
  1. G

    Anavar Causing Anxiety?

    Hey guys.. I am in a bit of a dilemma.. So a year ago I was on a Var. cycle, 80mg EA. Did it for 4 weeks, massive gains. Anyways, near the end of my first month, I got very bad food poisoning, and had other life issues going on. So within another month, I lost 30 pounds.. Mind you, I kept off...
  2. J

    Starting gear

    I've made the decision to hop on gear, will my T levels go back to normal once I come off cycle numero uno? & I'm 21 195 lbs 6ft a little bulky right now.. should I cut first? is anavar a better option? I want to do one cycle for now, more later down the road but I want to go about this safe...
  3. J

    Anavar test e beginner cycle help please

    So I'm looking forward to this lean bulk cycle and this is my cycle idea not sure if I'm on the right track should I add or drop anything, this is my very first cycle any help or advice would be appreciated. Weeks 1-4 500mgs of test e (split in to two days Mon&Thurs) Weeks 4-10 500mgs of test...
  4. RoidyNoob

    Former Pros BBs disclose use of gear video; Ronnie C, Lee Priest, Cormier...

    Former Pro BBs Admit to use and speak about dosages video; Ronnie C, Lee Priest... Set of interviews Tom Platz carried out in the 90's, exposing top pros with their use/abuse of gear Former pros interviewed in order of appearance: Ronnie Colleman, Aaron Baker, Mike Matarazo, Chris Cormier, Lee...
  5. B

    Womens Anavar and HGH bulk cycle

    This is a log from my wife After researching the effects of Anavar on women, I found that there are not many records of female Anavar bulk cycles. I hope that my account will be informative for those who are interested in doing one. My starting stats were 134 lbs, 5'3", 21% bf. Waist 28.5 "...
  6. BigVinny

    Anavar-only cycle, myths, discussion

    Hi everyone, I wanted to open up a discussion about anavar-only cycles. It seems that most of the online steroid community recommends against anavar-only cycles, and the entire school of thought is predicated on anavar being suppressive to the HPTA axis, resulting in low-testosterone production...
  7. BigVinny

    Hello from San Diego

    Hello everyone! I am new to this board though I am not new to lifting or AAS use. My first and only cycle a few years ago I did test prop 350mg/week and hit PRs on all my lifts, though the size did not stay on after cycling off. I actually think it may have been under-dosed. Some stuff about...

    Football Cycle

    Whats up men, I am a College Football player getting ready for my Senior year of College. I was 289 before break and feeling great. After Spring Ball I dropped to 260. Monday I am trying to start a cycle that will involve Week one 40 mg of Anavar with 1cc of Prop Monday,Wednesday and Friday...
  9. Ap3xPr3d8r

    Recieved FAKE gear halfway through cycle, NO PCT

    Stats: 27y.o. 5'11, 195lbs, 7%bf, I took my first shot of TRT dosed Test Cyp 200mg on Jan 1st-April 1st. From April - May, I used my pharma gear and doubled the dosage (500mg/week) and got great results, gained about 15lbs. I did this knowing I'd run out, but another source would come in...
  10. A

    Second cycle

    I am getting ready to start my second cycle, for the first cycle I used: anavar/50 milligrams/day test C/500 milligrams/week Anastrozole 1mg/day for duration of cycle and PCT. For about 10 weeks, followed with Clomid for PCT. I really liked it the results considering the anavar help with...
  11. A

    Need help for first oral cycle

    I've been looking into Winny, Dbol, Tbol, Anavar ect. I'm deploying overseas and can't get needled shipped out to me or that's the first thing that I would do! I'm just not able to! I find something I like and do research but end up at a dead end it seems. I am 73in (6"1') 180lbs (skinny) 22...
  12. Street_Shark

    Test E Tren Ace Anavar

    I'm looking for advice Test e 250mg-mon 125mg-wed 250md-fri Tren Ace 100mg ED Anavar 40mg ED Need advice on dose and PCT
  13. Wendylifts

    Old Ladies and Anavar

    Hello everyone - This is my first post. Lurked and read for a while before signing up and posting. I'm on my first cycle of anavar 10 mg/day. Tomorrow will make 4 weeks I've been on it. I've noticed some nice, subtle changes, but no leap in strength or very noticeable changes. I've had no...
  14. Thesauceboss

    Mild sides from tren

    Hey guys, I just started running tren ace (first time using this compound) at 400mg every week, along side t400 at 500mg every week. So far 400 mg's is working some magic and haven't yet experienced the main sides besides a couple sleepless nights. From what I have heard of people's sides on...
  15. T

    Lower Test levels pre-blood work for TRT

    Gents, I have a follow-up with my TRT doc for blood work. My previous results came was at 1100 (using TRT dose of 200mg Test E per week), so my doc had me lower it and we will check again. But, I waited a couple of weeks to lower it and I would like to know how to crash my test to ~800, which...
  16. M

    First cycle need HELP

    I guys I'm looking to do my first cycle but I have some questions I need to know what will be best for me. I work a 10day on 10day off shift so when I'm at work for 10 days I can't be bringing steroids to work (guy I work with actually got fired for this) but I could get away with orals. So I'm...
  17. I

    Safe place to buy anavar?

    Hey I'm looking into getting Anavar for a 13 week cycle. Where is a good and safe place to purchase it. Please tell me if I'm not aloud to post this I'll delete it.
  18. Thesauceboss

    Anadrol and anavar stack

    Hey guys, nearing the end of my cycle of test/ nandrolone. Would it be a wise idea to throw in some anadrol at about 25 Mgs a day, on top of my anavar at 60 mg per day. Definitely want to keep the anadrol at a lower dose. Would the anavar lessen the puffiness I'd get from anadrol in anyway ?
  19. H

    First anavar cycle female

    Hi! Female 30/5'7/165lbs 24% BF I'm on my first Anavar only cycle. Goals are to get leaner while preserving hard earned muscle, so I'm cutting. I would ideally like to work on things such as pull ups and core. Day 4 and I'm honestly not feeling very good. Lethargic, no appetite and my...
  20. Abac80

    Anavar & Diet questions

    I know there is a lot of information on these forums already, and I have done tons (months) of research before posting this. However, my situation is a bit unique so it is difficult to compile others' logs/experiences/posts into something that will be relevant to mine. I am 25 years old, 6'2...
  21. Bodysmasher

    Pharmacom, Test P & Anavar, 6 weeks, Purchased February 2016

    The title says it all. I am trying to conform to the standard format of this forum, all input is appreciated. Stats: 25, 6'4, 225 lbs, training for several years. Goal: Pure strength. Background: Plan on competing in tested competitions which is why I chose short ester. I want to experiment...
  22. RoidyNoob

    Oxandrolone and Digestion with Fatty Acids...Question¿?

    Hello there. So a few months back I read that oxandrolone is best assimilated when taken on an empty stomach and specially when no fats are eaten around (before and after) the time when taking the cap. But I cant remember where I read it.o_O Is there any science/bro-science behind this? Any...
  23. RoidyNoob

    Oxaver (Vermodje's Oxandrolone) experience?

    Hey there. Has anybody recently (2014-2016) tried Vermodje´s Oxandrolone; "Oxaver" ? Any feedback on this product will be much appreciated. Thanks
  24. D

    Anavar vs Tbol

    would 50 mg anna arbor 20/30 mg tbol be more effective for putting on mass
  25. Said Sakas

    19 Years old powerlifting Anavar

    Hello , im an 19 years old guy 5'8, powerlifter in junior class 82kg. My lifts are 220kg Squat , 215kg Deadlift , 120kg Benchpress. Im participating in Israel's official powerlifting competition, which means i have a shot for a national place in powerlifting for israel 82kg class juniors. The...