Looking for advice on stack

I do 0.4 Test E 300mg/ml,
0.3 Decca 300mg/ml, 0.2 EQ 300mg/ml
If I am reading correctly then you are taking 240 mg/week of TE and 180 mg/week of nandrolone decanoate. Minus the boldenone this is more than enough for a beginner who has everything else in check.

Or just 250 mg/week test ester to keep it simple. What was your first cycle?
If I am reading correctly then you are taking 240 mg/week of TE and 180 mg/week of nandrolone decanoate. Minus the boldenone this is more than enough for a beginner who has everything else in check.
Yes that’s correct Thank you so much! Ok I’m gonna hit gym a little harder this winter and just force feed myself. See what I can do. My first cycle was the exact same as this one
No kids and not lookin to have kids. Could you lead me in the direction of where I can learn more about hormone stuff you’re talking about. Again you I’m legit mad uneducated on this as you can tell, I wanna read up on it. I take 0.5 of anastrozole every 4 days but that’s all I do regarding hormones I believe ?

I would start with these two threads so you have the basics of TRT/related in your knowledge bank. There are alot of links therein. Then build from there. Ask away as you have specific items you want more info on.

I would start with these two threads so you have the basics of TRT/related in your knowledge bank. There are alot of links therein. Then build from there. Ask away as you have specific items you want more info on.
You are awesome bro. Thanks
I’m retarded. I do 0.4 Test E 300mg/ml,
0.3 Decca 300mg/ml, 0.2 EQ 300mg/ml

Two pins a week. I was doing the math as if I was doing the maths as 4ml, 3mls, 2mls.

I’m gonna have to repost this question correctly. and I ain’t a troll lol just new to all this obviously and ignorant


He apparently made a massive typo

He apparently made a massive typo
I saw that after i made my post, however my stance had nothing to do with what he took, but against this:
Lol yeah I feel fuckin stupid, I hate posting on these forums cuz I really just wanna learn and do shit right but some of the comments I read makes me refrain from asking or talking about what I’m doing

my comments were against the mentality of "im being scolded, thats embarrassing, i just wont post anymore"

OP should take the scolding/critiques and learn from them and do better, rather than refraining from asking questions and learning nothing.

I WANT op to ask questions and learn.

I also want op and future readers to understand that sometimes theres tough love and not every single interaction is going to come with kids gloves and a spoon feeding,
I saw that after i made my post, however my stance had nothing to do with what he took, but against this:

my comments were against the mentality of "im being scolded, thats embarrassing, i just wont post anymore"

OP should take the scolding/critiques and learn from them and do better, rather than refraining from asking questions and learning nothing.

I WANT op to ask questions and learn.

I also want op and future readers to understand that sometimes theres tough love and not every single interaction is going to come with kids gloves and a spoon feeding,

Oh I 100% agree. Probably even 103% honestly.
Just wanted to make sure you saw it wasn’t 2700mg/wk lol

Decent primer for those starting. I'd argue against the high dosages recommended for beginners therein. 200 or 250 mg/week test ester with blood work confirmed TT/FT is plenty if you are training and eating properly.

Start with Test only so you understand how your body responds to this compound. See each cycle as a learning experiment if you go down this cycling approach. Obviously guys on TRT have the advantage as they never have any "downtime" at low/subphysiological Test levels. And of course cruise/ blast could easily be TRT+/blast especially nowadays.
Are you planning on PCT?
I don’t think he’s injecting anything. that’d be icing on the cake if he was using a stand alone injectable adex lol
I’m not trolling, also it’s the armidex it’s not injection it’s oral. Can y’all add to what the fuck I should be doing instead of like being keyboard warriors, I’m legit obviously in need of direction that’s why I post on here sbd guy have a total of two dudes giving legit advice and sources to help me. Then you have tough guys like you over here doin nothing but bitchin in a newbie.
I’m not trolling, also it’s the armidex it’s not injection it’s oral. Can y’all add to what the fuck I should be doing instead of like being keyboard warriors, I’m legit obviously in need of direction that’s why I post on here sbd guy have a total of two dudes giving legit advice and sources to help me. Then you have tough guys like you over here doin nothing but bitchin in a newbie.
Who told you to take that as a single product?

If you really wanna dip your toes in just run some Test.
Who told you to take that as a single product?

If you really wanna dip your toes in just run some Test.
Source I got thru my ex, I just trusted his judgement (and froM what little I know) I thought it was right. and hadn’t heard anything negative from other dudes he supplied in my vacation town, but apparently I gotta do more research. so what should I do or do you reccoment for PCT after this cycle is done if I’m gonna take a couple months off?
Source I got thru my ex, I just trusted his judgement (and froM what little I know) I thought it was right. and hadn’t heard anything negative from other dudes he supplied in my vacation town, but apparently I gotta do more research. so what should I do or do you reccoment for PCT after this cycle is done if I’m gonna take a couple months off?

I recommend a few months off this “cycle” to educate yourself on AAS, ancillaries and the likes.

I honestly cannot tell if you’re trolling still. What you’re using isn’t a steroid.
I thought you already confirmed this...

. I do 0.4 Test E 300mg/ml,
0.3 Decca 300mg/ml, 0.2 EQ 300mg/ml

Two pins a week

. I take 0.5 of anastrozole every 4 days but that’s all I do regarding hormones I believe ?

If I am reading correctly then you are taking 240 mg/week of TE and 180 mg/week of nandrolone decanoate. Minus the boldenone this is more than enough for a beginner who has everything else in check.

You are talking TE, ND, BU and anastrozole, correct?
Source I got thru my ex, I just trusted his judgement (and froM what little I know) I thought it was right. and hadn’t heard anything negative from other dudes he supplied in my vacation town, but apparently I gotta do more research. so what should I do or do you reccoment for PCT after this cycle is done if I’m gonna take a couple months off?

Step 1.
Next time someone, regardless of trust level, says “hey man. These drugs are awesome, you should take them”. Politely take the drugs home (because drugs). And then spend a while reading and learning.

How is this cycle #2 and you don’t know how to pct? That is so important. You should not only know how but have everything you need before starting.

You need to get this PCT thing sorted now.

Step 2:

If it were me I’d drop everything but the test. You’re gonna have a rough time trying to PCT normally having run such long half life drugs (after completing step one you’ll know all about half lives and clearance times and shut down).

You can read on here or ask or do it yourself with something like a steroid plotter found online when would be a good time to TRY and recover your natty levels, assuming you never got blood work before so who knows if you’ve actually recovered back to baseline or it wasn’t a successful pct.