
  1. RoidyNoob

    Oxaver (Vermodje's Oxandrolone) experience?

    Hey there. Has anybody recently (2014-2016) tried Vermodje´s Oxandrolone; "Oxaver" ? Any feedback on this product will be much appreciated. Thanks
  2. D

    Anavar vs Tbol

    would 50 mg anna arbor 20/30 mg tbol be more effective for putting on mass
  3. Said Sakas

    19 Years old powerlifting Anavar

    Hello , im an 19 years old guy 5'8, powerlifter in junior class 82kg. My lifts are 220kg Squat , 215kg Deadlift , 120kg Benchpress. Im participating in Israel's official powerlifting competition, which means i have a shot for a national place in powerlifting for israel 82kg class juniors. The...
  4. Anavarnarian

    Tren A/Test P/Masteron with MCT -- What EO %?

    Looking for advice on the % of EO that should be used for brewing this particular blend. Oil will be MCT: 50mg Tren Ace 50mg Masteron 50mg Test Prop Just looking for BA/BB/EO % recommendations for this formulation. I've seen extremely high EO ratios in the recipes floating around out there...
  5. Brandon Frazier

    Best PCT

    Doing my first cycle and decided to go with Anavar. What would be the best PCT to incorporate it with. Was going to run it with sarms, but just read that sarms thread and decided not to. Any suggestions?
  6. N

    Noob needs advice Anavar

    I have recently been learning about Anavar oxandrolone and it looks like it would help me dramatically with my fitness and sport (Soccer) the only other one friends have told me about is winstrol, I have a trusted doctor and just need some advice on what would the best thing to ask for. my main...
  7. W

    Test/Eq/Anavar cycle

    Just wondering what everyone thinks of this cycle. Wk. 1-12 exemestane 12.5mg Ed Wk. 1-12 Test e- 400mg / wk Wk. 1-11Equipoise- 400mg / wk Wk. 8-12 Anavar- 40ed PCT- Nolva, Hcg, Exemestane Age 25 Bf%14 195lbs 5,11 My goal is to cut fat while gaine a little muscle. I wish my body reacted...
  8. Thesauceboss

    Test, deca, anadrol, anavar cycle

    Hey guys this is my first post. I'm planning a nearly 20 week cycle. I'm gonna kick it with anadrol at 75mged for 5 weeks, test400 at 800mg a week, and deca at 400mg a week. Should I throw some anavar in around the 15th week? Just to add that extra bit of strength and clean the gains up a bit...
  9. Beem

    Dianabol and Anavar Cycle for a first timer

    Hello Boyz, After quite a bit of research, I still feel a some what confused and I'd really appreciate some advice on how to properly go through my first cycle. I'm 34yo, 5'11, about 180lbs and been hitting the gym for a bit over a year and a half. I'm not exactly sure what's my body fat so...
  10. I

    Anavar (Oxandrolone) questions.

    Hello I have a couple quick questions. I know if you use Anavar it will help you shred you body fat but will it also grow muscle? If it helps you grow muscle on your cut, will you lose those gains once you have cycled off Anavar?
  11. A

    Got caught by the bacon first day after picking up some Anavar

    So I live in Orange County NY, there's sort of a heroin epidemic here so of course when I found a source for some Anavar it just so happens to be in the bad part of a certain town. Some guy who sells everything. Most of his customers are heroin addicts, no judgement but nobody I wanna see, deal...
  12. J

    Var only cycle

    4 days into my var only cycle ( I know its mild for gains and expensive and will shit you down and should run a test base and ect...but it's my first one so I thought I'd give it a go) 25 mg capsules Lab purepharma 50mg Ed for at 4 weeks to start, might taper up depending how I feel, probly...
  13. Z

    Hey all, wanted some constructive criticism and advice/opinions on cycle.

    Hi everyone, wanted some opinions on my second cycle I've been planning out, its been a while. Stats: 23 years old (24 in June); 5'11; 235lbs; ~17%bf I was planning on a cycle geared more towards some quality gains while gaining some strength. Was looking at sust250, eq, and maybe throwing in...
  14. Pimp178

    Cycle Advice

    Hello, My Name is Anthony, 24 Years Old, 6'3 currently at 215 lbs. Been lifting for 2 years now, on a 6-7 days bases. I am looking for some Advice on my first cycle, I was planning on running a Anavar cycle. Hipo's Oxandrolone / Anavar 25 mg 100 tabs for 2 tabs for 3 weeks then maybe up it up...
  15. N

    Steroid amateur - looking for tips

    Dear all, Probably post like this is the most frequent one but as most of the beginners I am quite confussed about what, how to take During last 4-5 years I have lost 42kg in total while exercising and dieting. This has lead to good post-weight loss body i.e. no stretch mark and I consider...
  16. hankmoody

    looking for some cycle advice! Dbol vs Anavar

    Hey everyone! So I'm 30 years old 6ft 210 pounds. The last time I used a cycle I was in college still, so it's been awhile. But I'm for sure ready to try out another one. I'm getting some Sust 350 I'm going to run at 250mg twice a week. I'm planning on a six week cycle. here's the thing...
  17. J

    Is this to much test for a anavar run

    Planning on doing a cycle of 700mg test ace and 80mg anavar. I have pct in order and hcg for on cycle, but was wondering if that much test will be counterproductive and bloat to much for the anavar to have a fat burning effect? Stats: 5'7 193 lb 8-10% depending on what method used Goal: Gain...
  18. A

    Slightly less test than 1st cycle?

    1st cycle was test e, 500 mgs a week. Was going to run 50mg var this time with it, but was thinking since I'm adding var just go 375 MGs test a week...maybe even prop but idk about that. Is it really necessary to keep at least the same dose? Also it's from a compounding pharmacy so 50mg of the...