Asia Pharma and British Dragon

its 2 separate sets of drugs with 2 distinct purposes. Is it hypocritical to bash recs and promote aas for muscle building? Maybe, but its all about making a clear separation between the 2. The media loves to promote roid rage, and all kinds of other bs that has no basis in truth. Every time a source gets busted will recs beside aas it plays into their hands.
The guys on this site know that responsible aas use is not harmful, we need to get the truth out there. As long as we embrace guys selling recs, and allow the medias and government to lump it all together we hurt ourselves.

Well said. Although I think distinction can be made with facts alone. There is a big difference between the "pursuit of muscle" and the "pursuit of euphoria" and drugs used for each purpose e.g. the demographics of the user, the addictive potential, etc.
Any substance can be abused and become harmful. Drinking too much water is lethal. There is an appropriate application for AAS and benzos. It's been my experience that AAS generally elevate people and benzos generally bring people down. Two opposing forces.
This is a self justifying argument based on your perceived knowledge of scheduled drugs and is not true according to the US Controlled Substance Act.

Alprazolam is a schedule IV

Steroids are a schedule III

This is a common misnomer that is shared by many AAS user as they believe that what they are doing is improving their body. When in fact it is the exact opposite.

understand where they both lie on the feds scheduling chart. That has nothing to do with what I posted. You rec guys always have the same argument. You sound like an addict justifying his use and denying his problem.
No, rec drugs don't need to be demonized, but it's my belief, and the belief of many vets in our community, that they should not be sold by the same source on the boards we frequent.

I can honestly say I agree with this portion of your post. It isn't seen commonly with most sources but it isn't unheard of either. Many local sources, street pharmacists that sell AAS also sell these. Many years ago before the instant internet drive through this was the only way to obtain anything. You are probably not old enough to know this but I am.

Any substance can be abused and become harmful. Drinking too much water is lethal. There is an appropriate application for AAS and benzos. It's been my experience that AAS generally elevate people and benzos generally bring people down. Two opposing forces.

You are 100% correct. I agree the excessive use of any drug is dangerous. Sometimes these two go hand in hand though, perhaps in the case of addressing tren sides, do you disagree?

No, we're in this game to build outselves up not break ourselves down.

I think that everyone believes this, caution and education in the use of any supplement is key. I have tried to take this approach throughout my 20+ AAS use. It is a learning curve that never ends, I have been shown much over my years and I try to pass along my knowledge without harm. We are all human and do make mistakes along the way, it's what you do with these experiences that counts. Years from now we will all look back and be amazed at where we are in comparison from where we came.
I can honestly say I agree with this portion of your post. It isn't seen commonly with most sources but it isn't unheard of either. Many local sources, street pharmacists that sell AAS also sell these. Many years ago before the instant internet drive through this was the only way to obtain anything. You are probably not old enough to know this but I am.

You are 100% correct. I agree the excessive use of any drug is dangerous. Sometimes these two go hand in hand though, perhaps in the case of addressing tren sides, do you disagree?

I think that everyone believes this, caution and education in the use of any supplement is key. I have tried to take this approach throughout my 20+ AAS use. It is a learning curve that never ends, I have been shown much over my years and I try to pass along my knowledge without harm. We are all human and do make mistakes along the way, it's what you do with these experiences that counts. Years from now we will all look back and be amazed at where we are in comparison from where we came.

I'm in my 40's and have been doing business on the net since the 90's.
I have no interest in promoting steroid sales in the forum. My interest is in this forum is in helping facilitate discussion about the truth of buying steroids on the internet black market
So what have we learned from this entire thread????????????????????????? board security...member safety...source call out.....IMHO and I may be just a fool, but i hate to see boards allow shit that has no reason to be allowed, even with the
formal parley......
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so post what you as a member have learned or gained and got out of this entire thread.??????????????... lets see if this is working milliard
I have no interest in promoting steroid sales in the forum. My interest is in this forum is in helping facilitate discussion about the truth of buying steroids on the internet black market

So what are you saying, Bigkarch?

so post what you as a member have learned or gained and got out of this entire thread.??????????????... lets see if this is working milliard

Who to trust, who not to. Who's interested in the truth, who's not. Who's for transparency, who's for censorship.
so post what you as a member have learned or gained and got out of this entire thread.??????????????... lets see if this is working milliard

I am including what I learned from six threads. Most of which started out only involving AP/BD products but drew in WP representatives for some reason. Why do you think WP would defend AP with everything they've got instead of just switching to another hormone vendor? Could it be that they are one in the same?

WP/AP/BD falsely represent UGL products as something more than UGL. In creating this false distinction they fetch a higher premium for their products which is a scam. People with a financial interest in seeing WP/AP/BD succeed enable and promote this ongoing scam.

  • Trustworthy community leaders are opposed to WP/AP/BD's ongoing scam.[1]
  • There is nothing to suggest that AP/BD products are or ever were FDA approved in any country.[2]
  • The claims of licensure made by Asia Pharma are not reproducible and appear to be nothing more than misdirection.[3]
  • WP is deeply connected to AP. It is not unlikely they are one in the same.
  • Many people with a financial incentive to see World Pharma succeed will defend AP despite their false representations.
  • Few people without a financial incentive to see World Pharma succeed stuck up for AP in this thread.
  • World Pharma heavily employs the use of shills and other deceptive marketing practices.[4]
  • World pharma contacted staff members and reps on boards they financially support to come act as shills.[5]
  • Anyone who asks AP to provide evidence that they are a licensed manufacturer is referred to as a DEA agent or a pig. A real licensed pharmaceutical company could provide this information. It's not a threat. AP offers to provide this information on their website.[6]
  • Asia Pharma's agent MBA invalidated the only credibility AP had: William Llewllen's reiteration that Asia Pharma is a licensed AAS manufacturer in Malaysia which was published on page 52 of underground anabolics.[7]
  • Tommyguns who is a member of the staff of anabolic steroid forums a board which is financially supported by WP is a shill who can't sleep without the benzos WP provides him with. [8]
  • Tommyguns does not care about the welfare of the community and feels that the boards exist solely to sell products.[9]
  • Heavyiron who is an administrator at anabolic steroid forums minimized tommyguns comments by referring to him as a drunk.[10]
  • Heavyiron allows drunks to staff the boards he administrates.[10]
  • World pharma provides people who speak nicely about them with benzos which are addictive drugs.[11]
  • Speaking about AP motivated world-pharma to make his first post since joining here in 2010. He refuses to answer questions.[12]
  • Millard is a person who keeps his word despite posts being made which are contrary to his financial interests. I would have had my account terminated instantly on many boards for going against the false representations of a sponsor. Thank you Millard.[13]

bump....let the members decide what you as a member got out of this

What I got out of this is that there are members here who have a financial interest in seeing wp/ap do well.
I saw no evidence whatsoever that wp/ap is considered hg anywhere, despite all of the claims. IMHO it is really telling that they can't produce anything to back up these claims when their credibility is under attack.

To me its just the same old story that has been played out countless times on countless boards...... At least this board allowed the discussion to take place. Hate to say it but a lot of boards harbor a lot of scumbags, and if its questioned you'll get the boot........ In fact you give legal advice on at least 1 that has a long history of such shenanigan's.
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I am thankful that we can post whatever we want. I am sick to death of watching bad reviews deleted and members banned. This is supposed to be about the community, not the sources n their shills. I have nothing but respect for our good sources but the way things are run on most boards is fucked up.
And on the ap/wp tip, these threads have been very open. No matter who you believe is who, the facts remain that they are shit for our community.
I saw no evidence whatsoever that wp/ap is considered hg anywhere, despite all of the claims. IMHO it is really telling that they can't produce anything to back up these claims when their credibility is under attack.

Do you feel it's reasonable to come to the conclusion World Pharma is lying to everyone about the products they are selling?
Hooray, you've saved the your closed, little mind

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Hooray, you've saved the your closed, little mind

You seem tense. Maybe you should pop another WP xanax.


When someone pays for a product which is represented as something more than UGL by World Pharma and they receive a product which is UGL, how do you figure that person is getting what they paid for?
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