145 to 197 in 4 months: Now looking for advice

Hydrostatic weight

I’m with you.. but 1. Where are you going to get hydrostatically weighed and 2. Why..? If it’s water it just goes away when the drugs are gone if it’s muscle it’ll still be there. It’s obvious dudes added some real tissue, even if there is lots of water. It’s not like he turned into a fat slob

It’s very difficult for even Ramy to put on that much muscle in a year let alone 4 months so it’s highly unlikely that he has synthesized that much muscle

Well, big ramy is just about tapped out. He’s at a level where it takes massive amount of drugs and food and training and sacrifice to add anything. This dude is not.

ALSO, this dude has the perfect storm going for him.

1. Good genetics in response to gear
2. He used to lift and made good progress natty
3. Took a very long hiatus
4. Came back and used drugs

That’s like the ULTIMATE get biggger quick set up.
I’m with you.. but 1. Where are you going to get hydrostatically weighed and 2. Why..? If it’s water it just goes away when the drugs are gone if it’s muscle it’ll still be there. It’s obvious dudes added some real tissue, even if there is lots of water. It’s not like he turned into a fat slob

Well, big ramy is just about tapped out. He’s at a level where it takes massive amount of drugs and food and training and sacrifice to add anything. This dude is not.

ALSO, this dude has the perfect storm going for him.

1. Good genetics in response to gear
2. He used to lift and made good progress natty
3. Took a very long hiatus
4. Came back and used drugs

That’s like the ULTIMATE get biggger quick set up.
Many colleges offer hydrostatic weighing. I’ve done it and what a difference. I did it precontest after getting inconsistent results from other impedance based measurements. It was reading me at 12% but i knew that was way off. Hydro results were 5%.

Yes he is in a perfect storm but in terms of dialing in what he is doing, you’d want to know exactly the type of gains he’s getting. Muscle, bone, fat etc…. That would also show him what PED’s to go with and have a measurable response. No point is weighing 200 lbs if it’s mostly water gains. At least that’s how i would see it. I’d want to have an idea of what my body is going to do once i start cutting and much can i anticipate in water loss from changing up gear.
Hydrostatic weight will be more accurate to determine body fat testing. I’m not really sure how water retention reflects on hydro methods. Water retention is a major side effect of anadrol.

It’s very difficult for even Ramy to put on that much muscle in a year let alone 4 months so it’s highly unlikely that he has synthesized that much muscle. As far as muscle density is concerned, that’s a definite! You can see the difference between new muscle vs mature muscle. The hardness and dryness only comes with mature muscle. The yo yo effect is much less with mature muscle density.

I get hydrostatic dipped every few months. There's a truck that comes around and charges $35 per dip. Super handy.

Water weight shows up as lean mass. Body density = Wa / (((Wa - Ww) / Dw) - (RV + 100cc)), where Wa = body weight in air (kg), Ww = body weight in water (kg), Dw = density of water, RV = residual lung volume, and 100cc is the correction for air trapped in the gastrointestinal tract. Basically: fat floats, the rest does not. Water weighs just as much as water, so water retention shows up as lean mass.
results from other impedance based measurements. It was reading me at 12% but i knew that was way off. Hydro results were 5%.
Impedance testing is wildly inaccurate. Those InBody scans, "bodyfat scales" etc that you can buy for personal use, anything that uses impedance is just garbage. Hydrostatic, "bod-pod" (air-displacement) and MRI-based or DEXA scanning are the gold standard.

The InBody scan regularly has me at 21% bodyfat when hydrostatic has me at 12%. It's the reverse for my wife, the InBody will have her about 6% leaner than what she actually is on a hydrostatic.
Impedance testing is wildly inaccurate. Those InBody scans, "bodyfat scales" etc that you can buy for personal use, anything that uses impedance is just garbage. Hydrostatic, "bod-pod" (air-displacement) and MRI-based or DEXA scanning are the gold standard.

The InBody scan regularly has me at 21% bodyfat when hydrostatic has me at 12%. It's the reverse for my wife, the InBody will have her about 6% leaner than what she actually is on a hydrostatic.
Yes. I’ve seen similar results. My buddy kept coming in at 9% and was clearly not. Once he did hydro it was actually 17% lol
500mg/20mg dbol blast.

I only track calories and protein as I’m bulking. Calories are 4200-4500 & protein is 220-250 grams.

About 10 weeks or so into the blast. For the past 1-2 weeks I’ve been stuck, fluctuating between 193-198lbs. I can’t not see my macros pushing me into the 2s. My goal is 220 and then cut.
Well, start really tracking. I do not know how you are tracking calories without tracking carbs and fats, but start tracking.

And if you have been eating 4200, then add a few hundred calories.

If you want to add 400 calories, then that is 100 grams of carbohydrates, which is only 20 grams of carbohydrates at each meal if you are eating five meals. Then you go from 4200 to 4600 calories, only by adding a very small amount to each meal (again, 20 grams of carbohydrates).

To put that into perspective, 20 grams of carbohydrates is 72 grams of Jasmin rice (cooked, not dry). That's two and a half ounces. See why I want you to track everything? This is a small amount of food that adds up over the day.

Tracking makes sure you are consistently hitting your goals.

Push for a month or so (you may have to push the food even higher), and maybe it is time for a break after that ( a real break, not 200mg a week).

Next cycle, testosterone and deca, 600/300, and start adding in food based on the scale again, 15-20 weeks.

You should not expect to add all of that weight all at once. 80-100 pounds are lifetime gains for many bodybuilders.

Don't ruin your health getting there.

And make sure this is worth it.

220 pounds is a lot of stress on the heart (it is, regardless of what others here say). What are you getting in return for that? When you turn 60, and you look back, even if you have high blood pressure and cardiac concerns, are you going to be glad you were 220 - 250 pounds when you were younger?
42lbs in 4 months is insane in itself. Might need to chill with the gear go back to trt dose and then hit another blast and up the Dbol next round. Your body hit a wall and probably needs a break. The most I ever gained was 23lbs on my first cycle. After that I was happy to gain 10 pounds with a stack of test/tren/winny/dbol/mast/eq
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42lbs in 4 months is insane in itself. Might need to chill with the gear go back to trt dose and then hit another blast and up the Dbol next round. Your body hit a wall and probably needs a break. The most I ever gained was 23lbs on my first cycle. After that I was happy to gain 10 pounds with a stack of test/tren/winny/dbol/mast/eq
Well said…. That was my thoughts as well
Well, start really tracking. I do not know how you are tracking calories without tracking carbs and fats, but start tracking.

And if you have been eating 4200, then add a few hundred calories.

If you want to add 400 calories, then that is 100 grams of carbohydrates, which is only 20 grams of carbohydrates at each meal if you are eating five meals. Then you go from 4200 to 4600 calories, only by adding a very small amount to each meal (again, 20 grams of carbohydrates).

To put that into perspective, 20 grams of carbohydrates is 72 grams of Jasmin rice (cooked, not dry). That's two and a half ounces. See why I want you to track everything? This is a small amount of food that adds up over the day.

Tracking makes sure you are consistently hitting your goals.

Push for a month or so (you may have to push the food even higher), and maybe it is time for a break after that ( a real break, not 200mg a week).

Next cycle, testosterone and deca, 600/300, and start adding in food based on the scale again, 15-20 weeks.

You should not expect to add all of that weight all at once. 80-100 pounds are lifetime gains for many bodybuilders.

Don't ruin your health getting there.

And make sure this is worth it.

220 pounds is a lot of stress on the heart (it is, regardless of what others here say). What are you getting in return for that? When you turn 60, and you look back, even if you have high blood pressure and cardiac concerns, are you going to be glad you were 220 - 250 pounds when you were younger?
I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought those gains were at a dangerous pace. Especially if it continues at that rate. He would definitely show LVH in the next 2-5 years