Asia Pharma and British Dragon

Didnt you scam a bunch of people over at steroid forums?

Nope,I ran into trouble and had to bail out but when I got back I settled it...go there and find out...

I am disappointed that you of all people could reach for a thing like that just to discredit me and my thoughts on AP...
Nope,I ran into trouble and had to bail out but when I got back I settled it...go there and find out...

I am disappointed that you of all people could reach for a thing like that just to discredit me and my thoughts on AP...

Anybody who back AP will have the same reaction from me. The track record speaks for its self. I mdone with this conversation however Im equally disappointed in you for jumping into a thread thats been dead for a month and thinking you would not get slammed. Did you read karch's opinion as well?
Now aside from the germs there is not one 10+ year veteran that would recommend AP to anybody......

I see that and it's sad that people don't want to investigate into anything anymore, vets are showing signs or following the mob...let's see,what's today active online?

Bash AP...great,let's do some of that...what did Thorus write about regulars proofs...I don't have time to read that...never mind...bash AP anyway...

Tomorrow,let's say Thorus is a scammer after 10 years of service and a whole lot of problems surrvived...YES, LET'S DO THAT, Let's kill Thorus today!

Anybody who back AP will have the same reaction from me. The track record speaks for its self. I mdone with this conversation however Im equally disappointed in you for jumping into a thread thats been dead for a month and thinking you would not get slammed. Did you read karch's opinion as well?

Certanly not more disappointed then me when I read that S-F remark from you...have you even visited S-F lately??

What AP track record??? You're still up on that WP=AP talk??
I see that and it's sad that people don't want to investigate into anything anymore, vets are showing signs or following the mob...let's see,what's today active online?

Bash AP...great,let's do some of that...what did Thorus write about regulars proofs...I don't have time to read that...never mind...bash AP anyway...

Tomorrow,let's say Thorus is a scammer after 10 years of service and a whole lot of problems surrvived...YES, LET'S DO THAT, Let's kill Thorus today!


Nobody likes me,
Everybody hates me,
Guess I'll go eat mud.

Pity yourself somewhere else.

You wanna sell gear? Get down with Geneza or someone worth a damn.
Thanks,I'll pass on Geneza...

I'm only pitying your little posts...

Nobody likes me,
Everybody hates me,
Guess I'll go eat mud.

Pity yourself somewhere else.

You wanna sell gear? Get down with Geneza or someone worth a damn.
It does take balls to sell AP today with these haters everywhere but when I see positive reviews from people that actually used it on AB, meso, eroids (they have most reviews) I KNOW that I have a great product!

All what is left for haters is to miss some great gear and get deabetes from the stress that anger brings...
Thanks,I'll pass on Geneza...

I'm only pitying your little posts...

You can't compete.

Not in this thread.

Not with the iron.

Not in the bedroom

Maybe in a game of shuffleboard.....maybe. Gramps.

Now go away. Wherever you were for the last ten years, where you were busy....not posting!

Btw. Up until this moment making fun of you has been enjoyable. Now we have digressed into childish banter. It was always childish banter, I suppose, but previously it was entertaining.

I'm done. Enjoy the nursing home.:D

btw. Mr profound?? Its D-I-A-B-E-T-E-S...I would say it was only a typo...but since I and E are on opposite sides of the keyboard, that doesn't make a whole lotta sense does it?
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No need to compete with rookies...the only one you're making fun of is yourself.

Thanks on that spelling lesson though,I bet the only language you know is english...

You can't compete.

Not in this thread.

Not with the iron.

Not in the bedroom

Maybe in a game of shuffleboard.....maybe. Gramps.

Now go away. Wherever you were for the last ten years, where you were busy....not posting!

Btw. Up until this moment making fun of you has been enjoyable. Now we have digressed into childish banter. It was always childish banter, I suppose, but previously it was entertaining.

I'm done. Enjoy the nursing home.:D

btw. Mr profound?? Its D-I-A-B-E-T-E-S...I would say it was only a typo...but since I and E are on opposite sides of the keyboard, that doesn't make a whole lotta sense does it?
Nice to see everybody. How are ya mugz? Good to see regular back in the fold. The truth makes it's way out as usual. You've been busy posting all over the place, huh, thorus?
Not much changes as the years go by.
Stop the bichting

we all know asia pharma aka british dragon is ugl

how come there is no information where their factory is if its humangrade fda approved?

false advertisement on asia pharma aka british dragon that is what people hate about it not about their price not about their quality but about all their lies around the boards
Hey Thorus how's things going with the bogus Karachis you sold?

Pretty good actually,I brought down any evidence they provided plus I refunded the guys money (including wu fees) so he got to keep the gear and he got he's money back...I'm not ashamed to say that I got extorted by forum bullies... [:eek:)]

But why doesn't anyone address my post on AP here? Trying to discredit me on other fields? :drooling:

Well,that's just plain filthy... :p
Nice to see everybody. How are ya mugz? Good to see regular back in the fold. The truth makes it's way out as usual. You've been busy posting all over the place, huh, thorus?
Not much changes as the years go by.

Oh,here's my once satisfied customer...until the dark forces have taken over he's mind and turned him against the source that did him good... :rolleyes:
Not bitching,just replying...the evidence was up while the certificate was active.

There is no information on subcontracted factory because it would be an end to should know that if I remember the name correctly...

Let's face it... AP with it's quality is a poke in the eye for other manufacturers and that's why we have these talks...

Instead of bitching on forums make companies,pay licenses,subcontract companies, INVEST and then bitch about someone else's extraordinary work...

Stop the bichting

we all know asia pharma aka british dragon is ugl

how come there is no information where their factory is if its humangrade fda approved?

false advertisement on asia pharma aka british dragon that is what people hate about it not about their price not about their quality but about all their lies around the boards
Have you seen their factory they produce in? yes ore no?

do they have quality producst? probaly yes !

no one bithcing about quality and price right? yes!

can they verify their factory they produce in ? NO!

Why? let me answer because its UGL!

Not bitching,just replying...the evidence was up while the certificate was active.

There is no information on subcontracted factory because it would be an end to should know that if I remember the name correctly...

Let's face it... AP with it's quality is a poke in the eye for other manufacturers and that's why we have these talks...

Instead of bitching on forums make companies,pay licenses,subcontract companies, INVEST and then bitch about someone else's extraordinary work...
My reply to regular from another forum...just not to write again:

- AP is not Asia Pharmaceuticals we were led to search on that site

There is no record of "Asia Pharma" or their "exclusive importer" in Thailand that I can see. Asian Pharmaceutical Ltd. is the only company registered in Thailand which has a name even remotely close to "Asia Pharma Pharmaceuticals LTD." (Thai mModern Medicine Manufacturers)

Why are you responding to a post which was made two months ago? This topic was already discussed. Read the thread.

- AP was never listed on the export list because AP was not made in Thailand,it was IMPORTED to Thailand. I showed that with a product Testolic that is made in Thailand and on that export list. BTW that export list has some test products that are on the list but are not registered to any company...

What does testolic have to do with AP. Why do you keep bringing it up?

Produce anything verifable which supports your claims of AP's licensure or FDA approved products.

- AP's certificate ended last year (2012) and I checked,it wasn't extended further.

Misdirection and parlor tricks. Produce anything verifiable which supports your claim.

- Thai site is down and you can't access all the functions and you can't find importers page so you can't find AP...but since the cert is gone you may not be able to find them up there anymore at all.

Misdirection and parlor tricks. Produce anything verifiable which supports your claim.

- most of this was replied to regular back on meso by MBA but he turned the story to WP being AP and certificates story ended on first few pages...regular's way of doing things it seems.

Fist MBA said AP's products are FDA approved in Thailand.

Then you and MBA said AP's products are manufactured in Malaysia. There is no record of Asia Pharma in Malaysia.

MBA says the products are produced in India which invalidates the only credibility AP had, William Llewellyn's write up of the products being manufactured in Malaysia.

- regular never had the courtesy just for the sake of this conversation to address the info from above,he just goes on and on about new things...I'm expecting to see new posts about WP being AP next here as well.

Everything you've posted was already discussed. Do you have anything new to add?

There's no such thing as a secretly produced FDA approved product. AP sells hormones which aren't approved for use in humans by any country on earth.
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Oh,here's my once satisfied customer...until the dark forces have taken over he's mind and turned him against the source that did him good... :rolleyes:

Hi, Thorus. Yes, I placed one order with you almost a decade ago. It came. I posted on AB that our trsnsaction went well.
I also posted the same on SF. Shortly after I posted up some guys said they didn't receive what they ordered, I was a bit soured that I gave a good review and then they didn't receive. That's all. I didn't give the product a review as I could not honestly remember even pinning the stuff.
Everything has just gone bad with this stuff.
Hey, at least there are a few of us old timers kicking around. Big K, mugz, Millard euroking, POB and myself....when will the memoirs be published?


