1000grams of equip and 1000 test a week

I did not say primo is 2x as anabolic, you interpreted what I said and made that statement.

I said "run 1000mg eq vs 600mg of primo or mast and see for yourself. You will have vastly better results with primo or mast"

As you can see, I simply said you will have vastly better results.

The way you speak implies you have not personally done this experiment to see the difference and are simply going off things things you've read, not what you have experienced first hand.

Sorry to have upset you so much but having experienced results which differ from what your research has taught you.

"The results from that dose of eq would be negligeable in comparison to the results from that dose of Mast."

Just because you ran a ton of EQ and got no results does not mean it is a "useless" anabolic.

Keep back peddling.
What’s this mean? Asking for the majority of us.

it means that Masteron gets similarly inactivated in Skeletal tissue like Dihydrotestosterone(DHT).

it's a relatively Weak anabolic. Still more Anabolic than injecting Pure DHT, but it is not more Anabolic than EQ.
"The results from that dose of eq would be negligeable in comparison to the results from that dose of Mast."

Just because you ran a ton of EQ and got no results does not mean it is a "useless" anabolic.

Keep back peddling.
Your point? The part you chose to bold there I feel is true, no back peddling. You claimed I said primo is 2x as anabolic as EQ, I clarified that I did not say that.

Could you please explain what you personally have achieved for results with eq? As well as the results you achieved with Mast?

Again, I feel that you're just making these statements based off things you have read rather than actual first hand experience. Your research may have lead you to believe something and that's fine, however my findings differ from what your research has taught you.
Equipoise is very potent at least for me
More potent than primo in terms of anesthetic round muscles etc veins and mass. But masteron is more potent in terms of drying effect.
Also Equipoise side effects are somewhat notorious for me vs primo and mast who just walk in the park.
Is it really that much though? Guys don't run test that high because of issues with aromatization, but I wouldn't say it's more harmful than running tren or deca any amount.
Throw in equipose which tanks E2 and it seems almost necessary to run a higher test dose.
And the general consensus Ive seen is that Equipose doesnt do much until your over a gram.

My profile picture on here is from last March midway through my test/mast/equip cycle. I look better than that after finishing a run on npp currently sitting at 220lbs off cycle right now.
Yes. It is alot of gear.

We all progress differently. I am 207 off cycle (15% bf in dexa). I'm on my 3rd cycle right now.

At the end of the day, we are all different and only you know how much is needed to grow. Atleast when you start reaching higher numbers. You definitely have more experience than me, but sometimes we need other input to make the right decision.

I think a repeat of last cycle would be great unless you stopped progressing. Good luck with whatever you choose OP.
Equipoise is very potent at least for me
More potent than primo in terms of anesthetic round muscles etc veins and mass. But masteron is more potent in terms of drying effect.
Also Equipoise side effects are somewhat notorious for me vs primo and mast who just walk in the park.
What kind of dosages are you running EQ at. Also side effects wise, anxiety?
Yes. It is alot of gear.

We all progress differently. I am 207 off cycle (15% bf in dexa). I'm on my 3rd cycle right now.

At the end of the day, we are all different and only you know how much is needed to grow. Atleast when you start reaching higher numbers. You definitely have more experience than me, but sometimes we need other input to make the right decision.

I think a repeat of last cycle would be great unless you stopped progressing. Good luck with whatever you choose OP.
I was born with shit genetics and am getting close to my limit; so a 500mg moreplatesmoredates cycle is only going to produce subpar results for the amount of time, money, food, and effort put into it, it’s a waste of gear, and a waste of a cycle.

That said I don’t run tren, I’ve avoided deca, I won’t touch ment or any other crazy shit. So I need to look at other ways to produce those kind of results and a High equipoise, High Test cycle seems to be the way to go.
I would think less suppressive, less sides, less cardio toxic, less liver toxic, less neurologically toxic… then say your average tren cycle. But I could be wrong which is why I’m here asking my question.

I do think I’d be happy repeating my last cycle, what it comes down to is wanting to push the bill and try something different.
I had initially planned another 10-weeker after the one I wrapped up in October, but now since I'm getting married this summer I need to begin a 20-weeker in February in order to not be right out of pct with low test on my wedding night.

So I'm looking at Equipoise, and from what I've heard, you really don't see it's potential until you run it over a gram.

My favorite cycle ever was 16 weeks 500mast 500test 500equip, super chill no sides, AI or ED meds needed, got awesome results.

I'd run it again for 20-weeks but really want to see equips potential at higher doses.

I've never ran a gram of test either, only ever taken up to 750mgs.

My thoughts are with a 1:1 ratio with the equip/test I will have enough aromatase from the high test to prevent the equip from crashing my E2, and vice versa, the high equip controlling estrogen from the high test. I would have some dbol/tne as well as Aromisin to balance things out if issues arised.

Thoughts? Anyone else here running high equip/test cycles? Is it worth it?

My biggest concern I guess is side effects, leading up to my wedding and being at the wedding I want things to be super chill, otherwise I'd run Deca.
There is the option to just run like 500mgs of test and chill, but as per usual I want to grow and look all dry and grainy with new veins popping out in weird places.
I've run EQ to 900 (with 600 test and some mast).

No AI used or needed.

Worked great.

I can only imagine that at a gram apiece they might work so much better.

One caveat - that 900/wk, I got lazy and stopped donating blood on cycle. My red blood cells got so high that at the end of the cycle the blood donation center would not even take my blood. I had to drain my own blood (once a week several times) to get it low enough to donate . . . but, hey, I learned a new skill! It's not as tough as I thought to drain blood.
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What kind of dosages are you running EQ at. Also side effects wise, anxiety?

I was born with shit genetics and am getting close to my limit; so a 500mg moreplatesmoredates cycle is only going to produce subpar results for the amount of time, money, food, and effort put into it, it’s a waste of gear, and a waste of a cycle.

That said I don’t run tren, I’ve avoided deca, I won’t touch ment or any other crazy shit. So I need to look at other ways to produce those kind of results and a High equipoise, High Test cycle seems to be the way to go.
I would think less suppressive, less sides, less cardio toxic, less liver toxic, less neurologically toxic… then say your average tren cycle. But I could be wrong which is why I’m here asking my question.

I do think I’d be happy repeating my last cycle, what it comes down to is wanting to push the bill and try something different.
Why have you avoided Deca? Dude, if you think you are at your genetic limits, I would advise you to, after making sure your bulking diet is properly sorted (a good, clean, bodybuilding diet but pushing the calories up as you stall), try a test/deca cycle at a 2:1 ratio and see if you don't grow. I am betting you will be surprised at the results.

Test/deca works. Genetics can only get so far in the way of so much chicken, rice, test, and deca, without getting run over.
I was born with shit genetics and am getting close to my limit; so a 500mg moreplatesmoredates cycle is only going to produce subpar results for the amount of time, money, food, and effort put into it, it’s a waste of gear, and a waste of a cycle.

That said I don’t run tren, I’ve avoided deca, I won’t touch ment or any other crazy shit. So I need to look at other ways to produce those kind of results and a High equipoise, High Test cycle seems to be the way to go.
I would think less suppressive, less sides, less cardio toxic, less liver toxic, less neurologically toxic… then say your average tren cycle. But I could be wrong which is why I’m here asking my question.

I do think I’d be happy repeating my last cycle, what it comes down to is wanting to push the bill and try something different.
I was thinking more along the lines of a 1.2g-1.5g cycle again but not a mpmd cycle.

Not that blood work shows everything but how did your bloods look last cycle?
No sides from a 1g+ of EQ?.. isn't it notoriously kidney toxic?
Isn’t the whole kidney toxic thing a purported misc that started via its use in horse racing? I could be wrong, but that’s what I’ve heard so far.
I've run EQ to 900 (with 600 test and some mast).

No AI used or needed.

Worked great.

I can only imagine that at a gram apiece they might work so much better.

One caveat - that 900/wk, I got lazy and stopped donating blood on cycle. My red blood cells got so high that at the end of the cycle the blood donation center would not even take my blood. I had to drain my own blood (once a week several times) to get it low enough to donate . . . but, hey, I learned a new skill! It's not as tough as I thought to drain blood.
shit man, that takes some balls, I could never draw my own blood, giving IM injections stresses me out enough as is lol. How frequently would you say you’d have to donate blood?
How frequently would you say you’d have to donate blood?
That I can't answer, and I am not even sure everybody is the same in that respect. But when you give blood they test your hemoglobin, so you will have a good idea where you are. They will only let you donate so often, but you can go to a different place and donate at two places (different organizations) if needed and just say you have not donated recently at the second place. Of course, you can run basic blood tests on yourself for about 70 bucks during cycle, too, that will give you hematocrit and other values.
Why have you avoided Deca? Dude, if you think you are at your genetic limits, I would advise you to, after making sure your bulking diet is properly sorted (a good, clean, bodybuilding diet but pushing the calories up as you stall), try a test/deca cycle at a 2:1 ratio and see if you don't grow. I am betting you will be surprised at the results.

Test/deca works. Genetics can only get so far in the way of so much chicken, rice, test, and deca, without getting run over.
I’m only holding off on Deca, I’ve used NPP twice now but with Deca being a much longer Ester it means longer suppression, and to my knowledge…strength of the compound + length of suppression = how much damage is done to spermatogenesus. Which isn’t going to fly for me right now as I’m trying to start popping kids out asap.

But yeah, I’ve taken my body to a place where it shouldn’t be. I’m 6’3 and there was a time I weighed 130lbs at that height… I eat a lot man, the amount of food I have to consume to get up to 230lbs - 240lbs, shit just sitting at 220lbs I have to eat like a garbage disposal. So no I’m not at my limit, but I’m getting pretty close.

I was thinking more along the lines of a 1.2g-1.5g cycle again but not a mpmd cycle.

Not that blood work shows everything but how did your bloods look last cycle?
That’s more reasonable, like I said, repeating last springs cycle isn’t totally off the table.

And I get a physical and full blood panel done after every cycle to make sure everything is good to go to get back on. But on cycle bloods? Never.
I just caught that you are a cycler instead of a B&C.

EQ sounds just as bad as an idea as DECA due to the long half lives and continue suppression.

in terms of nephrotoxicity. elevated BP due to a high RBC/HGB count can cause severe stress on the kidneys over time(cause damage). Would this still be "nephrotoxic" if HGB/HCT is under control? may not so.

I would maybe even advise to lay off of the any ester longer than testosterone E/C, simply due to the longer suppression from the half life.
But yeah, I’ve taken my body to a place where it shouldn’t be. I’m 6’3 and there was a time I weighed 130lbs at that height… I eat a lot man, the amount of food I have to consume to get up to 230lbs - 240lbs, shit just sitting at 220lbs I have to eat like a garbage disposal. So no I’m not at my limit, but I’m getting pretty close.
At 6'3" - that's not so much weight for height. I mean, you are not small, by any means, but tracking your food carefully will help get you over that hump when you decide it is time to go for it.

I know what you mean about the eating. I have been there, and I have been over 250 at three inches shorter than you, and I felt like food was up my throat to my mouth the whole time, so I understand, but now you know why some of the larger bodybuilders say that eating is the hardest part.

And if I did not track, then I did not eat enough, simple as that. It's easy to convince yourself that you are eating enough until you start tracking and realize what it takes to hit your targets each day.
So much much broscience in this thread. We now know you grow at the same rate with every AAS. Doesn't matter what drug you use. Mast and primo are actually approved for human use wheres boldenone failed at the safety testing. OP if that is you in your avatar no offence but you surely don't need 2g of gear to grow.
Like other androgenic steroids, BOL is classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in class 2A (growth promotors – steroids), as a probable human carcinogen (e.g. prostate and liver tumours), with a carcinogenicity index higher than that of other androgens, such as nandrolone, stanozolol and testosterone and is thus a banned substance (IARC Monograph 1987; De Brabander et al. 2004).
But they are also saying basically all steroids are probably human carcinogens.
I never knew it was investigated as other than a veterinary use - can you point me to the safety testing or tell me why it failed?
You need to search for Parenabol or 29'038-Ba.

In the 1960s and 70s researchers tested boldenone undecylenate several times on humans. Its name in those days was Parenabol or 29'038-Ba. In a 1968 study, fortnightly injections with 50 mg boldenone undecylenate had no adverse effects on the liver. [European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Volume 1, Number 2 / October, 1968.] Nevertheless, pharmaceuticals companies decided it would be better to confine boldenone use to preparations for animals. Research on humans stopped after this, so we now know very little about the effects of boldenone undecylenate on humans.

I can't remember specifics but there's studies showing 12.5mg a week caused some kidney or liver markers to raise in humans while it doesn't happen with other compounds like testosterone until 140mg per week. Might be statistically insignificant but we are running grams of this stuff.

The point is why choose it over compounds that have got human studies behind them and are approved for human use?