steroid is known as a performance-booster and consumed for cosmetic purposes but which can severely damage a person's health in the long run.

Karner, his wife and brother were charged in a Massachusetts federal court in 2010 on three counts of money-laundering conspiracy, and importing and distributing steroids. He was given bail and is reported to have since fled to Slovenia where he is continuing his operations.


President Barack Obama sent a letter to Congress that named six individuals and groups, including an alleged anabolic steroid dealer, under Kingpin Act sanctions.

The letter merely names the people designated for sanctions, but an email on Friday from a Treasury spokesman explained why each person or group received the sanctions.

Mihael Karner of Slovenia directs a worldwide steroid trafficking organization, according to the Treasury spokesman. In the past 10 years, Karner, relatives and associates all sold steroids via the Internet around the world, and created shell companies to hide the origin of the profits.

Karner, his wife and his brother were indicted in Massachusetts federal court in 2010 on three counts of money laundering conspiracy, and importing and distributing steroids.

He and his wife were arrested in Austria in December 2011. While fighting extradition, they were released on bail in April 2012, and then fled to their native Slovenia, which has no extradition treaty with the U.S., the spokesman said. The next month, he was declared a fugitive by the U.S. Justice Department, and by August, Austria issued arrest warrants for them both.

Treasury’s spokesman said that though his trafficking organization has been disrupted, Karner continues to operate from Slovenia.

The steroids are made in India and Greece, the spokesman said, and they’re shipped to customers in Eastern Europe and the U.S. Hundreds of websites advertising the steroids are managed in Malaysia under his umbrella company, which is called Asia Pharma.

President Obama Adds International Drug “Kingpin” to OFAC List
May 31, 2013

BOSTON - Today President Barack Obama identified Mihael Karner as a Specially Designated Narcotics Trafficker, or “drug kingpin,” for purposes of sanctions under the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act (the “Kingpin Act”).

This announcement, along with the identification of five other foreign persons and organizations, is only the 15th Presidential determination under the Kingpin Act since June 2000. Karner’s designation is based on evidence that, since 2000, Karner has run a global distribution network for anabolic steroids that has sold millions of steroid dosages worldwide, including to thousands of customers in the United States.

The Kingpin Act is administered by the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Asset Control (“OFAC”). It is designed to bring financial pressure against high-level foreign drug traffickers, terrorists, and related organizations by blocking their interactions with the U.S. financial system. Other recent Kingpin Act designations have included Mexican cartel members and related corporate entities, and persons and entities related to Syria and Iran. Today’s action against Karner generally bars U.S. persons and companies from conducting financial or commercial transactions with Karner, and freezes any assets Karner may have that are within U.S. jurisdiction.

The six drug kingpin designations announced today were recommended to the President through an interagency consultation process among the Departments of Treasury, State, Defense, Justice, and the Central Intelligence Agency. Although not required by the Kingpin statute, the Department of Homeland Security and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence were also consulted.

Karner, a Slovenian national, and two co-conspirators, Alenka Karner and Matevz Karner, were indicted in March 2010 on charges of conspiracy to launder money, conspiracy to distribute controlled substances, and conspiracy to import controlled substances to the United States. Based on allegations in the unsealed indictment and in extradition paperwork submitted to the Federal Republic of Austria in June 2011, beginning in about 2000, Karner set up a network of hundreds of web sites and numerous corporate shells to facilitate selling anabolic steroids to customers in any country. Karner sourced precursor chemicals for his products from Southeast Asia, among other places, after which the steroids were assembled and packaged in a factory in Eastern Europe. As internet orders were received, Karner shipped the steroids in bulk to “remailers” in the United Kingdom, Italy, Greece and elsewhere, who repackaged the drugs as individual orders and mailed them out. Through this method Karner was able to disguise the true geographical origins of the drugs.

It is alleged that since 2000, through the use of a constantly shifting network of web sites, Karner shipped tens of thousands of anabolic steroid dosages to thousands of customers in the United States, including to customers in Massachusetts. Nationwide, these customers came from all walks of life, including amateur athletes, weight lifters, people recovering from injuries, doctors and others.

Karner allegedly laundered the proceeds of his steroid trafficking using bank accounts in Austria, Bulgaria and elsewhere, and through the use of internet-based payment processors in France, Iceland, Germany and Luxembourg. Karner and his co-conspirators hid the true ownership of his web sites and accounts by setting up corporate shells in Gibraltar, Panama, Liechtenstein, Dominica, Hong Kong, the Seychelles, and elsewhere. Much of the activity was run out of a post office box based in Klagenfurt, Austria, near the Slovenian border. According to the indictment, Karner has received over $50,000,000 in illicit proceeds from his trafficking activities. Karner has also used drug trafficking profits to buy, among other things, a ski lodge in the Austrian Alps, beachfront lots in Croatia, substantial real property in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and a yacht moored on the Croatian coast.

Karner is presently a fugitive. Based on a formal extradition request from the United States, in December 2011 Karner was arrested at his ski lodge in Austria and detained by Austrian authorities. In March 2012, U.S. Marshals were sent to Vienna, Austria, to take custody of Karner and a co-conspirator with whom he had been arrested, but at the last moment an Austrian court stayed extradition. After being allowed to pay 1,250,000 Euros (about $1,630,000) in bail, Karner fled across the border to Slovenia, where he now resides and continues to operate.

Karner has been the subject of prior European investigations, including efforts undertaken by the Italian Carabinieri in 2003 and the Austrian State Police in 2005.

If convicted on the U.S. charges, Karner faces up to 20 years in prison on the charge of conspiring to launder money, to be followed by three years of supervised release and a fine of $500,000 or twice the value of the property involved in the offense. On the charges of conspiracy to distribute and import controlled substances, Karner faces up to 10 years in prison, up to three years of supervised release and a fine of up to $500,000.

United States Attorney Carmen M. Ortiz, John J. Arvanitis, Special Agent in Charge of the Drug Enforcement Administration - Boston Field Office and John Gibbons, U.S. Marshal for the District of Massachusetts made the announcement today. The case is being prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew E. Lelling of Ortiz’s Economic Crimes Unit.

The details contained in the indictment and extradition paperwork are allegations. The defendant is presumed innocent unless proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.


Office of the Press Secretary

Overview of the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act

The Administration has released the names of three Mexican organizations against which the President has decided to impose sanctions pursuant to the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act (the "Kingpin Act") (21 U.S.C. 1901-1908, 8 U.S.C. 1182). Kingpin Act targets, on a worldwide basis, significant foreign narcotics traffickers, their organizations, and operatives.

The Kingpin Act became law on December 3, 1999. Its purpose is to deny significant foreign narcotics traffickers, their related businesses, and their operatives access to the U.S. financial system and to prohibit all trade and transactions between the traffickers and U.S. companies and individuals. The Kingpin Act authorizes the President to take these actions when he determines that a foreign person plays a significant role in international narcotics trafficking. Congress modeled the Kingpin Act on the effective sanctions program that the Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control ("OFAC") administers against the Colombian drug cartels pursuant to Executive Order 12978 issued in October 1995 ("Executive Order 12978") under authority of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act ("IEEPA").


The Kingpin Act requires that the Secretary of the Treasury, the Attorney General, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, and the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency coordinate to identify drug kingpins and propose them to the President for sanctions. The Department of Homeland Security and the Directorate of National Intelligence are also included in the process. The Act calls for the President to report to specified congressional committees by June 1 of each year on those "foreign persons [he] determines are appropriate for sanctions" and stating his intent to impose sanctions upon those Significant Foreign Narcotics Traffickers pursuant to the Act. While previous Presidential determinations have been tied to the statutory June 1 timetable, the President may also identify Significant Foreign Narcotics Traffickers at any other time pursuant to the Act.

Under the Kingpin Act, the President may identify foreign entities as well as foreign individuals as Significant Foreign Narcotics Traffickers, or "kingpins": a foreign person is defined in the Act as "any citizen or national of a foreign state or any entity not organized under the laws of the United States, but does not include a foreign state." Likewise, the President is not required to designate Colombian persons exclusively under Executive Order 12978, and may impose sanctions on a Colombian individual or entity under the Kingpin Act, which is intended to be global in scope.

The long-term effectiveness of the Kingpin Act is enhanced by the Department of the Treasury’s authority (in consultation with appropriate government agencies and departments) under the Act to make derivative designations of foreign individuals and entities that provide specified types of support or assistance to designated traffickers, or that are owned or controlled by such traffickers, or that act on their behalf. This authority broadens the scope of application of the economic sanctions against kingpins to include their businesses and operatives. Including this year’s action, the President has named a total of 78 Significant Foreign Narcotics Traffickers since the first set of kingpins was announced on June 1, 2000. The Department of the Treasury’s OFAC has issued a total of 496 derivative designations pursuant to its authorities under the Kingpin Act; these entities and individuals are subject to the same sanctions that apply to kingpins.

Individuals who violate the Kingpin Act are subject to criminal penalties of up to 10 years in prison and/or fines pursuant to Title 18 of the U.S. Code. Entities that violate the Act face criminal penalties in the form of fines up to $10 million; officers, directors, or agents of an entity who knowingly participate in a violation of the Kingpin Act are subject to criminal penalties of up to 30 years in imprison and/or a $5 million fine. The Kingpin Act also provides for civil penalties of up to $1.075 million against individuals or entities that violate its provisions.

Mihael Karner:

The news above is old but I haven't had a chance to update this thread until now. I wanted to bring this thread to it's conclusion.

Per the Secretary of the Treasury, the Attorney General, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and the President of the United States Asia Pharma is a UGL owned by Mihael Karner. The offices listed above also unintentionally confirmed Mugzy, POB, BigK, Ben, and myself were telling the truth.

Asia Pharma are scammers who falsely represent their products as more than what they are as proven by the undeniable evidence posted above.

This thread had honest vets and honest administrators going head to head with shills, corrupt moderators, and a dishonest source who is believed to be an informant. The best and wost of the boards can be seen in this thread.

good riddance

Those are excellent posts and they are FACTS so no one can argue those points.

AP is NOT human grade. It will never be in any pharmacy in any part of the world. World-Pharma tried to tell me that this product will be in EU pharmacies soon. Well it will not be and for a sponsor to make that a selling point is ridiculous.

This is an underground business. We all understand that so there is absolutely no reason to lie about the quality of the product.

I have mass spec'd AP products before and have found very average results. It is nothing that will every justify the price you shills ask for it. The fact that you shills are also not the ones producing this product but pushing it is even a further display of your willingness to push a product you know nothing about.

How do you know this stuff isn't made in a bath tub in Romania? You don't. You are hoping for noobs to bite on the supposed claims of FDA approval and so on just so you can make a buck.

The worst part is, AP isnt a horrible product, its the way you shills go about promoting it that make people resent it.

Also, when and where has the FDA ever approved Trenbolone? Oh has never approved trenbolone. Marketing fail.

Regular, Biggerben and others, thanks for exposing this outright like you have. Hopefully new guys will come here before they see the other sponsor boards and see some truth.

I like this board more and more.
FALSE REPORTS: No anabolic steroids coming in or going out of Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR: MALAYSIAN police have denied allegations by a United States daily that a worldwide anabolic steroids trafficking operation, masterminded by a Slovenian kingpin, is being operated here.

The Wall Street Journal quoted a US Treasury Department spokesman as saying that Mihael Karner a.k.a Jozef Topolovec of Slovenia directs a worldwide steroid trafficking organization.

The steroids were made in India and Greece, the spokesman said, before being shipped to customers in Eastern Europe and the US. Hundreds of websites advertising the steroids were managed in Malaysia under his umbrella company, called Asia Pharma.

Federal Narcotics Criminal Investigation Department deputy director Datuk Haris Wong Abdullah said police had checked out the company's operations and found it to be inactive.

"We have found no truth in the reports of anabolic steroids coming in or going out of the country. It is an issue which has been blown out of proportion," he told the New Straits Times.

"We are monitoring the situation as the suspect, Mihael Karner, currently an international fugitive is hiding in his native country. Police are checking with the Immigration Department whether he had previously visited Malaysia," Haris said.

A check on Google showed Asia Pharma was a limited liability pharmaceuticals company in Kuala Lumpur with a local phone and fax number but provided no mailing address. Both contact numbers were no longer in service.

On its home page, the company said it's main goal was the manufacture and sale of affordable yet high quality generic pharmaceutical products to developing countries that could not afford the expensive proprietary drugs.

Most of its 56-listed products dealt with male and female hormone treatment. It claimed the mission of "Asia Pharma Ltd was to improve the efficiency of healthcare systems worldwide by providing more drugs of the same quality for the same amount of money".

Last week, US president Barack Obama designated several individuals under Washington's Kingpin Statute, which targets large-scale drug traffickers including the notorious Tijuana cartel in Mexico.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the move came in the wake of Liberty Reserve, a global currency exchanger registered in Costa Rica that was indicted last week for running a US$6 billion (RM18.6 billion) money-laundering operation said to be the world's largest.

The daily also reported that Obama had imposed sanctions against six individuals and groups, including Karner, Afghan Kotwal Noorzai, the head of a drug trafficking network, Mexican kingpin Luis Fernando Sanchez Arrelano, the reputed operational leader of the Tijuana Cartel.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Karner heads an international organisation that sells anabolic steroids on the Internet and has created shell companies to hide the origin of the profits.

An anabolic steroid is known as a performance-booster and consumed for cosmetic purposes but which can severely damage a person's health in the long run.

Karner, his wife and brother were charged in a Massachusetts federal court in 2010 on three counts of money-laundering conspiracy, and importing and distributing steroids. He was given bail and is reported to have since fled to Slovenia where he is continuing his operations.


Interesting, this is the first time I have read this. I can confirm the origin of some packs from the last year or two. They were in fact from India and Greece.

I always assumed a re-shipper was sending them.