
Hello fellas. Im looking for educational advice for my upcoming "blast" which revolves around a large PCT, non suppressant drugs and finally natural remedies (mostly following vigerioussteves' natural HPTA supplement suggestions).

About myself: Been BnC'ing for the past 10 years. Just turned 29 and I want to attempt to completely restore my HPTA and stay away from AAS and other HPTA suppressants.
I live in Denmark where you simply cant hit up your doctor or endocrinologist and expect TRT or HCG therapy. The reference range of testosterone in Denmark is 11 - 34 nmol/L.
A doctor would tell someone like myself who wants to come off and restore HPTA function to go completely clean and NOT DO A PCT (since its "an extension of my steroid abuse"). If i managed to get TRT by being clean for several years and still not being within the reference range they would offer me 250mg e14d which is absolutely fucking retarded medical practice, but hey thats how they do it here. My country is ages behind the western hormonal practice of male androgen therapy.
Another fun fact: In Denmark 99% of gyms are subscribed to Anti Doping Denmark (ADD). This organization will have their drug testers show up in the centers and require a urine sample if you look too big and menacing (or you will get banned from all centers if you deny it). If the sample shows signs of androgens you will be banned from the remaining 99% of gyms in Denmark. Absolutely grotesque.

My entire PCT will be logged and posted on MESO with complete blood tests. It consist of:

6 months of HCG 1000 units ED + aromasin dialed in accordingly.
Followed by daily enclomiphene and tamoxifene for another 2 months

During this time and afterwards I want to run anabolic agents WHICH ARE NON SUPPRESANT TOWARDS MY HPTA. I am still looking for suggestions so please HIT ME UP GUYS! EDUCATE ME! I am not interested in AAS anymore. Ideally I would run stuff like:

Enclomiphene for additional LH and testosterone.
HGH + insulin
Injectable L-Carnitine and glutathione.
Possibly non suppressant peptides? LOOKING FOR SUGGESTIONS. Educate me, please-
VigerousSteve "FULL NATTY HPTA PROTOCOL": KSM-66, Fadogia Agrestis, Boron, Vitamin C, D3 and E. Magnesium Bisglycinnate, Selenium, Taurine and zinc. (Tongkat Ali is not legal either).

I have no interest in coming back on. Its been a wonderful 10 years of blasting all sorts of anabolics but as of now im only interested in restoring my HPTA.
Looking for feedback and educational advice. I will still be working out and dieting but I have no desire to look like a bodybuilder anymore. Simply a new chapter.
Thanks, please give me feedback be positive or negative.
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I know you will hate this question, but since you've been suppressed for so long, it's highly unlikely to get back to feeling normal again. You will feel miserable for a long time and you might not even recover with the PCT.

So i'm curious, why don't you spare yourself that headache and just do TRT with Test U once every 10-14 days instead? It's easy to find pharma bayer nebido Test U and pinning it so infrequently won't bother you at all.

I respect your decision of going completely off, but for me the decision of being on TRT for the rest of your life is something you already took and knew the risks, before you started all of this, or at the very least when you started blasting 19nors. And you're almost 30 years old, so it's not too bad of an idea.

Also you don't want to look like a bodybuilder anymore, but still interested in taking HGH + insulin?
I know you will hate this question, but since you've been suppressed for so long, it's highly unlikely to get back to feeling normal again. You will feel miserable for a long time and you might not even recover with the PCT.

So i'm curious, why don't you spare yourself that headache and just do TRT with Test U once every 10-14 days instead? It's easy to find pharma bayer nebido Test U and pinning it so infrequently won't bother you at all.

I respect your decision of going completely off, but for me the decision of being on TRT for the rest of your life is something you already took and knew the risks, before you started all of this, or at the very least when you started blasting 19nors. And you're almost 30 years old, so it's not too bad of an idea.

Also you don't want to look like a bodybuilder anymore, but still interested in taking HGH + insulin?
So iv ordered so much shit over the years that several addresses are already blacklisted. Im done with this game of cat and mouse. Iv had too many packages caught in customs and too many addresses burnt for me to continue to order androgens home. I just want peace at this point, no more illegal packages. Danish customs are something else.

It is my understanding that HGH + Insulin wont have the same hyper anabolic effect when you are not on androgens. It mostly comes down to me having a shit ton of HGH left and I cant make myself throw it out like i did with all my AAS. Thanks for your reply tho i appreciate it.

