Asia Pharma and British Dragon

Just google Asia Pharma products and you will see how many webs sell AP products, probably hundreds. Problem is that WP is alone on boards and people on boards think he owns brand. If AP is WP, why don't than they adverse other 100 vendor webs.
It is like saying WP owns Jintropin as he sells it.

However, I thing people that are constantly on boards (like Big Karch )
asking and provoking questions about ownership/vendors/who is sending what to USA....those people are nothing else but DEA agents.
Just google Asia Pharma products and you will see how many webs sell AP products, probably hundreds. Problem is that WP is alone on boards and people on boards think he owns brand. If AP is WP, why don't than they adverse other 100 vendor webs.
It is like saying WP owns Jintropin as he sells it.

However, I thing people that are constantly on boards (like Big Karch )
asking and provoking questions about ownership/vendors/who is sending what to USA....those people are nothing else but DEA agents.

Wow..I always thought BigK was a cop. NOT!
Just google Asia Pharma products and you will see how many webs sell AP products, probably hundreds. Problem is that WP is alone on boards and people on boards think he owns brand. If AP is WP, why don't than they adverse other 100 vendor webs.
It is like saying WP owns Jintropin as he sells it.

However, I thing people that are constantly on boards (like Big Karch )
asking and provoking questions about ownership/vendors/who is sending what to USA....those people are nothing else but DEA agents.

I googled asia pharma and this is what I came up with
I googled asia pharma and this is what I came up with

This adds the Mihael Karner = WP = AP.

The Karner ownership claim didn't stick once he was arrested and indicted by feds. (He ultimately paid Austria a million euros to allow him extradition to Slovenia instead of US).

In case there's any confusion, MESO has NEVER endorsed any advertiser or any source.
I used Asia Pharms Test Suspension with great results. Loved it. Tbol is next. If its anything like the Test Susp quality then I will be pleased.

Just google Asia Pharma products and you will see how many webs sell AP products, probably hundreds. Problem is that WP is alone on boards and people on boards think he owns brand. If AP is WP, why don't than they adverse other 100 vendor webs.
It is like saying WP owns Jintropin as he sells it.

However, I thing people that are constantly on boards (like Big Karch )
asking and provoking questions about ownership/vendors/who is sending what to USA....those people are nothing else but DEA agents.

lol...DEA..thats a good one....but we all had a good laugh..oh, btw whats your address MBA....wanting to serve a search warrant...LMAO
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I really dont care if its a partnership or a collaboration or vested members (financially) in each AP or WP....the fact is they lie, spam, threaten,no ethics, and have no good use on any board...thats the key I am trying to get at....
^^^^ I don't know about all that but at least they don't push bad gear, unlike some who sell half ass oils, those I would call scammers not WP it's one thing not to like there prices but to call them a scam isn't right.
brother...the have scammed me on this one.....its all over the boards....

also its been said can we prove AP and WP are the same owners....can anyone prove they ARE NOT
I also have to say, I have not been scammed in a long time...there are many boards that closely watch and monitored their advertisers or sources and when bad news comes about, they are suspended until they make things right or banned...not ifs, and's or happens, but when it does, the problems are taken care of...I have even seen when a member gets scammed, a good source on the board, gave free gear to that member who was scammed...those boards Im speaking of know who they are.....
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^^^ I have and I know a few who have gotten orders threw em with no problem. IMHO all the bad talk on boards stems from price, which honestly I don't see why. I mean it not like its underdosed or fake gear, it's actually top quality so who care what anyone pays it's every man for himself.
I really dont care if its a partnership or a collaboration or vested members (financially) in each AP or WP....the fact is they lie, spam, threaten,no ethics, and have no good use on any board...thats the key I am trying to get at....

Then why not stick to that?

also its been said can we prove AP and WP are the same owners....can anyone prove they ARE NOT

A negative proof? That's really not how arguments work.
its not an argument milliard..just my stupid humble opinion..along with many many many peeps..and the reason why vets and og's dont come around here often....and its not negative proof...can you prove they are not...just as much as can I prove they are...NO on both....

and bodybuilder..they have scammed...what we call selective scammers...and no my friend, its not just the price...they HAVE you not get it...or do yo have your blinders on......if your stupid enough to pay those prices and use them...more power to you....I dont care...but I DO care to protect members of boards from any type of scam, lies, and treatment from sources, that WP and AP has done...including threats ...I have personally been threatened by them.....if you find fault in that so be it......go buy your gear from them and spend your hard earned money...but as long as I deter one member from them, I will continue to do so...and so do many other respected vets, mods, admin and boards...
its not an argument milliard..just my stupid humble opinion..along with many many many peeps..and the reason why vets and og's dont come around here often....and its not negative proof...can you prove they are not...just as much as can I prove they are...NO on both....

and bodybuilder..they have scammed...what we call selective scammers...and no my friend, its not just the price...they HAVE you not get it...or do yo have your blinders on......if your stupid enough to pay those prices and use them...more power to you....I dont care...but I DO care to protect members of boards from any type of scam, lies, and treatment from sources, that WP and AP has done...including threats ...I have personally been threatened by them.....if you find fault in that so be it......go buy your gear from them and spend your hard earned money...but as long as I deter one member from them, I will continue to do so...and so do many other respected vets, mods, admin and boards...

Bigkarch, I'm disappointed that you resorted to personal attacks. Of course, it's an argument. You have repeatedly presented AP=WP as fact before admitting it was merely an opinion. I have no interest whatsoever in defending either company. I just wanted evidence that AP=WP.

I know you're a professional and you know how to make arguments to defend a position. You're an attorney after all. Yet, you've utilized so many logical fallacies in this thread.

(1) argumentum ad populum - everyone thinks it's true, so it must be true

(2) ignoratio elenchi - redirecting argument to another issue you can better defend.

The argument is "does WP=AP?" yet you want to change it to "does WP/AP = scam?". WP=AP has nothing to do with how big a scammer WP/AP may or may not be.

(3) negative proof - instead of trying to prove WP=AP, you place burden on proving WP does not equal AP.

Remember the whole "Why haven’t we had an official response to the rumor that Glenn Beck raped and murdered a girl in 1990?" meme a while back where people assumed it was true because Beck did not provide evidence to refute it. It was used to highlight Beck's ridiculous use of the negative proof fallacy.

(4) ad hominem - people are stupid for not believing WP=AP, so your argument must be true

Your motives may be noble. Many may believe the end justifies the means. But I think you can get from A to be B without doing what you've done in this thread. There may be little harm in doing what you're doing. Speculation/opinion is can be informative when identified as such. If being a stickler for truth and evidence keeps people from coming to this forum, then so be it.
@bigkarch you say it's not about the price but you keep bringing it up. Look i ain't stupid or a noob far from it. I am a mod and a well respected vet on a few other boards. I'm just saying I have had good exp with them maybe im just extremely lucky. Every post I've seen against WP sounds more like hatred that's all im getting at. I ain't about to lie to anybody, I have recieved a few orders from these guys with no issues at all and I also know a few who have as well. I ain't a rep or have a vested interest simply stating exp.
Then why not stick to that?

A negative proof? That's really not how arguments work.
BigK, Mugz and myself are in the trenches, Millard. I think the important thing is that guys "in the know" are aware that WP are scammers.
Bodybuilder, I know we've gotten into it some here before. I know my memory isn't what it once was, but didn't you tell us you repped for someone? Or that a board you mod for have WP as a sponsor? If not, I apologize.
Nah man I don't rep anyone, I been acused of it lol. A lot of members here acused me of being a rep for WP because of what I have said but I'm simply speaking threw experiance. The board I mod at does not have sponsors so no WP is not a sponsor there.
@bigkarch you say it's not about the price but you keep bringing it up. Look i ain't stupid or a noob far from it. I am a mod and a well respected vet on a few other boards. I'm just saying i have had good exp with them maybe im just extremely lucky. Every post i've seen against wp sounds more like hatred that's all im getting at. I ain't about to lie to anybody, i have recieved a few orders from these guys with no issues at all and i also know a few who have as well. I ain't a rep or have a vested interest simply stating exp.

The price is relevant to the conversation because WP/AP/BD falsely represent UGL products as something other than UGL. In creating this false destinction they fetch a higher premium for their products which is a scam. Shills such as yourself enable and promote this ongoing scam. We are in opposition of this pratice. I do not understand why anyone whould inject something into their body that comes from a source who is dishonest.

bro, lol trust me when i tell you eroids is 100% legit. Top sources get banned all the time for posting up fake reviews. There are 0 sponsers there so no one is protected. Anyways, lixus had a few bad batches not so long ago so i guess it would depend on the batch you have on hand. Seems like there problems were isolated to there test oils, i can only speak on there tren, it has always been legit.

i have used world-pharma several times in the past and he has always deliverd. I also just finished a cycle of d-bol, cyp, mast, winny. All products were asia pharma and british dragon gmp, and they were all on point. I really dont know were all this negativity comes from. If the price really bothers you that much then dont buy from him. I dont see price being a good enough reason to bash. I for one have found wp to be a great source and his products are worth the extra price you pay, just my two cents.

Its not as bad as one would think. With the sales and discounts WP offfers I ended up paying a little more per vial then other labs ive ran in the past and imo i believe its worth it. Asia pharma and british dragon gmp really are high grade stuff. You can tell from the moment you draw to a few days or weeks in. That is if you can get past all the negative chat people allways post. Im talking from pesonal exp WP has yet to do me wrong.

Its not as bad as one would think. With the sales and discounts WP offfers I ended up paying a little more per vial then other labs ive ran in the past and imo i believe its worth it. Asia pharma and british dragon gmp really are high grade stuff. You can tell from the moment you draw to a few days or weeks in. That is if you can get past all the negative chat people allways post. Im talking from pesonal exp WP has yet to do me wrong.
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^^^lol I stand by everything I had said if this makes me a shill in your or anybody else is eyes then so be it, I ain't lossing any sleep because of it are u?
^^^lol I stand by everything I had said if this makes me a shill in your or anybody else is eyes then so be it, I ain't lossing any sleep because of it are u?

Shill, which government agency from which country has certified that AP/BD products are manufactured according to GMP specifications?