
  1. T

    Anavar suspension Help

    Hi, I have some Anavar powder. I'm looking to make 50ml at 40mg per ml.. I have a few queries which im happy to pay someone to help me with as I want to make a batch ASAP and I have wasted money on a previous batch hat didn't go into suspension The recipe I used for 20mg/per ml was -1gram...
  2. Veganesthie

    Female anavar cycle overview

    So I fully intended to do a whole log when I began this cycle but time got away from me and I'm in school, so now I'm on the last day. However, I still thought my cycle could be beneficial for some women and also could use some advice for the next time I decide to do a cycle. Thus, I am doing an...
  3. I

    Long term drug use

    Hey guys and gal's I have some queries about long term var/drug use for women. I'm talking 10+ years (not straight, cycled of course) Let's say we have a female who is not only genetically blessed but also carries the mindset and work ethic of a true champion with serious competition potential...
  4. B

    Pharmacom 1st Cycle..need advice

    Whats up guys, I'm a 23y/o male about to order an anabolic cycle from pharmacom. I was going to run anavar 50mg/day for about 6 weeks and cycle in winstrol about the 3rd week in. Does that sound about right or should I just stack winstrol with anavar when I start it? And about how many mg of...
  5. B


    Hi guys I'm 24 years old and i would really appreciate some advice here, i just need double assurance that this is the 'right way' to do a PCT. i have been running a 6 week cycle of anavar 50mg (two tablets a day). My last dose was 5 days ago (16th). I done a blood test whilst on cycle and my...
  6. AASraw

    Test Base price from Toronto

    Anyone who has purchased Test Base from the company, called "Toronto"? Their email is It happens to know their price of Test Base is USD110/5g and USD880/50g.
  7. I

    Did I get sold cat medicine??

    Hey all, brand new to the site and also a first cycle question. I recently purchased some var and my gut instinct is telling me that it is just a capsule with just fillers in it or even worse.. that it is indeed what the label suggests. The whole sale was a bit sketchy (by that I mean the way...
  8. A

    Starting new cycle

    Hello all :) I am starting a new cycle wich consists of test-e , anavar and winstrol .. This is not my first cycle , I am 180lbs , 10%-11% BF , my goal is to shed 3% fat and build as much as lean muscle as possible My diest constsis of : 1.5 G carb per lbs 1.5 Protien per lbs 0.5 fats per...
  9. BigVinny

    RM Pharmaceuticals legit/fake anavar / oxandrolone

    So I finally got my hands on some anavar, but I am wondering if it is legit. I ran into an old acquaintance at the gym whom I went to college with and he's now part of local powerlifting group. I had been hesitant to get goods from online sources, so I was excited for the opportunity to ask him...
  10. Asshy

    Anavar (weight) gains

    Hi! I'm new to the forum and it's my first time posting. Here's stats for reference: 5'4, 161lbs, female, 21 years old I've been on anavar for about 3 weeks now. I started with 10mg split into two doses a day and reduced it to 2.5mg doses 2x a day. I'm 4 weeks out from a powerlifting meet and...
  11. Asshy

    Anavar (weight) gains

    Hi! I'm new to the forum and it's my first time posting. Here's stats for reference: 5'4, 161lbs, female, 21 years old I've been on anavar for about 3 weeks now. I started with 10mg split into two doses a day and reduced it to 2.5mg doses 2x a day. I'm 4 weeks out from a powerlifting meet and...
  12. C

    Primo, Test, Dbol, Winny, Anavar Cycle

    I'll start by saying this is my first time joining a forum as such or posting any type of blog that involves anabolics. That said, I am about to run this cycle in 2 months and would like some feedback for those who are advanced and know. Stats: Age: 27 Height: 6'4" Weight: 225 LB BF:6% Past...
  13. C

    Complex Cycle Advice

    I'll start by saying this is my first time joining a forum as such or posting any type of blog that involves anabolics. That said, I am about to run this cycle in 2 months and would like some feedback for those who are advanced and know. Stats: Age: 27 Height: 6'4" Weight: 225 LB BF:6%...
  14. M

    Test prop anavar cycle

    Just want your opinions guys if i'm missing anything in this cycle. Week 1-10 Test propionate 100mg eod Week 1-10 arimidex 1mg eod Week 1-10 proviron 50mg ed Week 4-10 anavar 40-60 mg ed HCG last 4 weeks 2x500iu ew Pct : week 1-2 clomid 50mg / nolva 40mg Week 3-4 clomid 25 /nolva 20 Now when...
  15. Thesauceboss

    Kept 20 lbs without pct

    Hey I ran a cycle of test 400 at 600mg ew, tren ace at 400mg ew, and anavar at 60mg every week. I had gained 44 pounds from this cycle and was able to maintain 10% body fat. I know this sounds nuts but that's tren for ya. Anyways my mother had happened to stumble across my next cycle I had...
  16. BuckEighty

    Dbol for cutting?

    A buddy of mine is planning on running test, var, winny and dbol to finish off his cut. I asked him if he was worried about the dbol bloating him up, but he said he knows what he's doing. I believe he's been cycling on and off for almost 10 years but I'm not sure exactly how many cycles he's run...
  17. BuckEighty

    EQ/var/test e cycle

    Planning my next cycle, thinking of running EQ and test e with var to kickstart. My goal is to make some solid gains as lean as possible. Thinking of doing: Week 1-16: 375mg test e Week 1-16: 600mg EQ Week 1~6: 50mg/day var (I might add an extra half pill and do 62.5mg/day) Adex: 0.5 mg e3d...
  18. E

    First Cycle...Test Prop, Var

    Hey Guys Ive posted a couple different times, I got some shitty gear a while ago and ordered some test prop and var from pharmcom. I have read a lot of good things about them. I had some questions about if I should mix the var and test my first cycle or go with just test? Also where is a good...
  19. Nova Skye

    Nova's First Anavar Cycle Log

    Hello! I’m Nova and I'm starting my first cycle of Anavar today, July 12, 2016. I am very excited for this new journey I am about to experience. I am taking 5mg per day (2.5mg before my 12:00pm workout and 2.5mg before my 5:30pm workout). I have a low tolerance (except to pain) but I will...
  20. E

    2nd cycle thoughts

    Hey all would like some feedback back to this and input on how you would set it up.. 25 y/o 215lbs workout 6 days a week with Olympic lifting 3 days a week. Eat around 195g P, 285g C, and 85g F. With one refeed day I currently have : 200 anavar tabs 10mg 100 stanozolol 10mg 500 mg/ml 10ml vial...
  21. M

    First Cycle - Test C and Anavar

    Hey guys, new on here but have been reading up on this forum for at least a year now. I have decided to do a cycle finally, I've hit a hard plateau finally and I think it's about time. As far as the cycle goes, I'm for sure wanting to start with some test cyp. I'm wanting to incorporate anavar...

    HELP!!!Shins and Back pumps

    Guys I'm in need of some serious help! I'm on week 4 of a cycle I started in May. I've been running Test Prop 1 cc Monday,Wed, Friday with 50 grams of Anavar a day. I'm in week four and I run football conditioning and I can't finish any drill or sprint due to Crazy Back pain/pumps and shins...
  23. God&Gainz

    Any good Var Sources?

    Hey guys, I am very new to this forum but I've been lurking and hanging around for months reading everything I can. I wanted to ask if anyone knows any places where I can get legit var? I keep looking for a source and everytime I think I've found one online some other thread says its fake...
  24. A

    Cutting Cycle

    Hello everyone, I would like to make a cutting cycle with aas and simultaneously put on a few kg of muscle. And I thought to follow the following schedule: Week 1: 20 mg of oxandrolone Week 2: 20 mg of oxandrolone and 10 of dianabol Week 3: 30 mg of oxandrolone and 10 of dianabol Week 4: 40 mg...
  25. B

    Anavar Clen first cycle

    Im currently running my first cycle of Anavar 50mg ed for 6 weeks in total. Stacked with 80mg clen ed and lately i changed it with GW cardarine. I was not in complete out of shape, i worked out for the last past 3 -4 years (crossfit, gym, running half marathon) but with high BF 28% (btw im...