MESO-Rx Exclusive President Obama designates Asia Pharma owner under Kingpin Act


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President Obama just escalated the war on steroids by designating the Asia Pharma owner under the Kingpin Act. (And the WSJ confirmed that Mihael Karner is the owner of Asia Pharma.)

WSJ: "Hundreds of websites advertising the steroids are managed in Malaysia under his umbrella company, which is called Asia Pharma...

"Treasury’s spokesman said that though his trafficking organization has been disrupted, Karner continues to operate from Slovenia."

President Obama Escalates War on Steroids - Targets Asia Pharma Owner with Kingpin Act
Well now AP is the most infamous UGL in all the land. Congrats. World Pharma is on the radar for sure. What does Matthew Jasper have to say about this?
fucking disgusting waste of money. because of these dildo hoppers I started on 'legal' PH and ended up feeling like my liver had been used for a Heavyweight punching bag.

Really though, this type of ridiculous political bullshit won't stop until a Libertarian president is elected, which probably won't happen for another couple decades. There are way too many old asses around that still subscribe to the two party system and fail to see it for what it actually is.
thats politics...and ap's pricey anyway from what I have seen plus I'm outta the aas use for good
The laws of man are in place to control the populace, generate money for the government, to punish those making money without paying taxes and very small portion of laws are for our general safety.

Maybe I'm a cynic.

These guys (dealers/distributors) that get busted should be fined (taxed) and assets frozen or taken or whatever it needs so that the government feels like they were duly compensated.

We have terrorist bombers and much more dangerous criminal elements to worry about...some guy selling shit via website..."Let's drop everything and get that guy"

Of course I am biased.
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The laws of man are in place to control the populace, generate money for the government, to punish those making money without paying taxes and very small portion of laws are for our general safety.

Maybe I'm a cynic.

These guys (dealers/distributors) that get busted should be fined (taxed) and assets frozen or taken or whatever it needs so that the government feels like they were duly compensated.

We have terrorist bombers and much more dangerous criminal elements to worry about...some guy selling shit via website..."Let's drop everything and get that guy"

Of course I am biased.

The gov't already does this. They started with Al Capone and haven't looked back since.
These guys (dealers/distributors) that get busted should be fined (taxed) and assets frozen or taken or whatever it needs so that the government feels like they were duly compensated.

The gov't already does this. They started with Al Capone and haven't looked back since.

It could be done so much more efficiently if the government legalized and regulated.
Prohibition-based drug policy made them what they are today.
This. Why do you think cartels were going to dispensaries in California for the sole purpose of killing people? They know that legalization would be their demise.

Treating drug use by throwing people in jail is about the modern equivalent of bloodletting to cure disease. If we spent a small fraction on treating addicts as we do on incarcerating them we would be substantially better off.
Eh my family has a lot of drug addicts in it. Some are dead, some are sober, and some are sober a few months, using a few months, rinse and repeat.

One of them has been to rehab over 30 times. You can give someone the keys to world in rehab, but if they aren't ready to get clean, it won't help. It's just a 30 day detox/whatever.

Prohibition doesn't help, incarceration doesn't help, and rehab doesn't work unless the user is ready to get clean. Rehab has like a 95% failure rate.

The whole system is a sham, and that's why I take the libertarian view of it's your body, put whatever you want in it. Just don't come crying to me when you realize dope is BAD. Or, in our case, that taking a gram of tren a week for years on end isn't going to cause SOME kind of bad health effects down the road. Buyer Beware!
Prohibition doesn't help, incarceration doesn't help, and rehab doesn't work unless the user is ready to get clean. Rehab has like a 95% failure rate.

The whole system is a sham...

this is so painfully obvious and yet the general population will not understand it. when I was a drug user I 'quit' for a minute here and there. I never quit cause 'its illegal', thats for sure. rehab didnt work for me until i was good and ready (read: burned bridges, scorched earth lifestyle, 140lbs soaking wet, etc...) and now that I have some distance from all that it seems even more obvious that the system is so flawed.
I hate the conspiracy theories BUT: since no logical argument can be made that the 'war' is working, why continue? Is it because its a continuous cash generating beast? A great political platform (tough on crime, repeat offenders, blah blah blah) to lather on the masses of 'normal' people? I dont know but it seems like it sometimes.
this is so painfully obvious and yet the general population will not understand it. when I was a drug user I 'quit' for a minute here and there. I never quit cause 'its illegal', thats for sure. rehab didnt work for me until i was good and ready (read: burned bridges, scorched earth lifestyle, 140lbs soaking wet, etc...) and now that I have some distance from all that it seems even more obvious that the system is so flawed.
I hate the conspiracy theories BUT: since no logical argument can be made that the 'war' is working, why continue? Is it because its a continuous cash generating beast? A great political platform (tough on crime, repeat offenders, blah blah blah) to lather on the masses of 'normal' people? I dont know but it seems like it sometimes.
The House I Live In is an excellent documentary on the war on drugs and why it exists. It has a 95% on Rotten Tomatoes.

[ame=]The House I Live In Official Trailer #1 (2012) Drugs Documentary Movie HD - YouTube[/ame]
definately gonna be checking that out, even though I know it will just make me feel sick inside seeing this fucking exposed. sigh....
Malaysia's Federal Narcotic Crime Investigation Department (NCID) is investigating Asia Pharma:

Federal Narcotic Crime Investigation Department (NCID) deputy director Deputy Comm Datuk Haris Wong Abdullah said these serious allegations were brought to his attention recently.

"Our department is at war with drug smuggling syndicates and we are constantly conducting efforts to cripple them.

"We are investigating information we have received about this syndicate and will take stern action to stop its activities if these allegations are substantiated," he said when contacted Tuesday.