help needed

  1. A

    When to implement HCG if it’s even needed (I want to have kids in the future)

    So as I said in a previous thread of mine, I would be doing my first AAS cycle of just test. I was curious about HCG and I do planning on having kids in the future so I want to make sure I do everything right. Here is what it’s looks like for now: Test C 250mg/ml Week 1-16 500mg (2x injection...
  2. O

    Test Enanthate powder turned to gel / absorbed moisture

    Hello all. I have searched this forum and others for this question so I apologize if it's been answered properly, I couldn't quite find what I am looking for. I stored my leftover test enanthate from my last homebrew in a fireproof safe for about a year.. along with all of my other raws of...
  3. Vomiit

    Not gaining shit from 700mg per week pharmacom test e

    Hey guys, long time lurker, new poster. ALL ORDERS WERE FROM DOMESTIC, NOT A RE SELLER! My very first cycle I ordered pharmacom test C and had amazing gains at 500mg per week pinning every 3 days. Went from 139 to 167 (im 5’6 and at the end of the cycle after water and fat was shed i ended up at...
  4. A

    Need advice for new cycle

    Hey Guys.. The time has come for me to try tren: Im thinking about going for tren E, cause i don't have time to pin every Day on tren a.. Om going to stack it with test E aswell... And take aromasin while on, cause im pro for gyno.. Im Havning trouble funding someone who can give me some...
  5. jumpyfrog

    Cannot find the "sweet spot" of AI.

    My cycle: 10 weeks @ 650 mg Test 400 Sis lab per week - 50mg anavar ED - HCG 500iu per week in 2 injections My stats: 181 cm - 90 kg - 32yo - Naturally low body fat So I am not fully enjoying my cycle: the second week I started to feel extremely anxious and I found out that my symptoms were...
  6. M

    Need Anadrol 50 and test e source last source was bunked.

    About last year i had ordered some anadrol and test e. I ran the anadrol for 3 weeks and it was terible no weight gain no strength gain it was terible and i spent about 80 bucks on it. The brand was Radjay pharmaceuticals. I had someone that my friend worked out with order it for me so im not...
  7. Blake111

    Help need on cycle!

    So I’m on my 4th week of 500 mg/cc test cyp I’ve got the cycle and pct down along with clean diet...the problem is that both of my elbows have moderate tendonitis in them an I can barely pick up my daughter. Does any one have any advice for upper body workouts that allow my elbow tendinitis to...
  8. 2

    New plz help

    Hi guys new guy here, so I've tried pharmacoms test cyp as a basic beginner cycle , I was pinning 400mg/week but no change.but I'm pretty sure it was bunk cause I didn't experience anything out of the ordinary . I've been wanting to start an actual cycle but am finding it very difficult , can...
  9. M

    3rd cycle experiment. Test Prop. Test Cyp. Deca. Opinions please :)

    Hey fellas, I'm new to this forum, but am rather experienced with anabolics. My first cycle was with test cyp alone for 10 weeks. My second cycle was with sus for 12 weeks. Week 1-4 of oral dbol. I'm on my 3rd cycle right now. I'm 5 weeks in. The gear on hand is Test Cyp, Test Prop, and Deca...
  10. M

    Opinion on cycle for joint recovery.

    Hi guys, I would like to get your opinion on my cycle. First my stats: I'm 25, 182cm in height and weigh 100kilos. This is my 4 cycle. Im just getting of a mcl surgery in the knee and want to try something to speed my recovery up. I have been on hgh about half a year, 5 units of alpha...
  11. Bg954

    Winstrol 20mg and Anavar 10mg oral need help

    Im new to this site and have a few questions. Im 35 years old, 5-10 and weight 240lbs with 25% body fat. I'm taking Test cypionate 200mg a week injection that is dr regulated for low T for about 6months now. The stuff I'm taking is cvs stuff . I am working out 5 times a week, eating clean, and...
  12. J


    Hi guys I'm a newbie I work in the security industry oversea where all the guys juice but with no real knowledge. I myself do 2 months on 1 month off where I live in Thailand . I have used recreational drugs which I thought was shrinking my penis . When I come back to work we all basically...
  13. P

    Recovery Advice Needed

    This is a long time coming but i've been in panic mode for so long I just need some advice without being judged really as i know im an idiot. At age 22 in Around April/May 2015 i ran a cycle of test-e 250mg twice a week all the way up to September (few weeks in between i missed out because i...
  14. J

    Seeking advice

    Hello all, I'm 45 and been lifting since I was 16. I go to the gym everyday and average about 2 hours per day. I did a few cycles in the past (back when I was around 25) but I had help from my workout partner that was a pro body builder. So I'm considering starting a new cycle and trying to...
  15. T

    How to safely stop a dbol cycle early?

    Hi guys, I'm new to this forum, this is my first post on here as well. Basically I've been body building for years now, I currently weigh 90kg and hit a plateau in making gains, so I made an incredibly ill informed decision to start taking dianabol - when I say Ill informed I mean that I have...