You are speaking beyond your experience and knowledge when it comes to MESO-Rx. You don't know me and I don't know you. Your characterization of other steroid-related websites may be more or less accurate. I can understand your cynicism regarding the agenda of most steroid sites. But you obviously have no idea how this website works. MESO-Rx is very different from any other site.
Believe it or not, the primary objective of MESO-Rx is steroid education, steroid harm reduction (protecting health of AAS users) and steroid legal reform. Admittedly, it's not a philanthropic endeavor. We have specific and targeted objectives for this website. And we need to find a pay to fund its content and derive a living income while devoting time to these objectives. That's where advertising comes into play.
I personally have nothing against advertising steroid pharmacies and steroid sources. However, for the past four years, it has been illegal for me to do so on this forum per the federal Controlled Substances Act.
Consequently, during this period, this forum has not featured banner ads for any companies that have a point of sale for steroids on their website(s). When it comes to steroid-related companies, MESO-Rx only accepts advertising from company websites that are steroid information-only, non-ecommerce enabled sites e.g. forums, blog, branding sites.
I have rejected several dozens of sources who want to advertise steroid-ecommerce sites.
As a result, MESO is not particularly popular with most sources (and their official and unofficial representatives). Not only do I refuse to take their money, I also refuse to protect them by deleting negative feedback from members.
I have rejected hundreds of request to delete negative feedback. But to be fair, everyone is given a chance to defend themselves.
I have no interest in promoting steroid sales in the forum. My interest is in this forum is in helping facilitate discussion about the truth of buying steroids on the internet black market.