Asia Pharma and British Dragon

and Matthew Jasper or peanutbutter is no where to be found..huh..he may be at school learning english..
and Matthew Jasper or peanutbutter is no where to be found..huh..he may be at school learning english..

The usual WP cheerleader's are missing. Many WP underlings participated though. WP himself refuses to respond to this thread.

Why do you think they are avoiding this thread BigK?
so post what you as a member have learned or gained and got out of this entire thread.??????????????... lets see if this is working milliard

Unless, I'm mistaken - you seem to be implying that this forum is "not working". This truly surprises me especially coming from you.
slow down my friend...I was just wanting to see what others gained....what they learned and what they got out of it...sure a bit sarcastic but so what...and did it work....YES...
.You seem to be a bit harsh on me and my posts milliard... dont ASSUME what I am driving at...Assuming makes an ASS out of U and Me...get it Ass U Me
slow down my friend...I was just wanting to see what others gained....what they learned and what they got out of it...sure a bit sarcastic but so what...and did it work....YES...
.You seem to be a bit harsh on me and my posts milliard... dont ASSUME what I am driving at...Assuming makes an ASS out of U and Me...get it Ass U Me

That's why I asked for your clarification.Thanks!

Never harsh on you personally. Just a discussion of information :)
You are speaking beyond your experience and knowledge when it comes to MESO-Rx. You don't know me and I don't know you. Your characterization of other steroid-related websites may be more or less accurate. I can understand your cynicism regarding the agenda of most steroid sites. But you obviously have no idea how this website works. MESO-Rx is very different from any other site.

Believe it or not, the primary objective of MESO-Rx is steroid education, steroid harm reduction (protecting health of AAS users) and steroid legal reform. Admittedly, it's not a philanthropic endeavor. We have specific and targeted objectives for this website. And we need to find a pay to fund its content and derive a living income while devoting time to these objectives. That's where advertising comes into play.

I personally have nothing against advertising steroid pharmacies and steroid sources. However, for the past four years, it has been illegal for me to do so on this forum per the federal Controlled Substances Act.

Consequently, during this period, this forum has not featured banner ads for any companies that have a point of sale for steroids on their website(s). When it comes to steroid-related companies, MESO-Rx only accepts advertising from company websites that are steroid information-only, non-ecommerce enabled sites e.g. forums, blog, branding sites.

I have rejected several dozens of sources who want to advertise steroid-ecommerce sites.

As a result, MESO is not particularly popular with most sources (and their official and unofficial representatives). Not only do I refuse to take their money, I also refuse to protect them by deleting negative feedback from members.

I have rejected hundreds of request to delete negative feedback. But to be fair, everyone is given a chance to defend themselves.

I have no interest in promoting steroid sales in the forum. My interest is in this forum is in helping facilitate discussion about the truth of buying steroids on the internet black market.
I wish all forums where like this!

I had the misfortune to catch that AP discussion flu that was brought by some germs in the form of "regular" and "ben" and some kid "jm" in my AB thread and when I read this here I feel lucky as it didn't last this doubt about it,these germs are all over forums and trying to promote their story and infect us with their doubt and little online searches for the "truth" but they really haven't got a clue here...and I'm glad to see them still in dark places...or in fact they're are searching for clues and we all know who does that...

Respect and keep the faith,

I had the misfortune to catch that AP discussion flu that was brought by some germs in the form of "regular" and "ben" and some kid "jm" in my AB thread and when I read this here I feel lucky as it didn't last this doubt about it,these germs are all over forums and trying to promote their story and infect us with their doubt and little online searches for the "truth" but they really haven't got a clue here...and I'm glad to see them still in dark places...or in fact they're are searching for clues and we all know who does that...

Respect and keep the faith,


Bitch please. :bullshit:
Another profound member of BB community it seems.


You received exactly the level of profundity your post deserved. You come on here and throw around childish insults at respected Vets of this forum? What have you contributed here? Nothing. Take your bullshit somewhere else. AP will never prosper on a board where they cannot ban customers or edit/delete posts.

Furthermore, I am NOT a member of the BB community. I am a member of Meso, where the vets don't stand idly by and silently condone the robbery that takes place on most boards.

Fuck off shill. Profound these nuts.

Look through my posts you will see I am capable of profundity when necessary, you don't deserve any. really have a problem...

But I'll answer. I can say AP is good quality because people who bought from me are more than satisfied. Yes I am selling it cheaper then other people,it's up to me to decide on pricing,not you. And I won't be able to get anymore,true. I'm not assuming it's good,it really is as people are telling me that,reviews are starting to come up online as well.

Do we have to start again bro?

Just so the new guys understand the motivation behind some non-contributing member jumping on our forum tossing accusations around.

You received exactly the level of profundity your post deserved. You come on here and throw around childish insults at respected Vets of this forum? What have you contributed here? Nothing. Take your bullshit somewhere else. AP will never prosper on a board where they cannot ban customers or edit/delete posts.

Furthermore, I am NOT a member of the BB community. I am a member of Meso, where the vets don't stand idly by and silently condone the robbery that takes place on most boards.

Fuck off shill. Profound these nuts.

Look through my posts you will see I am capable of profundity when necessary, you don't deserve any.

My reply to regular from another forum...just not to write again:

So to capitalise again:

- we managed to visit the link you (regular) posted

- AP is not Asia Pharmaceuticals we were led to search on that site

- AP was never listed on the export list because AP was not made in Thailand,it was IMPORTED to Thailand. I showed that with a product Testolic that is made in Thailand and on that export list. BTW that export list has some test products that are on the list but are not registered to any company...

- AP's certificate ended last year (2012) and I checked,it wasn't extended further.

- Thai site is down and you can't access all the functions and you can't find importers page so you can't find AP...but since the cert is gone you may not be able to find them up there anymore at all.

- most of this was replied to regular back on meso by MBA but he turned the story to WP being AP and certificates story ended on first few pages...regular's way of doing things it seems.

- regular never had the courtesy just for the sake of this conversation to address the info from above,he just goes on and on about new things...I'm expecting to see new posts about WP being AP next here as well.

You're still not profound,just plain rude...
Just so the new guys understand the motivation behind some non-contributing member jumping on our forum tossing accusations around.

You're do have eyes to see that is the sponsored link between mine and yours post...there are a lot of AP pictures there... LOL

You guys have a real agenda...everyone knows I'm a source and I do have an interest in these products but you can't go around talking about things you know nothing of and when confonted just change the subject...this thread started with false accusations from regular and when MBA offered some explination he switched to WP being AP talks...

Get your facts together your empty talks have been blown...find some other sponsors who pay you to post crap like that on forums...
I had the misfortune to catch that AP discussion flu that was brought by some germs in the form of "regular" and "ben" and some kid "jm" in my AB thread and when I read this here I feel lucky as it didn't last this doubt about it,these germs are all over forums and trying to promote their story and infect us with their doubt and little online searches for the "truth" but they really haven't got a clue here...and I'm glad to see them still in dark places...or in fact they're are searching for clues and we all know who does that...

Respect and keep the faith,


Thorus, beyond what you call germs World Phara (Asia Pharma) are scumbags and scammers. I would think if I was somebody trying to sell something and these "germs" were all over the forums saying it is bad then I would look for something else to sell. Now aside from the germs there is not one 10+ year veteran that would recommend AP to anybody......
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Also my contributions to meso were long before you even joined...rookie...

AP has sponsor links on this forum so that's quite good on a forum you say they can't prosper....

"Fuck off shill. Profound these nuts. " You're just another kid on a forum...face it.


You received exactly the level of profundity your post deserved. You come on here and throw around childish insults at respected Vets of this forum? What have you contributed here? Nothing. Take your bullshit somewhere else. AP will never prosper on a board where they cannot ban customers or edit/delete posts.

Furthermore, I am NOT a member of the BB community. I am a member of Meso, where the vets don't stand idly by and silently condone the robbery that takes place on most boards.

Fuck off shill. Profound these nuts.

Look through my posts you will see I am capable of profundity when necessary, you don't deserve any.
Also my contributions to meso were long before you even joined...rookie...

AP has sponsor links on this forum so that's quite good on a forum you say they can't prosper....

"Fuck off shill. Profound these nuts. " You're just another kid on a forum...face it.

And I long before you........
Thorus, beyond what you call germs World Phara (Asia Pharma) are sumbags and scammers. I would think if I was somebody trying to sell something and these "germs" were all over the forums saying it is bad then I would look for something else to sell. Now aside from the germs there is not one 10+ year veteran that would recommend AP to anybody......

Asia Pharma can't be a scammer,they're not a source,just a company.

I know some people would look for something else to sell but those are cowards, AP has some of the best gear out there and anyone who tried it is more then satisfied so I have no problem selling it.

PEOPLE LOVE IT and that's what bothers these my post and read from the start,be objective and tell me do you see how regular tried to manipulate the facts and tried to plant Asia Pharmaceuticals as AP,then he tried to find AP in exporters instead of importers...if he can post plots like that I can surely post my experience (because I really have some) with AP and with my customers.


Asia Pharma can't be a scammer,they're not a source,just a company.

I know some people would look for something else to sell but those are cowards, AP has some of the best gear out there and anyone who tried it is more then satisfied so I have no problem selling it.

PEOPLE LOVE IT and that's what bothers these my post and read from the start,be objective and tell me do you see how regular tried to manipulate the facts and tried to plant Asia Pharmaceuticals as AP,then he tried to find AP in exporters instead of importers...if he can post plots like that I can surely post my experience (because I really have some) with AP and with my customers.



Asia Pharma is not a company of any kind, you are incorrect and you are losing credibility with every post.

I hate to get involved with these posts however it amazes me how you would pop you head up in this conversation knowing how to majority of the bb forums community feels about AP/WP.