Quick rundown.
5’ 11”. Weighed 125 when graduating HS. Lifted on and off 14-18.
22-26 went from 125 to 180 natty. Lift got busy. Married. Home ownership. Business owner. Kid. Etc etc.
Was miserable for years. Did a lot to try and come out of it Ended up having low t. Debated TRT for 2 years. Finally hopped on through a clinic. Learned ropes and went UGL.
When I finally got my shit together I went from 140 to 219.
4-4500 cal. Training heavy and hard 6 days a week. Test, some low dose deca/npp & dbol.
Goal is 235-240. 10-12% bf. Blue cutoff off pic was peak natty
5’ 11”. Weighed 125 when graduating HS. Lifted on and off 14-18.
22-26 went from 125 to 180 natty. Lift got busy. Married. Home ownership. Business owner. Kid. Etc etc.
Was miserable for years. Did a lot to try and come out of it Ended up having low t. Debated TRT for 2 years. Finally hopped on through a clinic. Learned ropes and went UGL.
When I finally got my shit together I went from 140 to 219.
4-4500 cal. Training heavy and hard 6 days a week. Test, some low dose deca/npp & dbol.
Goal is 235-240. 10-12% bf. Blue cutoff off pic was peak natty