Looking for advice on stack

I recommend a few months off this “cycle” to educate yourself on AAS, ancillaries and the likes.

I honestly cannot tell if you’re trolling still. What you’re using isn’t a steroid.
I think you missed his posts where he explained what he was taking and his post about the AI had a typo so it came across like that’s all he taking
He’s taking:
240 Test E
180 Deca
120 EQ
Per week (split into 2 pins)
AI every 4 days

Is this correct OP?
Do you know how to do the math for figuring your weekly dosage? If not we can help
Also that is not a good beginner blast/cycle at all
Too many variables
Need to start with the basics and get that nailed down before adding

Also you need to figure out if you want to blast/cruise or PCT
You’ve got a ton of learning to do but fortunately you can learn here just keep an open mind when you get advice and don’t get butthurt because that’s usually when the learning stops and the arguing begins lol
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I think you missed his posts where he explained what he was taking and his post about the AI had a typo so it came across like that’s all he taking
He’s taking:
240 Test E
180 Deca
120 EQ
Per week (split into 2 pins)
AI every 4 days

Is this correct OP?
Do you know how to do the math for figuring your weekly dosage? If not we can help
Oh dang I didn’t realize I was replying to OP.
I’m retarded. I do 0.4 Test E 300mg/ml,
0.3 Decca 300mg/ml, 0.2 EQ 300mg/ml

Two pins a week. I was doing the math as if I was doing the maths as 4ml, 3mls, 2mls.

I’m gonna have to repost this question correctly. and I ain’t a troll lol just new to all this obviously and ignorant
Aus I thought finally someone who does whatever it takes…
I think you missed his posts where he explained what he was taking and his post about the AI had a typo so it came across like that’s all he taking
He’s taking:
240 Test E
180 Deca
120 EQ
Per week (split into 2 pins)
AI every 4 days

Is this correct OP?
Do you know how to do the math for figuring your weekly dosage? If not we can help
Thanks man yes that’s correct. And I th honk after all the replies I understand the math now. Appreciate you for real
Also that is not a good beginner blast/cycle at all
Too many variables
Need to start with the basics and get that nailed down before adding

Also you need to figure out if you want to blast/cruise or PCT
You’ve got a ton of learning to do but fortunately you can learn here just keep an open mind when you get advice and don’t get butthurt because that’s usually when the learning stops and the arguing begins lol
For sure man I’m definitely going to do my learning here, gonna start by some threads I was given in earlier posts sbd ima def save your post and come back to you once I done my due diligence. Good looks buddy
I'll explain what I'd do and why

Firstly, there's hardly any pint in doing testosterone and equipose as they're both test derivatives. The only advantage is the appetite increase from EQ which can be had far cheaper from using mk677 or ghrp6.

Secondly there's no need to do that much test. Test is a sex hormone that happens to build muscle. Not a specific anabolic steroid designed to build muscle. The amount of test you should be taking is enough to maintain sex drive, energy, drive, and have enough estrogen conversion to allow hypertrophy to take place and ideally allow hyperplasia to take place with hgh in your body be neuro and cardio protective. This is usually just above trt level or what many of us call "trt plus" which is 250-400mg per week in my opinion. If course to determine the amount of estrogen conversion in your Indivual body you'll have to get bloods done and adjust accordingly.

You can include some nandralone if u wish, if u need joint, tendon, and ligament healing. In which case if you're taking nandralone without a really good collagen protein you're wasting your money on the nandralone. I definitely wouldn't use deca. The half life is far too long for it to be at all user friendly. Use NPP and ull be far happier as it will kick in sooner and you'll be able to adjust dosages within 5 to 7 days not having to wait months. For NPP dosage, you don't need much. Anywhere from 25mg per week to 100mg per week.
For your main anabolic of this cycle you have two options. Masteron or Primobolan. Both will build muscle at the same rate but mast is around 2x cheaper so I typically go that route. I'd start at whatever your test dose is and run that for 3 or 4 weeks. Then begin adding 100mg every week until you reach 700mg per week.
The other issue is that mast and primo will block estrogen to a certain point. So you'll need to increase your testosterone slightly to compensate. The more mast/primo you take the more you'll need to adjust your test dose. Also you could take a combination of mast and primo if u prefer. Find what works best for you.
This cycle is repeatable over and over and is extremely safe long term.

Down the road you'll want to add in hgh also but there's not a lot of point in doing that as a pure novice bc ur learning so much about Ur body, it's best to learn one thing at a time. Limit the variables affecting how your body is changing.

Youll want to be taking an ARB called telmisartan which is a bp medication. Even if you don't have high bp you'll still want to take it for general kidney health, heart health, body composition, and limiting fluid retention.
Bloodwork NEEDS to be done before starting Ur cycle and ideally mid cycle and at the end. But at the end of cycle is okay unless it's been longer than 20 weeks. Then go every 20 weeks.
You may need ezitomibe which is a cholesterol medication if your cholesterol numbers get skewed. And maybe even a beta blocker like nebivolol to prevent LVH also.

Lastly, you want to begin tracking your food. Most people aren't eating as much as they think. Start tracking and adjust accordingly.

At your size I'd recommend
400g protein
100g fat
600g carbs

Thats a simple 4900 calories.

Dispurse that over 6 meals a day. Plus an intraworkout drink consisting of 14g EAA, 5g Creatine monohydrate, 5g taurine, 75g HBCD

Your preworkout meal should be
125g carbs
10g fat
75g protein

Postworkout meal should be
150g carbs
0g fat
75g protein

Then your final Meal before bed should be
30g carbs
30g fat
75g protein

Which then allows your other 3 meals of the day to each have
73g carbs
20g fat
60g protein

There ya go... That's a $200 consult for free
I'll explain what I'd do and why

Firstly, there's hardly any pint in doing testosterone and equipose as they're both test derivatives. The only advantage is the appetite increase from EQ which can be had far cheaper from using mk677 or ghrp6.

Secondly there's no need to do that much test. Test is a sex hormone that happens to build muscle. Not a specific anabolic steroid designed to build muscle. The amount of test you should be taking is enough to maintain sex drive, energy, drive, and have enough estrogen conversion to allow hypertrophy to take place and ideally allow hyperplasia to take place with hgh in your body be neuro and cardio protective. This is usually just above trt level or what many of us call "trt plus" which is 250-400mg per week in my opinion. If course to determine the amount of estrogen conversion in your Indivual body you'll have to get bloods done and adjust accordingly.

You can include some nandralone if u wish, if u need joint, tendon, and ligament healing. In which case if you're taking nandralone without a really good collagen protein you're wasting your money on the nandralone. I definitely wouldn't use deca. The half life is far too long for it to be at all user friendly. Use NPP and ull be far happier as it will kick in sooner and you'll be able to adjust dosages within 5 to 7 days not having to wait months. For NPP dosage, you don't need much. Anywhere from 25mg per week to 100mg per week.
For your main anabolic of this cycle you have two options. Masteron or Primobolan. Both will build muscle at the same rate but mast is around 2x cheaper so I typically go that route. I'd start at whatever your test dose is and run that for 3 or 4 weeks. Then begin adding 100mg every week until you reach 700mg per week.
The other issue is that mast and primo will block estrogen to a certain point. So you'll need to increase your testosterone slightly to compensate. The more mast/primo you take the more you'll need to adjust your test dose. Also you could take a combination of mast and primo if u prefer. Find what works best for you.
This cycle is repeatable over and over and is extremely safe long term.

Down the road you'll want to add in hgh also but there's not a lot of point in doing that as a pure novice bc ur learning so much about Ur body, it's best to learn one thing at a time. Limit the variables affecting how your body is changing.

Youll want to be taking an ARB called telmisartan which is a bp medication. Even if you don't have high bp you'll still want to take it for general kidney health, heart health, body composition, and limiting fluid retention.
Bloodwork NEEDS to be done before starting Ur cycle and ideally mid cycle and at the end. But at the end of cycle is okay unless it's been longer than 20 weeks. Then go every 20 weeks.
You may need ezitomibe which is a cholesterol medication if your cholesterol numbers get skewed. And maybe even a beta blocker like nebivolol to prevent LVH also.

Lastly, you want to begin tracking your food. Most people aren't eating as much as they think. Start tracking and adjust accordingly.

At your size I'd recommend
400g protein
100g fat
600g carbs

Thats a simple 4900 calories.

Dispurse that over 6 meals a day. Plus an intraworkout drink consisting of 14g EAA, 5g Creatine monohydrate, 5g taurine, 75g HBCD

Your preworkout meal should be
125g carbs
10g fat
75g protein

Postworkout meal should be
150g carbs
0g fat
75g protein

Then your final Meal before bed should be
30g carbs
30g fat
75g protein

Which then allows your other 3 meals of the day to each have
73g carbs
20g fat
60g protein

There ya go... That's a $200 consult for free
You seriously made my new year. Really appreciate you
You seriously made my new year. Really appreciate you
It's important to know the difference between effects and side effects. You don't need to "feel" a compound for it to be working.
Many people choose compounds like dbol, anadrol, deca, halo, tren, Clen, DNP, etc because they have lot of sir effects that the user can feel.

If you're growing on 500 mg per week of total steroids.. then tripling your dosage won't do much more than just create much more side effects.

And on that note, using oral compounds when you are prepping for a show is almost always a waste of time. We can use injectable compounds which are not only cheaper but far less liver destructive and get just as good of results if not better. If you are really attached to a certain oral compound (for instance I'm very fond of Superdrol) you can acquire injectable versions from any decent lab or simply brew it yourself.

Lastly, tren has been all the rage over the last decade or so. Tren is an incredibly unique compound and does several things that other compounds don't do. But again, these are only results that are needed for bodybuilding and strength competitions.

Usually tren was ran at 350mg per week to start (100mg EOD), then increases to 25mg per week(150mg EOD), and usually caps dosage at 700mg per week (200mg EOD). Although its most certainly not out of this world to push tren dosages higher and reach 1g per week or more.

Although recent tren studies have shown that around 90% of the results from tren are available at very very low dosages to the value of as little as 70mg per week (10mg per day). So if you find the NEED to use tren. Start at 70mg per week (10mg per day) and cap the absolute max dosage at 280mg per week (40mg per day). And Imo always use tren ace so you can adjust dosages quickly and easily and also discontinue use promptly if you have major health issues from it. If you used tren enanthate and it gave u crippling anxiety and you didn't notice until week 2 due to it taking that long to start working. If you discontinues right then... Ud still have 1 week of dosage escalating and anxiety getting worse before it even began a decreasing, which would take another 3.5 weeks to get relatively low and out of Ur system