1000grams of equip and 1000 test a week

At 6'3" - that's not so much weight for height. I mean, you are not small, by any means, but tracking your food carefully will help get you over that hump when you decide it is time to go for it.

I know what you mean about the eating. I have been there, and I have been over 250 at three inches shorter than you, and I felt like food was up my throat to my mouth the whole time, so I understand, but now you know why some of the larger bodybuilders say that eating is the hardest part.

And if I did not track, then I did not eat enough, simple as that. It's easy to convince yourself that you are eating enough until you start tracking and realize what it takes to hit your targets each day.
Every morning I eat overnight oats that I make with 100grams of protein in it. I have 5 boiled eggs to snack on, 2 bananas, 2 protein bars. For lunch I either have a salad with cut up chicken breast or steak, chicken breast and rice, or half a Greek chicken, sometimes a whole chicken. I drink a protein shake after my workout and then for dinner I will eat steak, venison, or chicken; last night I ate a whole rotisserie chicken for dinner with a huge helping of rice and broccoli.

I never count calories, but have added up protein intake and I get between 250grams-300grams a day typically.

If I'm really trying to bulk I have a casino buffet with all you can eat prime rib and steak, an Indian buffet with all you can eat tandoori chicken, or a Chinese buffet with all you can eat crab and shrimp. It's actually cheaper for me to go to one of these buffets everyday, I'll sit there for a couple hours and force down 6-7 plates piled high.

In my picture here... peak high-school swimming I thought I was eating enough food and could only get up to 150lbs, so I learned then that I wasn't eating enough.

Yeah I'm a taller dude but that doesn't mean I can hold the same weight as other dudes my height, I was born with long and small muscle bellies and my bones will only let those muscle bellies get so big.20221220_091009.jpg
Every morning I eat overnight oats that I make with 100grams of protein in it. I have 5 boiled eggs to snack on, 2 bananas, 2 protein bars. For lunch I either have a salad with cut up chicken breast or steak, chicken breast and rice, or half a Greek chicken, sometimes a whole chicken. I drink a protein shake after my workout and then for dinner I will eat steak, venison, or chicken; last night I ate a whole rotisserie chicken for dinner with a huge helping of rice and broccoli.

I never count calories, but have added up protein intake and I get between 250grams-300grams a day typically.

If I'm really trying to bulk I have a casino buffet with all you can eat prime rib and steak, an Indian buffet with all you can eat tandoori chicken, or a Chinese buffet with all you can eat crab and shrimp. It's actually cheaper for me to go to one of these buffets everyday, I'll sit there for a couple hours and force down 6-7 plates piled high.

In my picture here... peak high-school swimming I thought I was eating enough food and could only get up to 150lbs, so I learned then that I wasn't eating enough.

Yeah I'm a taller dude but that doesn't mean I can hold the same weight as other dudes my height, I was born with long and small muscle bellies and my bones will only let those muscle bellies get so big.View attachment 176880
sounds like you are still consuming less than 3k calories a day. Rotisserie chicken is 1k total

just saying

I technically dont count calories either but I get a rough estimate of what I will need.
I ate probably .75 lbs of flank steak this morning with rice. Maybe about 600-700 calories. 1 protein poptart 180 cal. 1 slice of PB J(150). Its not even lunch time

Going to finish off half a pint of fairlife ice cream. probably about 225 calories in there.

I will have another .75 for lunch with rice. a full PBJ sandwich. protein poptart.

Just off the top of my head this is probably barely breaking 2.2k calories. my target is 4k. I will probably get some stuff from additional sources through the day. more protein shakes, etc.

If you are a hard gainer you should probably be eating more than me.

just food for thought, so you can eat that too lol
I just caught that you are a cycler instead of a B&C.

EQ sounds just as bad as an idea as DECA due to the long half lives and continue suppression.

in terms of nephrotoxicity. elevated BP due to a high RBC/HGB count can cause severe stress on the kidneys over time(cause damage). Would this still be "nephrotoxic" if HGB/HCT is under control? may not so.

I would maybe even advise to lay off of the any ester longer than testosterone E/C, simply due to the longer suppression from the half life.
Last time I ran EQ was the smoothest recovery, I just dropped it like 4 weeks before dropping Test E. Deca is a much longer Ester than enanthate and Boldene, that and it's a much more potent anabolic. So EQ or a long Ester test doesn't even hold a torch to how suppressive deca is and we haven't even gotten into prolactin issues that can arise throwing Deca into the mix.
I’m only holding off on Deca, I’ve used NPP twice now but with Deca being a much longer Ester it means longer suppression, and to my knowledge…strength of the compound + length of suppression = how much damage is done to spermatogenesus. Which isn’t going to fly for me right now as I’m trying to start popping kids out asap.

But yeah, I’ve taken my body to a place where it shouldn’t be. I’m 6’3 and there was a time I weighed 130lbs at that height… I eat a lot man, the amount of food I have to consume to get up to 230lbs - 240lbs, shit just sitting at 220lbs I have to eat like a garbage disposal. So no I’m not at my limit, but I’m getting pretty close.

That’s more reasonable, like I said, repeating last springs cycle isn’t totally off the table.

And I get a physical and full blood panel done after every cycle to make sure everything is good to go to get back on. But on cycle bloods? Never.
I had a kid on 900 deca/900 test it was a long cycle too. Timing wise he was conceived towards the end too....read up on epigenetics while your at it..
it means that Masteron gets similarly inactivated in Skeletal tissue like Dihydrotestosterone(DHT).

it's a relatively Weak anabolic. Still more Anabolic than injecting Pure DHT, but it is not more Anabolic than EQ.
No it doesn't, lol. DHT isn't anabolic at all. Guys who don't produce any DHT are noticeably more muscular than the rest of us, for the simple fact that their basal testosterone production is higher because none of it converts to DHT, which only acts as a masculinizing hormone, but isn't anabolic in any capacity.

It's important for a myriad of reasons, but certainly doesn't build muscle.

DHT derived steroids aren't even relatively comparable to actual DHT.
Equipoise is very potent at least for me
More potent than primo in terms of anesthetic round muscles etc veins and mass. But masteron is more potent in terms of drying effect.
Also Equipoise side effects are somewhat notorious for me vs primo and mast who just walk in the park.

I've run EQ to 900 (with 600 test and some mast).

No AI used or needed.

Worked great.

I can only imagine that at a gram apiece they might work so much better.

One caveat - that 900/wk, I got lazy and stopped donating blood on cycle. My red blood cells got so high that at the end of the cycle the blood donation center would not even take my blood. I had to drain my own blood (once a week several times) to get it low enough to donate . . . but, hey, I learned a new skill! It's not as tough as I thought to drain blood.

Yeah, I've always understood EQ as slightly more anabolic than testosterone, MG for MG. Not to discount anyone saying they didn't grow on it, individual response is definitely a thing when you're talking about dosages far beyond clinical dosages.

I just caught that you are a cycler instead of a B&C.

EQ sounds just as bad as an idea as DECA due to the long half lives and continue suppression.

in terms of nephrotoxicity. elevated BP due to a high RBC/HGB count can cause severe stress on the kidneys over time(cause damage). Would this still be "nephrotoxic" if HGB/HCT is under control? may not so.

I would maybe even advise to lay off of the any ester longer than testosterone E/C, simply due to the longer suppression from the half life.

This is the bit I believe most people are missing, and is probably the most important. Since OP cycles rather than BnC, EQ is a horrible choice.

OP, I think you should avoid any 19nors and anything with a long half life. 19nor metabolites are detectable up to a year after injection, and they're known to interact with random hormonal receptors in bizarre ways. This could potentially cause ED or sperm production issues even if all of your hormones look perfect.

I do think primo is a great idea for the cosmetic effect if you're lean enough. I would rate primo slightly below test in terms of anabolism, but it has this compounding effect where every injection seems to make the muscle really stand out and just look fucking awesome. It's a weird thing to try and explain, but it's very effective for overall aesthetic, as long as you're lean.

The single time I tried masteron (300mg per week) I hated it, lol. Didn't seem to contribute to muscle growth at all, and didn't give me the same drive in the gym I got from primo. It also impacted my lipids worse than test or primo, and didn't give me the feeling of well being primo gives me. I will say, though, it did have a nice cosmetic effect that seemed to rival primo, I just hated it for every other reason.

It's important for everyone to remember that individual response gets exponentially exaggerated the higher the dose. In a clinical setting, individual response is very minimal, because the doses are tiny and the environment is extremely controlled, but the more of a compound you run, the higher the likelihood of individual response, as well as the more exaggerated that individual response becomes.

There's no point in dismissing someone's anecdote and being a dick because they had a different response than you.

In my opinion, since op cycles and is wanting to make babies ASAP, clear time and recovery should be considered first and foremost. This basically eliminates all 19nors and certainly EQ.
No it doesn't, lol. DHT isn't anabolic at all. Guys who don't produce any DHT are noticeably more muscular than the rest of us, for the simple fact that their basal testosterone production is higher because none of it converts to DHT, which only acts as a masculinizing hormone, but isn't anabolic in any capacity.

It's important for a myriad of reasons, but certainly doesn't build muscle.

DHT derived steroids aren't even relatively comparable to actual DHT.
Was literally going to tag type 2 in this. Lol. By his logic it would be like injecting plain oil.
No it doesn't, lol. DHT isn't anabolic at all. Guys who don't produce any DHT are noticeably more muscular than the rest of us, for the simple fact that their basal testosterone production is higher because none of it converts to DHT, which only acts as a masculinizing hormone, but isn't anabolic in any capacity.

It's important for a myriad of reasons, but certainly doesn't build muscle.

DHT derived steroids aren't even relatively comparable to actual DHT.

you understand you are agreeing with me, right?

i never said DHT is anabolic i said the exact opposite. DHT and drostanolone both get similarly inactivated in skeletal tissue by 3HSD.
you understand you are agreeing with me, right?

i never said DHT is anabolic i said the exact opposite. DHT and drostanolone both get similarly inactivated in skeletal tissue by 3HSD.
Do you have any references saying that it is broken down by 3HSD?

Everything that I read says it doesn't get broken down by it like proviron or dht.

Everything literally says the opposite of your claims.
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you understand you are agreeing with me, right?

i never said DHT is anabolic i said the exact opposite. DHT and drostanolone both get similarly inactivated in skeletal tissue by 3HSD.
You said DHT derivatives (namely masteron) aren't all that anabolic because they function like DHT in the body, lol. Falsely implying DHT has some anabolism to it, and falsely implying DHT derivatives aren't effective for building muscle.

The exact opposite is true. DHT derived AAS are extremely anabolic, and DHT isn't anabolic at all. DHT simply masculinizes, which is extremely important in men. The funny thing is that some of the DHT derived steroids aren't all that androgenic.

In short, DHT derived steroids can be more anabolic and less androgenic than other steroids. Anavar is a perfect example.

I'm generally not this hard on someone for being wrong. Hell, we're all wrong sometimes and there's nothing wrong with that, as long as you're willing to learn. But you've been a condescending dick all throughout this thread.
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You said DHT derivatives (namely masteron) aren't all that anabolic because they function like DHT in the body, lol. Falsely implying DHT has some anabolism to it, and falsely implying DHT derivatives aren't effective for building muscle.

The exact opposite is true. DHT derived AAS are extremely anabolic, and DHT isn't anabolic at all. DHT simply masculinizes, which is extremely important in men. The funny thing is that some of the DHT derived steroids aren't all that androgenic.

In short, DHT derived steroids can be more anabolic and less androgenic than other steroids. Anavar is a perfect example.

I'm generally not this hard on someone for being wrong. Hell, we're all wrong sometimes and there's nothing wrong with that, as long as you're willing to learn. But you've been a condescending dick all throughout this thread.
He lost all credibility with the 3hsd comment. Amiright @Evom1 ?
You said DHT derivatives (namely masteron) aren't all that anabolic because they function like DHT in the body, lol. Falsely implying DHT has some anabolism to it, and falsely implying DHT derivatives aren't effective for building muscle.

The exact opposite is true. DHT derived AAS are extremely anabolic, and DHT isn't anabolic at all. DHT simply masculinizes, which is extremely important in men. The funny thing is that some of the DHT derived steroids aren't all that androgenic.

In short, DHT derived steroids can be more anabolic and less androgenic than other steroids. Anavar is a perfect example.

I'm generally not this hard on someone for being wrong. Hell, we're all wrong sometimes and there's nothing wrong with that, as long as you're willing to learn. But you've been a condescending dick all throughout this thread.

When did i say DHT derivatives? i am taking about Masteron/Drostanolone.

I am not talking about Anavar, Winstrol, Anadrol, Superdrol, etc.

i simply said Masteron like DHT gets inactivated in skeletal tissue. 3HSD renders Mast inactive SIMILARLY to DHT.

Anavar, anadrol, superdrol, winstrol are all very anabolic. i am only talking about masteron.

We were talking about EQ vs Masteron. My point still stands EQ is a more anabolic compound than masteron.
Every morning I eat overnight oats that I make with 100grams of protein in it. I have 5 boiled eggs to snack on, 2 bananas, 2 protein bars. For lunch I either have a salad with cut up chicken breast or steak, chicken breast and rice, or half a Greek chicken, sometimes a whole chicken. I drink a protein shake after my workout and then for dinner I will eat steak, venison, or chicken; last night I ate a whole rotisserie chicken for dinner with a huge helping of rice and broccoli.

I never count calories, but have added up protein intake and I get between 250grams-300grams a day typically.

If I'm really trying to bulk I have a casino buffet with all you can eat prime rib and steak, an Indian buffet with all you can eat tandoori chicken, or a Chinese buffet with all you can eat crab and shrimp. It's actually cheaper for me to go to one of these buffets everyday, I'll sit there for a couple hours and force down 6-7 plates piled high.

In my picture here... peak high-school swimming I thought I was eating enough food and could only get up to 150lbs, so I learned then that I wasn't eating enough.

Yeah I'm a taller dude but that doesn't mean I can hold the same weight as other dudes my height, I was born with long and small muscle bellies and my bones will only let those muscle bellies get so big.View attachment 176880
lol. I LOVE the before pic. For comparison, I was 140 in high school after two years of lifting weights like an animal and eating what I thought was everything in sight. I wish I had kept more pics from back in those days.

After reading your ad hoc diet, I have two comments. That is a lot of reliance on processed protein. 100 grams in the morning in your oats and nasty protein bars at lunch. A protein shake after your workout. That's a bunch of unreliable crap, to be honest.

So my first comment: I would encourage you to rely more on real food. Leave the protein powder maybe for one post workout shake or something (esp. if you decide to use insulin). Get your 300 grams from meat and eggs. At 6 meals, that is only 50 grams per meal. It's just math.

My second comment: Track and you will grow. Period.

You are eating what you feel like. You "feel like" it is a lot, but you don't really know if it is, consistently, on a daily basis.

Track everything and hit your targets.

Next bulk, enough test, deca, and anadrol toward the end to support your goal, and then each meal track your calories. Hit 300-350 grams of protein daily (see comment one), around 80-100 fats, and go for it on the carbs, stuffing in oats, rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes run them high until you feel like you are putting on too much fat, then pull them back some.

Maybe start around -
350 grams protein = 1400 calories
100 grams fats . . = 900 calories
600 grams carbs. = 2400 calories

so 4700 to start.

If you weight the same in two weeks, then increase to 5000. You MUST track, or you won't be able to make a 300 calorie daily change. That is only 75 grams of carbs. Divided over 6 meals, that is like 12.5 grams of carbs each meal, I mean, that's like a quarter cup of jasmine rice, almost nothing. If you are not tracking, then you cannot do this.

In two weeks, if you gained weight, great. If not, then add another 300 calories.

And so on.

You are NOT maxed out at 230 (220-240) pounds, especially not at 6'3" (and especially not off season bulk weight).

You will put on weight if you do this, guaranteed.

It just takes a little discipline.
Are you one of them guys who blames all his issues on gear?

You assume just by throwing more gear into the mix you automatically become bigger instead of going all out in the gym and pushing yourself to the limit.

No man on earth should take that much gear, it doesn’t even work after a certain point it just spills over like a glass of water you’ve overfilled.

Your asking for trouble is all I’m saying.

Flip me man just stay on a normal cycle for 6 months and give it time.

I think your lying though, no one can be that daft.
Anabolism Spills over and side effects still grow
My point is that your body can only grow so fast. Too much isn’t necessarily a good thing.

I genuinely think people get greedy with gains, enough is never enough.

It’s good for motivation but once it gets to the stage of adding in buckets of gear it’s time to re evaluate things.

I’m a strong advocate for safety with AAS.