1000grams of equip and 1000 test a week


I had initially planned another 10-weeker after the one I wrapped up in October, but now since I'm getting married this summer I need to begin a 20-weeker in February in order to not be right out of pct with low test on my wedding night.

So I'm looking at Equipoise, and from what I've heard, you really don't see it's potential until you run it over a gram.

My favorite cycle ever was 16 weeks 500mast 500test 500equip, super chill no sides, AI or ED meds needed, got awesome results.

I'd run it again for 20-weeks but really want to see equips potential at higher doses.

I've never ran a gram of test either, only ever taken up to 750mgs.

My thoughts are with a 1:1 ratio with the equip/test I will have enough aromatase from the high test to prevent the equip from crashing my E2, and vice versa, the high equip controlling estrogen from the high test. I would have some dbol/tne as well as Aromisin to balance things out if issues arised.

Thoughts? Anyone else here running high equip/test cycles? Is it worth it?

My biggest concern I guess is side effects, leading up to my wedding and being at the wedding I want things to be super chill, otherwise I'd run Deca.
There is the option to just run like 500mgs of test and chill, but as per usual I want to grow and look all dry and grainy with new veins popping out in weird places.
I had initially planned another 10-weeker after the one I wrapped up in October, but now since I'm getting married this summer I need to begin a 20-weeker in February in order to not be right out of pct with low test on my wedding night.

So I'm looking at Equipoise, and from what I've heard, you really don't see it's potential until you run it over a gram.

My favorite cycle ever was 16 weeks 500mast 500test 500equip, super chill no sides, AI or ED meds needed, got awesome results.

I'd run it again for 20-weeks but really want to see equips potential at higher doses.

I've never ran a gram of test either, only ever taken up to 750mgs.

My thoughts are with a 1:1 ratio with the equip/test I will have enough aromatase from the high test to prevent the equip from crashing my E2, and vice versa, the high equip controlling estrogen from the high test. I would have some dbol/tne as well as Aromisin to balance things out if issues arised.

Thoughts? Anyone else here running high equip/test cycles? Is it worth it?

My biggest concern I guess is side effects, leading up to my wedding and being at the wedding I want things to be super chill, otherwise I'd run Deca.
There is the option to just run like 500mgs of test and chill, but as per usual I want to grow and look all dry and grainy with new veins popping out in weird places.
If you dont get the anxiety go for it, but EQ gives me anxiety and anxiety attacks at wedding would suck, that is if you do get that side.
Ran EQ up to 750mg/wk. Didn't really feel it was the main driver or that you would get much more from it going higher. Quite mild in my opinion, which is probably why you hear that you would need a shit ton of it in your cycle. These days I only use it at 400-500mg/wk for bulk, and mainly only because it doesnt convert to DHT and it increases appetite by quite a bit. Haven't really had side effects from it.
I will add that I once tried it at 1500 because of all the rumors that it only shines after 1000mg, didn't do much for me
I have used EQ at 600 mg/wk to 1200mg/wk, after running Primo and Mast I only use it now to increase my appetite, it's hard for me to eat enough during the summer. I've since found that Deca does a better job on my appetite, but EQ does well at balancing my mood too. It's hard to nail down what exactly EQ does for me since I've never, and never will, run it solo, but if gains and leaning out is the goal Primo and Mast do it better in my experience.

I know, lots of words to say very little, wish I could help more bro. Good luck with married life
Absolutely false. I promise you, run 1000mg eq vs 600mg of primo or mast and see for yourself. You will have vastly better results with primo or mast. And no, no matter what numbers you see on paper it doesn't matter. Look to guys who have run it and know better
LOL. You lost all credibility the second you tried comparing 600mg of MAST to 1g EQ What a fucking joke.
LOL. You lost all credibility the second you tried comparing 600mg of MAST to 1g EQ What a fucking joke.
Right, there is no comparison. The results from that dose of eq would be negligeable in comparison to the results from that dose of Mast.

Have you actually run both of those compounds at those doses to be able to compare? If not, I suggest if you doubt this, you simply try for yourself vs just basing you opinion on what you've read.
LOL. You lost all credibility the second you tried comparing 600mg of MAST to 1g EQ What a fucking joke.
As far as I can tell you showed up recently and decided we should all assume you’re an authority, and if you are that’s great..but so far it’s been not much of anything solid and whole lot of discrediting others opinions because it isn’t yours. Care to back any of this up or just for the sake of argument?
Isnt the 1gram repeated garbage from bros?

2grams of injectables seems like a lot of gear

How are your stats btw? Why not repeat last cycle?
Is it really that much though? Guys don't run test that high because of issues with aromatization, but I wouldn't say it's more harmful than running tren or deca any amount.
Throw in equipose which tanks E2 and it seems almost necessary to run a higher test dose.
And the general consensus Ive seen is that Equipose doesnt do much until your over a gram.

My profile picture on here is from last March midway through my test/mast/equip cycle. I look better than that after finishing a run on npp currently sitting at 220lbs off cycle right now.
If you dont get the anxiety go for it, but EQ gives me anxiety and anxiety attacks at wedding would suck, that is if you do get that side.
I had no issues running EQ before, but that was only at 500mgs. From what I've heard the anxiety is from it crashing your E2, and I've crashed my estrogen before taking too much Aromisin and I got horrid anxiety. I figure if issues arise pop a dbol or shoot some TNE to balance it out.

Eq is pretty useless. Why not run primo or mast?
I definitely think at 500mgs it did something, hard for me to tell gains wise with the other compounds I was on, but training, my capacity to train was insane, I added so much volume, cut down on rest, and literally struggled to get tired.
Primo is just to damn expensive and hard to get, mast is one of my favorite compounds and I have some left overs I might just throw in on this cycle.
Ran EQ up to 750mg/wk. Didn't really feel it was the main driver or that you would get much more from it going higher. Quite mild in my opinion, which is probably why you hear that you would need a shit ton of it in your cycle. These days I only use it at 400-500mg/wk for bulk, and mainly only because it doesnt convert to DHT and it increases appetite by quite a bit. Haven't really had side effects from it.
As far as where I got my information, I guess alot of guys back in the day ran anywhere from 1- even 3 grams of equipose, and that the compound really didn't shine until ran at a gram - gram and a half.
I've only ran it once at 500mgs and did enjoy the appetite increase as well as the added capacity to my training.
Simple answer is cruse on trt amount of testosterone for your wedding. Any reason why you can’t be on trt when you get married?
I want to have one or two kids and don't want to risk any complications with doing so. Goal is to knock her up right after the wedding so then I can get on trt, I'm tired of this cycling on and off shit losing progress and feeling like ass for a couple months.

Nah, a gram of tren to make the wedding night one to remember
No Bueno, if the wedding didn't get called off beforehand, I'd probably get caught banging one of the brides maids the night of lmao.

EQ is a better anabolic than primo or mast.
Can you elaborate more on this for me?
Equipoise didn't do that much for me. If you want a simple high mg cycle, try injectable Winstrol, and Test.
What kind of dosages would you run winny and test at and how did it work for you?
As far as I can tell you showed up recently and decided we should all assume you’re an authority, and if you are that’s great..but so far it’s been not much of anything solid and whole lot of discrediting others opinions because it isn’t yours. Care to back any of this up or just for the sake of argument?

Claiming that Masteron is about 2x stronger than EQ is a wild claim. Masteron is rapidly and extensively metabolized by 3α-HSD. Running a Gram of EQ vs 600mg of Mast, don't see how that is comparable in any way.
Eq is pretty useless. Why not run primo or mast?
I can’t chime in with mast vs EQ. I’ve used them both for different purposes.

I can definitely say I’d hands down pick EQ over primo any day. Maybe you just have a bad response to it.
I can’t chime in with mast vs EQ. I’ve used them both for different purposes.

I can definitely say I’d hands down pick EQ over primo any day. Maybe you just have a bad response to it.

Not only does he claim EQ to be "useless", he is also boldly claiming Primo is 2x as Anabolic as EQ. Like i said before - he lost all credibility making such an absurd statement.
Not only does he claim EQ to be "useless", he is also boldly claiming Primo is 2x as Anabolic as EQ. Like i said before - he lost all credibility making such an absurd statement.
I did not say primo is 2x as anabolic, you interpreted what I said and made that statement.

I said "run 1000mg eq vs 600mg of primo or mast and see for yourself. You will have vastly better results with primo or mast"

As you can see, I simply said you will have vastly better results.

The way you speak implies you have not personally done this experiment to see the difference and are simply going off things things you've read, not what you have experienced first hand.

Sorry to have upset you so much but having experienced results which differ from what your research has taught you.
Claiming that Masteron is about 2x stronger than EQ is a wild claim. Masteron is rapidly and extensively metabolized by 3α-HSD. Running a Gram of EQ vs 600mg of Mast, don't see how that is comparable in any way.
What’s this mean? Asking for the majority of us.